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Edina Kurtovic

Assignment 2 - Definition

Course title:

      Critical thinking and Business ethics

Title of the assignment:

      Assignment 2

Submitted by:       Edina Kurtovic

Matriculation Number(s):      1910734011


Lecturer: Dr. Mag. Christin Vallinkoski MA

Institution: Lauder Business School

Hofzeile 18-20
1190 Wien

Vienna,       21.03.2020.

Edina Kurtovic
Assignment 2 - Definition

Definition of the word sweet

Sweet means to have the taste of sugar or sugar-like substances like honey. It is not sour or
One of the tastes humans can taste is sweet and the other four are sour, salt and bitter and
umami. The taste sweet distinctly differs from the other four tastes. The taste sour, salty and
bitter can leave you with a bad taste in your mouth, sweet cant. The only thing with sweet is
that some people like less and some like sweeter.  For example I drink my coffee with a lot of
sugar.  I usually put 5 teaspoons of sugar in my coffee.  I like it to be very sweet. Some
people drink it without any sugar. They don’t want it to be sweet at all.
Different food can be sweet. Almost all fruit can be sweet when ripe. There are also
vegetables that are sweet. For example, sweet potato is sweet, for which I don’t have a taste
for. Carrots are also sweet vegetables, and use them daily in my cooking.
Sweet drinks are something I dislike. I usually drink plain water. My opinion is that bought
sweet drinks have to much sugar in them. To much sugar can be unhealthy, and it can cause
diabetes. Honey is one thing that is very sweet but healthy. People with diabetes use it as a
substitute to sugar.
Sweet can also be used as a aroma. For example, when we say that a perfume smells sweet.
In business and finance or even people’s daily economy we sometimes use the term sweet
deal. For example, I got a sweet deal on my rent, meaning that I got a good price. To get a
sweet deal is expressing that we got some benefit or advantage in some deal  or transaction
that we carried out.  Sweet deal means a good agreement or good conditions in a
That is a sweet car. In this sentence sweet is used to express that something is appealing and
not ugly.
A person can also be sweet, sweet-tempered or sweet-natured. We use these adjectives
when we want to describe a person that is nice and has compassion. Lisa is so nice to her
friends. She is such a sweet girl.  Karl has a gentle nature, he is sweet-natured. Emma takes
care of the elderly on her free time, she is such a sweet person.
We also use the word sweet to approve something or to express that it pleases us. How
sweet of Eric to bring flowers.

Edina Kurtovic
Assignment 2 - Definition

Sweet can be used to express emotions. Eric has the sweets on Erica.
 He did it in a sweet manner. We use sweet here as an adverb to express indicate that
something was done in a pleasant manner. 

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