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3 variations of ohms law: V = IR, I = V/R, and R= V/I

I = Current = ampere
V = Voltage = volt
R = Resistance = ohm

1 ampere = 1 volt / 1 ohm

1 volt = 1 ampere × 1 ohm
1 ohm = 1 volt / 1 ampere

The Current I = V/R

The Voltage V = IR
The Resistance R = V/I

Series circuit:

RT = R1 + R2 + R3
RT = 3000 + 10000 + 5000 ohms
RT = 18000 ohms or 18k ohms

Parallel circuit:
RT = 1/RT + 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3
250 ohms 1/RT = 1/250 + 1/1000 + 1/1000
1/RT = 5/1000 + 1/1000 + 1/1000
1/RT = 7/1000
1000 ohms RT = 1000/7
RT = 142.857
1000 ohms

How much potential difference (V / voltage) is applied to a circuit carrying 2.5 amps of
current with 8 ohms of resistance?
V = 2.5 x 8
V = 20V
Quantity Symbol Definition Units
Voltage V Energy used to push Volts (V)
electric charges
around a circuit.
Current I The flow of electric Amps (I)
charge (electrons)
around a circuit.
Resistance R Opposition to the Ohms (R / Ω)
flow of electric
charge to the circuit.
Power P The rate at which Watts (W)
electrical energy is
being used.
Power = P = E/t E=Pxt P = E/t t = E/P

P = watts
E = joules
T = seconds

e.g. energy consumption of a 100w lightbulb used over 10 minutes

P = 100 W
T = 600

E = 100 x 600
E = 60 000 J
E = 60 kJ
Costing (Energy)
Cost = Power x rate x time
Cost = $ Power = kilowatts rate = kw/hr time = hours
How much would it cost to run a 100w light bulb for 10 minutes at a standard rate of $0.07

Cost = 0.1 x 0.07 x 0.167 = $0.00118

distance and displacement
Scalar: has a magnitude / size (e.g. 10 metres) NO DIRECTION, ALWAYS POSITIVE
Vectors: magnitude, defined by direction with possible negative values.

Distance: amount of ground covered. Simply add individual journeys / trips / legs
Displacement: difference between start and finish position.

X delta x = xf – xi = final position – start position

If someone walks 4km north, then turns 90 degrees and walks 3km east, the distance = 7km,
the displacement = 5km
Distance = d.
dtotal = d1 + d2
d = 4km + 3km
d = 7km

x2 = 4 2 + 3 2
x2 = 16 + 9
x2 = 25

Distance / Time
S = D/T = average speed (measured in metres per second / m/s)
e.g. if we travel 120 km in 5 hours, how fast are we going?
18 000 seconds 120 000 metres = 6.666666666 metres per second. Or 24km/h
If this speed is travelled, you will travel 96 000 metres in 4 hours. (96 km)

A plane travels 600km away from its base at 200km/h and travels back at 300km/h what is
average speed
32 5 200 + 200 + 200 + 300 + 300 = 1200/5 = 240km/h
5.26 = ?-0/7
A plane travels 600km away from its base at 200km/h and travels back at 300km/h what is
average velocity
Total displacement/total time
So 0km/h
Km/h – m/s, divide by 3.6
Acceleration – the rate at which an object changes speed
a = delta v / t = change in velocity / time.
u = initial velocity
v = final velocity
e.g. a motorbike accelerates from top rest to top speed of 210 km/h in 10 seconds. Define
a = v-u / t a=5.83m/s2 t=10 v=210km/h / 58.3m/s u=0m/s
a car travels at 21.3m/s to a stop in 4.4 seconds. What is acceleration?
a = – 21.3 / 4.4
a = -4.84m/s2
3 = 17.1w – 0 / 5.7

320000km/h over 2.7 days 64 hours and 48 minutes

88888.88888m/s 233280 seconds in this time
20735999998 metres
20735999.998 km

Starter review
Train travels 1500 m in 100 secs

Car travels 25m/s for 180 secs


A cheetah

Forces is any interaction between 2 bodies.
Contact forces:
- Friction: the 2 bodies have to be in contact for friction to take place. Happens when a
force directly opposes the natural force of an object
- Air-resistance: a form of friction that any object in the atmosphere experiences.
Non-contact forces:
Dependent on the distance between the objects / bodies.
- Magnetic:
- Electrostatic:
- Gravity (weight force):
Forces Diagrams:
E.g. A falling leaf; gravity is drawing the leaf to the ground. Air resistance works against the
force of gravity. Drag = air resistance forcing it upwards, gravity draws down, wind can act in
any direction

Another example, a rolling skateboard;

Driving force

Balanced forces:
Stationary: remain stationary.
In motion: constant speed.

Speed: you will either accelerate or decelerate.
Direction: potential to alter direction.

Free body diagrams – Review

- Show relative magnitude and direction of all forces applying on an object.
- Size of arrows depicts magnitude of the force.

Friction 180n Driving force


of car 500n

Time / Displacement – slope of line (gradient) defines VELOCITY

Constant Velocity

High Velocity Low Velocity

Velocity / Time – slope of line defines ACCELERATION a = delta v / delta


a) Calculate acceleration between the first 2 points.

a=v–u/t a=8–0/4
acceleration = 2m/s2

b) Calculate total distance travelled.

Acceleration from point a – b =
a = 1m/s2
point b-c =
a = 3 – 3 / 3 = 0m/s2
point c-d =
a = 0 – 3 /3
a = -1m/s2

distance = 3 + 9 + 4.5
= 16.5

a = acceleration = m/s2
u = initial velocity = m/s
v = final velocity = m/s
t = time = seconds / s
s = displacement = metres / m

Equations of motion
1. v = u + at
2. s = ut + ½at2
3. s = ½(u+v)t
4. v2 = u2 + 2as
5. s = vt – ½at2

A car is moving at a speed of 30m/s. It approaches an intersection and slows to a stop. If

acceleration during this process is -8m/s2, determine displacement of the stopping phase.
u = 30m/s
a = -8m/s2
v = 0m/s

v2 = u2 + 2as
02 = 302 + 2 x -8 s
S = 56.25m

An airplane accelerates down a runway at 3.2m/s2 for 32.8 seconds until it takes off,
determine displacement

a = 3.2m/s2 t = 32.8 s u = 0 s = ?
? = 0 + ½ x 3.2 x 32.82
s = 1721.344 m

a car travels at a constant speed of 18.05555556m/s over a distance of 3000m for the final
part of the journey, the car accelerates at a rate of 2.5m/s2. Total length of the journey is
4700m how long did the journey take?
t1 = 3000 / 18.05555556 = 166.154
t2 = 36.88 t total = 203.034
s = 1700
a = 2.5m/s2
u = 18.05555556m/s
1700 = 18.05555556 x ? + ½ x 2.5 ?2
v2 = u2 + 2as
v^2 = 326.00 * 8500
v^2 = 2771000
v2 = = 92.195
s = ½(u+v)t 1700=46.1 x t = 36.88
Ticker timer:
Device controlled through a vibrating pin on carbon paper to calculate velocity and
acceleration. Makes 50 ‘dots’ per second. Frequency = 50 Hz (50 hertz, or 50 vibrations per

the closer together the dots are, the lower the velocity. Can also show acceleration:

10 cm
11 dots
10 ticks
1 tick = 0.02 seconds (50 dots a second)
Ten ticks = 0.2 seconds
v = s/t
v = 10/0.2
v = 50
travels at 50 cm per second


0.5 1.5
Initial velocity = average between dot A and B = 0.5 cm
u = 0.5/0.02 = 25cm/s

Final velocity = average between dot C and D = 1.5 cm

v = 1.5/0.02 = 75cm/s

a = 75 – 25 / 0.1
= 500 cm/s2

Newton’s Laws of Motion

1. law of inertia; is in relation to momentum. An object at rest will remain at re/st. An
object at motion will remain at motion unless impacted on by an unbalanced force.
2. Force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration; F = ma; force on an object will
move the object in the direction of the force; F = force applied (Newtons) m = mass
of an object (kg) a = acceleration (m/s2)
3. For every action, there must be an equal and opposite reaction.

6. s = ut + ½at2

Specific heat capacity

Ammeters in a series circuit

Voltage is the same through a series circuit

Revision Topics:
- Definitions and units
- Graphing and interpretation
- Electrical circuit components
- Series and parallel circuit differences (pros and cons)
- Substitution
- Ohms law
- Total power formula
- Drawing circuit diagrams n̷̶̯͉̊̽̐ͦ͘ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ă̶̸̝ͦ͊̿͋͞t̴͕͖͓̀ḻ̸͈ͧ͑̓̓̀͡y̯̤͑́́̓́
- Total resistance, series and parallel circuits
- Power / energy costings
- Km/h -> m/s conversion (/3.6)
- Speed formula
- Force diagrams
- Newtons laws
- Equations of motion
- Net force
- Ticker tape timers
- Use of formulas

v2 = u2 + 2as
232 = 0 + 2 x a x 1.5

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