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Momentum = mass x velocity

Momentum = jisim x halaju

Moves upward / Bergerak ke atas

Principle of conservation of
Increase / bertambah momentum
Prinsip keabadian momentum

Total momentum before collision and after collision is equal / speed of ball E
increases / jumlah momentum diabadikan / laju bola E bertambah
Gravitational potential energy to kinertic energy
Tenaga keupayaan gravity ke tenaga kinetik

½ mv2 = mgh
v2 = 2gh
v2 = 2 x 10 x 10 = 200
v = 14.14 m/s
Falls due to gravitational force only
Jatuh disebabkan daya tarikan
gravity sahaja
It will fall slower. Smaller g
Ia jatuh lebih perlahan. g lebih
Constant acceleration / pecutan seragam

Gravitational potential energy to kinertic energy

Tenaga keupayaan gravity ke tenaga kinetik
½ mv2 = mgh
v2 = 2gh
v2 = 2 x 10 x 10 = 200
v = 14.14 m/s

Same t / masa t yang sama

Lift force / daya angkat

½ mv2 = mgh
berat / weight v2 = 2gh
v2 = 2 x 10 x 120 = 2 400
Sesaran displacement v = 48.98 m/s
Masa time
W = Fs = 110 x 0.5
W = 55.0 J

F = ma
a = F/m = 110/10 = 11.0 m s-2

Force x Displacement / daya x sesaran

Gravitational potential energy to
kinertic energy / Tenaga keupayaan
gravity ke tenaga kinetik

½ mv2 = mgh
v2 = 2gh = 2 x 10 x 50 = 1000
v = 31.63 m/s

Gravitational potential energy

Tenaga keupayaan gravity Principle of conservation of energy
Prinsip keabadian tenaga
A property of matter that enables an
object to return to its original length
and shape when the force that acts
Sifat suatu bahan yang boleh kembali
ke panjang atau bentuk asal sekiranya
daya yang dikenakan ke atasnya

Exceed elastic limit

Melebihi had limit
15 – 10 = 5 cm
10 + 2.5 cm = 12.5
12.5 + 15 = 27.5 cm
10 + 5 cm = 15 cm
Normal reaction force/ daya tindakbalas normal

berat / weight 0

Gravitation force acts on an object

Daya tarikan gravity yang bertindak ke atas objek.
Tension/ tegangan

T = W = 200 N

berat / weight
At rest / pegun:
R = W = mg

Normal, R Up / naik: Down / turun:

R – W = ma W – R = ma
R = W + ma R = W - ma
= mg + ma = mg - ma

berat / weight
4.2 > 4.1

Berat, W / weight Normal, R

R = W = 50 x 10 = 500 N
Up / Naik:
R – W = ma
R = W + ma
= 500 + (50)(2)
= 600 N

Elastic potential enery
Tenaga keupayaan kenyal




Directly proportional
Berkadar terus

Directly proportional
Berkadar terus
a = v – u = 1.12 = 11.82 - 0
t t
t = 11.82/1.12 = 10.55 s

Rate of change of velocity

Kadar perubahan halaju
Starting block
Light, tight / ringan / ketat
Reduce air resistance Increase forward force at starting /
Kurang rintangan udara increase momentum
Tambah daya / tambah momentum
Spike shoes / kasut spike

Better grip / prevent slippery

Lebih cengkaman / elak tergelincir
T1 T1

W = mg = 150 x 10
= 1 500 N

The resultant force is zero

Daya paduan sifar
ϴ T1 sin ϴ + T2 sin ϴ = W
T2 sin ϴ
T1 ϴ
T1 sin ϴ
T1 sin ϴ T2 sin ϴ
T1 T2


T1 sin ϴ + T2 sin ϴ = W
High / tinggi

To support more weight / loadMenyokong lebih berat / beban

Large angle / sudut besar

To produce more tension in the cable

Hasilkan lebih ketegangan dalam kabel

Mass x velocity / jisim x halaju
• The number of passenger 9.1.1 > 9.1.2
• The damage of tyre in 9.1.2 > 9.2.2
• The number of passenger increases, the
total mass increases
• The higher the damage, the higher the
impulsive force.
• When the mass increases, the impulsive
force also increases.
• Bilangan penumpang 9.1.1 > 9.1.2
• Kerosakan tayar 9.1.2 > 9.2.2
• Bilangan penumpang bertambah,
jumlah jisim bertambah
• Semakin banyak kerosakan, semakin
tinggi daya impuls
• Apabila jisim bertambah, daya impuls
juga bertambah.
• Bahagian dalam topi dibuat
dari bahan yang lembut
• Mengurangkan daya impuls /
menambahkan masa impak
• The inner part of helmet is made of soft • Bahagian luar topi dibuat dari
material bahan kuat.
• Reduces impulsive force // increase time • Tidak mudah pecah semasa
of impact perlanggaran.
• The outer part of helmet made of strong
• Does not easily break during collision.
Modification Reason
Frame: strong / lighter / low Does not easily break / bigger
mass / jisim kecil / ringan / kuat acceleration / lighter / ringan /
tidak mudah pecah
Shape: aerodynamics Reduce air resistance / kurang
rintangan udara
High power engine / enjin High acceleration / pecutan
berkuasa tinggi tinggi
Wet condition: tyre tread / tyre More frictional force /lebih
has more grooves / tayar banyak daya geseran
Type of brake: disc brake Less heat to the brakes / shorter
braking distance / avoid skidding
Momentum M > momentum N before
collision / sebelum perlanggaran

Momentum M < momentum N after

collision / selepas perlanggaran

Momentum = mass x velocity

Momentum = jisim x halaju
Total momentum before is equal total
momentum after
Jumlah momentum sebelum dan
selepas adalah sama
Principle of conservation of momentum
Prinsip keabdian momentum
Elastic collision/ perlanggaran kenyal
• Front bumper long and made from
material easy to crumple / bumper depan
panjang dan dibuat dari bahan mudah
• Prolong the time of impact to
reduce impulsive force /
memanjangkan masa impak untuk
mengurangkan daya impuls
• Air bag released automatically on
impact / beg udara dibuka
automatic bila berlaku impak
• Reduced impulsive force exerted
on the driver/ mengurangkan daya
impuls ke atas pemandu.
Modification / pengubahsuaian Sebab / reason
Long rope / Increased time of impact
tali panjang Panjang masa impak
Elastic / rubber Absorb shock / extend without breaking
Kenyal / getah Serap hentakan / regang tanpa putus
Many safety lock / safety belt Prevent cord from breaking
Banyak kunci keselamatan Elak tali daripada putus
Strong cord Tali kuat Not easy to break Tidak mudah putus
Tight attire/ pakaian ketat Reduce air resistance / increase velocity
/momentum / kurang rintangan udara /
tambah halaju / momentum
Tight fitting shoes / boots rise Hamper ankles harness
up to ankles/ kasut ketat / Jaga tumit
bot sehingga tumit
• Elastic limit is the maximum force that
can be applied to a material so that it
can return to its original length or shape
• Had kenyal ialah daya maksimum yang
dikenakan kepada satu bahan supaya ia
dapa kembali ke panjang atau bentuk
• Diameter of the spring 9.1(a) > 9.1(b)
Diameter spring 9.1(a) > 9.1(b)
• Thickness of the spring wire equal
Ketebalan wayar spring sama
• Gradient of the graph 9.2(a) < 9.2(b)
• Diameter spring 9.1(a) > 9.1(b)
• The bigger the diameter of the
spring, the bigger the smaller the
gradient of the graph/ semakin
besar diameter spring, semakin
kecil kecerunan graf.
• The bigger gradient of the graph, the
more stiff the spring
Semakin besar kecerunan graf, semakin
keras spring.
• thicker spring wire is more stiffer
Dawai Spring tebal lebih keras
• The compression length is smaller
Mampatan spring kecil
• Smaller diameter of spring have
greater spring constant, k
Spring berdiameter kecil, pemalar
spring, k besar.
• More force to support bigger load
Lebih daya untuk menyokong beban
Modification / pengubahsuaian Sebab / reason
Elastic / strong / canvas Can return to original shape / does not tear
Bahan kenyal / kuat / kanvas Boleh kembali bentuk asal / tidak koyak
Material of frame: Strong Does not bend on high impact
Bahan rangka: kuat tidak mudah bengkok pada impak tinggi
Big size / Saiz besar Greater space / kawasan besar
Length of pole is short Low centre of gravity / stable
panjang tiang pendek Pusat gravity rendah / stabil
Net around trampoline Prevent people from topple down/
jaring di sekeliling trampolin Mengelakkan dari jatuh

Rope attach to the frame/ Prevent falling to the ground

tali dilekatkan ke rangka Elak jatuh ke tanah.
• Rate of change of displacement
Kadar perubahan sesaran
• Displacement sesaran
time masa
• Velocity bus: A > B
Halaju bas: A > B
• Gradient: A > B
Kecerunan: A > B
• Area under the graph: A > B
Luas di bawah graf: A > B
• The greater the velocity, the greater
the acceleration // velocity is directly
proportional to accelaration
Halaju berkadar terus dengan pecutan
• Constant velocity
Halaju seragam
• 0 – 3 h : constant velocity /
Halaju seragam
• 3 – 5 h : at rest / pegun
• 5 – 8 h : constant velocity in opposite
Halaju seragam pada arah
• Total displacement / jumlah sesaran:
120 + (-120) = 0
Modification / pengubahsuaian Sebab / reason
Have gear Pedal the bike easier no matter what the
Ada gear terrain/mudah kayuh basikal tanpa kira cerun
Strong frame Does not break on impact
Bahan rangka: kuat tidak mudah pecah pada impak tinggi
Light weight/ ringan Easy to climb height / mudah panjat bukit
Tread pattern on tyre Extra grip when braking
r berbunga Lebih cengkaman bila brek.
Wider tyres / tayar lebar More stable / Lebih stabil
Have suspension Shock absorbing / reduce effect of vibration
Ada suspension Serap hentakan / kurang kesan getaran.

Have light bulb / ada lampu Brighten the trail at night / terang waktu
• Total momentum before and after
collision are equal if there is no
external force acts on the system.
Jumlah momentum sebelum dan
selepas adalah sama jika tiada daya
luar yang bertindak pada sistem itu.
• The propeller absorb air
Kipas sedut udara
• The air is compressed in the combustion
chamber until high temperature
Udara dimampatkan dalam kebuk
pembakaran sehingga suhu tinggi
• The fuel is injected into the combustion
chamber and explodes.
Kerosin dipancutkan dan berlaku
letupan dalam kebuk pembakaran
• The gas exhaust produced is released
at high speed through the nozzel and
produces high momentum backward.
An equal forward momentum is produced Gas ekzos berhalaju tinggi dilepaskan
to push the plane / Momentum ke depan melalui nozel dan hasilkan momentum
yang sama dihasilkan;tolak kapalterbang. tinggi.
Modification / pengubahsuaian Sebab / reason
Small diameter of nozzel Gas moves out with high velocity
Diameter nozel kecil Gas keluar dengan halaju tinggi
Big propeller Suck more air into combustion chamber
Kipas besar Sedut lebih udara ke kebuk pembakaran
Type of fuel: Kerossine atau Mix with air in the combustion chamber
paraffin and will explode
Bercampur dengan udara dalam kebuk
pembakaran dan meletup
Big combustion chamber More fuel can be burnt to produce bigger
Kebuk pembakaran besar momentum / lebih banyak pembakaran
untuk hasilkan momentum besar
Because small diameter of nozzle, big propeller, kerossin @
Engine L paraffin, big combustion chamber.
Kerana diameter nozel kecil, kipas besar, kerosin @ paraffin dan
kebuk pembakaran besar.
Thrust / Tujah Drag / seretan

Momentum = (100) x 200

= 20 000 kgms-1
Momentum backward / belakang
= momentum forward / hadapan
= 20 000 kgms-1
A property of matter that enables an
object to return to its original length
and shape when the force that acts
Sifat suatu bahan yang boleh kembali
ke panjang atau bentuk asal sekiranya
daya yang dikenakan ke atasnya
• Compression distance: 9.2(a) < 9.1(a)
jarak mampatan spring: 9.2(a) < 9.1(a)
• Distance moved by trolley: 9.2(b) > 9.1(b)
jarak troli bergerak: 9.2(b) > 9.1(b)
• Elastic potential energy: 9.2 > 9.1
tenaga keupayaan kenyal: 9.2 > 9.1
• The compression distance is directly
proportional with the distance moved by
the trolley. Jarak mampatan spring
berkadar terus dengan jarak troli bergerak
• The compression distance of the spring
is directly proportional to elastic
potential energy. Jarak mampatan spring
berkadar terus dengan tenaga
keupayaan kenyal.
• The forces between atom are
attractive force and repulsive force
daya antara atom adalah daya
tarikan dan daya tolakan
• When the force is applied, the
distance between atoms decreases.
apabila daya dikenakan, jarak
antara atom berkurang.
• The repulsive force is acted on the
daya tolakan bertindak ke atas
• When the applied force is removed, repulsive force
pushes the atoms back to original position.
apabila daya dikenakan dikeluarkan, daya tolakan
menolaka atom balik ke kedudukan asal.
Modification / pengubahsuaian Sebab / reason
Springs arranged in parallel High elasticity /
Spring disusun secara selari Tinggi kekenyalan
Strong material for frame / steel Does not break easily / not rust easily
Bahan rangka: kuat / keluli tidak mudah pecah / tidak mudah karat
Low spring constant / To get more extension
pemalar spring rendah Lebih mudah meregang
Nylon // strong fabric Does not tear easily
r / kain yang kuat Tidak mudah koyak.
Has net around / bigger diameter Prevent children from slipping to the floor/
ada jaring di sekeliling / diameter Lebih stabil
trampoline yang besar
• Principle of conservation of
momentum / energy
prinsip keabadian momentum /
• The energy and momentum from the
first ball is transferred to the second
ball and then transmitted through the
balls at rest to the ball on the other end
tenaga dan momentum bola pertama
dipindahkan ke bola kedua dan
dipindahkan melalui bola lain yang
• When ball A is pulled and let to fall, it pegun ke bolah di hujung.
strikes the ball B at rest and it stop. • Momentum and energy is maintained
apabila bola A ditarik dan dilepaskan, in this system. So the last ball will move
ia hentam bola B yang pegun dan ia at the same velocity as the first ball.
berhenti. Momentum dan tenaga kekal sama
• The momentum of the ball is zero as its dalam sistem. Maka bola yang akhir
velocity is zero. akan bergerak dengan kelajuan yang
momentum bola sifar bila halajunya 0. sama dengan bola pertama.
Modification / pengubahsuaian Sebab / reason
The ball touch each other Reduce losses of energy which will reduce the
Bola bersentuhan antara velocity of the balls. Kurangkan kehilangan
satu sama lain tenaga yang akan kurangkan halaju bola2 itu.
Steel ball / Bola keluli Hard. Energy can be easily propagates through the
intermediate balls. Keras. Tenaga mudah
dipindahkan melalui bola
Two strings used Restrict the ball’s movement to the same plane
Guna dua tali Hadkan pergerakan bola dalam satah yang
High positon of the ball High potential energy and will change to high
Kedudukan bola tinggi kinetic energy. / tenaga keupayaan tinggi yang
bertukar ke tenaga kinetic tinggi.
Design Q The ball touch each other, steel ball, two strings, high position
Bola bersentuhan, bola keluli, dua tali, bola tinggi
• m1u1 + m2u2 = m1v1 + m2v2
(5)(0.8) + (3)(0) = 0 + (3)v2
v2 = 1.33 m/s

• m1v1 + m2u2 = 0 – (0.05)(0.8)

= - 0.04 kgm/s

• Impulsive force = - 0.04

daya impuls 0.05
= - 0.8 N
• Impulsive force / daya impuls

• The surface of metal block is hard

permukaan bongkah logam keras
• The time of impact is shorter/masa impak pendek
• The impulsive force is bigger/daya impuls besar

• Drop on soft surface

Jatuhkan di atas permukaan lembut.
Modification / pengubahsuaian Sebab / reason
Big mass of load Produce bigger force during impact.
Beban berjisim besar Hasilkan daya besar sewaktu impak

High position of load Produce high velocity when strike the pile.
beban tinggi Hasilkan halaju tinggi bila hentam cerucuk

Steel pile stronger

Cerucuk keluli Lebih kuat

Produce high pressure / easy to push the pile into

Sharp base of the pile
ground / tekanan tinggi / mudah tolak cerucuk ke
Tapak cerucuk yang tajam

Big mass of load, high position of load, steel pili, sharp base
Design Q
Beban jisim besar, beban tinggi, cerucuk keluli, tapak cerucuk tajam
W = mg = 50 x 10 = 500 N

mgh = ½mv2
v2 = 2 x 10 x 20 = 400
v = 20 m/s

F = mv – mu = 50(0 – 20)
t 0.5
= 2000 N

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