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Testing LEFT edge and RIGHT edge detect on Xcalibur45

These two scripts ( XCalibur45EdgeLeftTestPQS and

XCalibur45EdgeRightTestPQS ) do allow the engineer to test the
stability of the left and right edge detection.
Obviously a plate has to be loaded to run the edge detect test.

The plate to be loaded has to be defined in the console.

The groove position window allows to test the stability of LEFT or

RIGHT edge detect for a certain groove position.
The groove position value shown in this window is the current
groove position.

Left Edge detection Right edge detection

The above windows show the edge detect positions for left and
right edge detect. The difference between the MAX and the MIN
values shows how much the edge detection is stable or not. Good to
know is that 5080 units is equal to 1 inch ( 200 units = 1 mm ).

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