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Welcome To ELDOA

•“Learn by doing”

•“Be your own best


•“Get in the best ELDOA

position for YOU”

What does ELDOA stand for? ELDOA is French for
"Etirements Longitudinaux avec Decoaptation
Osteo-Articulaire" which translated to English is
"Longitudinal Osteoarticular Decoaptation Stretches" This
essentially translates to Longitudinal Osteo-Articular
Decoaptation Stretches (LOADS), which describes how the
exercises use the connections of various parts of the body
to carefully organize tension and produce a reduction of
compression (decoaptation) at a specific joint.

• “ELDOAs are advanced postural and

stretching exercises which effectively create
space between vertebra.”

• “The ELDOAs strengthen and normalize the

muscles that align the spine”

• “The ELDOA are very precise postures that target

a specific joint region to provide relief from pain
and restore balance.”
Why Is My Spinal Cord Important?

● Your Spinal Cord is important because without a spinal

cord, your brain and your body couldn’t communicate
with each other.

● The spinal cord is the pathway for impulses from the body
to the brain, and from the brain to the body.

● These impulses are different signals our brain sends and

receives from our bodies.

● The spine (or backbone) runs from the base of the skull to
the pelvis. It serves as a pillar to support the body's weight
and to protect the spinal cord.

● The spine is made up of a series of bones that are stacked

like blocks on top of each other with cushions called discs
in between to help absorb shock/load.
Characteristics of the Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar Spine

• Cervical Region(C1-C7)
-C1 the atlas, supports the weight and
movements of the head
-C2 strongest of cervical vertebrae
-spinal nerves pass through lateral grooves,
thus correct alignment for the cervical spine is
-nerves control many bodily functions and
sensory activities
-these nerves innervate back of the head,
neck, shoulders, arms, hands, diaphragm
-supports the head and enable diverse head
Characteristics of the Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar Spine

•Thoracic Region(T1-T12)
-connect with rib cage


-nerves directly connected with

muscles lying between ribs,
deep back muscles, front of
Characteristics of the Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar Spine

•Lumbar Region(L1-L5)
-help support the weight of the
-transmit this weight and the
movements of the trunk and
upper limbs to the pelvis and
lower limbs
-L5 most susceptible to
stress-related exercises
Characteristics of the Cervical, Thoracic, and Lumbar Spine

• Sacro-Coccygeal Region(S1-S5,
coccyx 4-5 fused vertebrae)
-sacrum serves as strong foundation for
the pelvic girdle
-coccyx small triangular bone consisting of
4-5 fused vertebrae
-2 nerve networks
-sacral plexus (L5-S3) and coccygeal plexus
(S4, S5, and coccygeal nerve Co1
-innervate thighs, buttocks, muscles and
skin of legs and feet, anal and genital area
As the ELDOA “creates space”, there are many health benefits!

Health Benefits
• Injury Recovery and Prevention
• Reduced Joint Inflammation and Arthrosis
• Delayed Disc Degeneration
• Increased Disc Hydration
• Increased Blood Flow
• Improved Posture
• Relief of Chronic and Acute Back Pain
• Relief of Neck and Shoulder Tension
• Improved Awareness and Overall well-being
• Improved Recovery Time for Sports and Training
• Reduced Forward Head Posture
• Normalize Disc Bulges
• Reduced Degrees of Scoliosis
• Increased Flexibility
• Improved Muscle Performance and Tone
• Normalization of Visceral Function
• Reduced Stress
Who Cares About ELDOA?
•So why should I care
about doing some weird
stretches and postures as
I am in middle
school/high school,
nothing can happen to
Posture and Gravity Line
Did You Know That
• 1- back pain is the most common complaint among adults
with up to 80% of the population suffering from some
type of back pain in their lives?

• 2- 71% of back surgeries fail?

• 3- Of the estimated $100 billion that lower back pain

costs the United States annually, two-thirds is due to lost
wages and lost productivity?

• 4- 90% people age 50 and up have degenerative disc


• 5- the ELDOA method can decompress your spine,

decrease your pain, and help alleviate your symptoms if
you are suffering from a degenerated disc, bulging disc,
herniated disc, or thinning disc?
Seated position with feet flat, hip width, and
knees at 90 degrees Progression 1

• Maintain a straight spine from the ground

lengthening up and pushing with top of head.

• Hold for 60 sec

Progression 2

• Seated position with feet flat, hip

width, and
• knees at 90 degrees
• Fingers spread, reach arms up
parallel pushing forward
• Maintain a straight spine from the
• lengthening up and pushing with
top of head.
• Hold for 60 sec
• Seated position with feet flat, hip
width, and Progression 3 Progression 3
knees at 90 degrees

• Reach one arm up parallel pushing to

the sky, other arm straight forward,
fingers spread

• Maintain a straight spine from the

lengthening up and pushing with top of

Stick bit toe up, leave other toes down

• Hold for 60 sec

Progression 4

• Seated position with feet flat, hip width, and
knees at 90 degrees

• Reach arms up parallel pushing to the sky.

Fingers spread

• Maintain a straight spine from the ground

lengthening up and pushing with top of head.

Stick big toe up, leave other toes down

• Hold for 60 sec

Progression 1 Progression 2
Seated position sitting with crossed

• Reach arms up with hands together

and pushing
to the sky

• Maintain a straight spine from the

lengthening up and pushing with top
of head.

• Hold for 60 sec

Progression 1
• flatten neck spine by tucking
your chin

• and looking your eyes down to


• Hold for 60 seconds

Progression 2
• Lying on your back tuck legs and
pelvis up, feet turned out
• so tailbone is off ground
• and flatten neck spine by tucking
your chin
• and looking your eyes down to
• Hold for 60 seconds
• Lying on your back tuck
legs and pelvis up, feet Progression 3
turned out
• so tailbone is off ground,
reach arms in
• external rotation straight
up from ground,
• and flatten neck spine by
tucking your chin
• and looking your eyes
down to pelvis.
• Hold for 60 seconds
•Lie on your back with legs up against wall or Progression 1
•supportive structure.
•Toes toward knees, ankles turn in, toes turned
•in, knees locked out
•Press tailbone down while reaching heals up
•Keep spine flat to ground including neck - so
•eyes should be able to see hips
•Hold for 30 to 60 seconds X 3 sets — best done
•at night before bed
• Lie on your back with legs up against wall
supportive structure.
• Toes toward knees, ankles turn in, toes
in, knees locked out
• Press tailbone down while reaching heals
• reach arms directly above chest with hands
open flat and fingers turned out
• Keep spine flat to ground including neck –
eyes should be able to see hips
• Lengthen spine by reaching everything
from pelvis (legs up wall and arms/head
reaching away)
• Hold for 30 to 60 seconds X 3 sets — best
done Progression 2
at night before bed
• Lie on your back with legs up against wall
supportive structure.
• Toes toward knees, ankles turn in, toes Progression 3
in, knees locked out
• Press tailbone down while reaching heals up
• reach arms over head with hands open flat
fingers turned out and bicep by ears
• Keep spine flat to ground including neck -
eyes should be able to see hips
• Lengthen spine by reaching everything
from pelvis (legs up wall and arms/head
reaching away)
• Hold for 30 to 60 seconds X 3 sets — best
at night before bed
Typical ELDOA Class
• 5-10 minute learning about the
spine and how the body works

• 5-10 minute warm-up

• 15-20 minutes to practice ELDOA
• 5 minute quiet cool down,
breathing exercises

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