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The article illustrates the disadvantages of e-cigarette.

The author’s tone is serious

and he urges to ban the usage of e-cigarette in Malaysia.

Firstly, e-cigarette should be banned because it attracts interest among students. The

increments are worrying because more and more students are smoking. In fact, 50

teenagers below the age of 18 years old start smoking everyday. They are attracted to the

new devices and want to try them out like e-cigarette devices which are flavored and more

attractive looking. Furthermore, the users vape in public places and tend to continuously

smoking till the last drop of liquid. This cause major nuisance. It contains less social stigma

so women tend to smoke the e-cigarette.

Moreover, other developed and developing countries have banned it, so should

Malaysia. E-cigarette has 3.6% of nicotine content and other dangerous chemicals which

cause lung cancer. According to University of Athens, nicotine is a toxic poison that is similar

to pesticides. It is sold as nicotine replacement but it contains many dangerous chemicals so

that explained why the World Health Organization said that e-cigarette is not proven yet to

be a replacement for nicotine addiction. E-cigarette are widely available online and offline

and there is no age limit when buying it.

We strongly agree with the author that e-cigarette has many bad effects

among us and we should ban the usage of e-cigarette because according to Wired, new

research correlates smoking from vapes to a plethora of health issues, including “asthma,

lung inflammation, MRSA infection risks and exposure to harmful chemicals”. Dr

Konstantinos Farsalinos from the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Centre tested the presence of

diacetyl and acetyl propionyl in e-liquid samples and they have been associated with the

development of respiratory dysfunction when inhaled. As we mentioned above, women are

more attracted to e-cigarette. Two million British people use e-cigarette because they are

seen as “safe”. Pregnant women who use e-cigarette may be harming their unborn babies,

new research shows. US tests suggest vaping damages the foetus’ nervous system, making
it as harmful as smoking tobacco. It may also reduce a new-born’s sperm count and damage

sperm DNA. Furthermore, users are vulnerable to the high risk of battery explosions due to

unconfirmed sources of e-cigarette. One such report was on CBS News where a man was

injured when his e-cigarette battery exploded.

In summary, we reaffirm our stand that e-cigarette should be banned in this country

for the sake of the next generation’s future.

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