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Life Coaching Examination

Course Code: ICMF 1001



Date of Examination: JULY 2020

Time: 2 hours

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Answer All Questions

Write your answers clearly on the answer sheet provided

Section A: 20 % (Circle the correct answer)

Section B: 20 %

Section C: 30 %

Section D: 30 %

Total Marks 100 %

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Question #1: The responsibility to uphold coaching ethics lies with the;

A. Client /Coachee
B. Practicing Coach
C. Sponsor
D. Certification Institution

Question #2: The three most common types of limiting beliefs that can render someone dysfunctional

A. Think, feel, behave

B. Hopelessness, worthlessness, helplessness
C. Overgeneralization, all or nothing thinking, minimising
D. Hopelessness, irrational thinking patterns

Question #3: Effective self-leadership can also result in greater career success and satisfaction. The
ability to lead yourself rests on a foundation of four core practices which are;

A. purposefulness, mindfulness, reflection and practice

B. accountability, responsibility, goal setting and feedback
C. strategic thinking, creative thinking, analytic thinking, systemic thinking
D. none of the above

Question #4: …………………….. empowers coaches to recognise these subtle, unconscious clues so that
they can understand how their client is feeling. A Certified Coach can identify the self-imposed restrictions
the clients have put on themselves through unveiling the client’s mental map and working with them to
move forward.

A. Wheel of life
B. Nuero Linguistics Programming (NLP)
D. Cognitive Behavioural Techniques (CBT)

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Question #5: ………………………… is "the practice of intentionally influencing your thinking, feeling and
actions towards your objective/s"?

A- Self confidence
B- self-awareness
C- Self-leadership
D- Self-belief

Question #6: In this technique, a client makes a list of fears and then learns to relax while concentrating
on these fears;

A - Flooding
B - Systematic Desensitization
C - Modelling
D - Extinction

Question #7: This competency is about ability to be fully conscious and create spontaneous relationship
with the client, with engaging, transparent, flexible and confident style, utilizing intuition and inner
knowing, being open to not knowing and taking risks, shifting perspectives and seeking different ways and
possibilities to work with the client as appropriate and effective in the moment, using humor to create
lightness and energy, and demonstrating confidence in working with strong emotions.

A. Active Listening
B. Coaching Presence
C. Powerful Questioning
D. Establishing the Coaching Agreement

Question #8: Building a positive attitude is like holding a powerful torch that lights your life. People are
often too focused on their problems, difficulties and daily life. They focus on the problems, instead of on the
solution, and the more they do so, the more problems well up, because what you focus on grows. Which of
the following will NOT help to develop a positive attitude?

A. Always act with a purpose. ...

B. Stretch yourself past your limits every day. ...
C. Take action without expecting results. ...
D. Use setbacks to improve your skills. ...

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Question #9: In performance coaching, employees want feedback. They want an honest assessment of
their behaviour to help them improve their work. They know that if they listen to, and take action on, clear
and constructive feedback, their overall performance will improve. Successful employee retention and
promotion will result, and so will overall job satisfaction. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of
positive feedback?

A. Don’t use judgment as a means for feedback.

B. Focus on the behaviour, not the person.
C. Provide feedback from a neutral place.
D. Make it a one way communication

Question #10: this statements best describes which stage in team dynamics….. “This is the most difficult
and critical stage to pass through. It is a period marked by conflict and competition as individual
personalities emerge. Team performance may actually decrease in this stage because energy is put into
unproductive activities”;

A. norming
B. storming
C. forming
D. performing

Question #11: ……………………………… is a personality trait that is based on a person's belief that they
deserve privileges or recognition for things that they did not earn. In simple terms, people with a
……………………….. believe that the world owes them something in exchange for nothing.

A. Self-belief
B. Sense of entitlement
C. Self-awareness
D. Sense of achievement

Question #12: Retirement coaching is more important than ever because of the coronavirus crisis that we
are currently facing. As a coach which aspect of retirement coaching would you deal with first?

A. Deciding when to retire

B. Fear of what retirement life might be like
C. Economic considerations leading to forced retirement
D. Choice of secondary career

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Question #13: The young people of the 21st century face numerous challenges, which is these is most
common challenge in young people

A. Fear of the Unknown

B. Negative Self Talk
C. Unclear Values or Priorities
D. Self Confidence

Question #14: Which statement is not correct? Life Coaching can help empower teens and young adults

A. Find their personal power,

B. gain the confidence to grow on a day-to-day basis,
C. learn to achieve their greatest successes by thinking outside of the box and
D. reduce anxiety that can sometimes lead to addiction in teenagers and/or depression in young adults.

Question #15: Which is NOT a cluster element of Emotional Intelligence?

A. Self-Awareness
B. Self-Management
C. Physical Awareness
D. Social Skills.

Question #16: ………………………. refers to the ethical principle of not revealing information known to a
given party to unauthorized parties. This principle ensures secrecy among two or more parties who share
information to them.

A. Agreement
B. Consenting
C. Limits of Confidentiality
D. Confidentiality

Question #17: What are the 4 D's of time management?

A. delete, do, defer, declutter

B. delete, do, delegate, declutter
C. do, delete, defer, delegate,
D. decongest, delete, defer, delegate,

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Question #18: In managing ourselves around time, which of these is urgent and is important?

A. phone calls
B. tasks with impending timelines
C. attending to a doctor
D. writing an examination

Question #19: Which parenting style gives the following outcome – “The combination of expectation and
support helps children develop skills such as independence, self-control, and self-regulation”;

A. authoritarian parenting style

B. uninvolved parenting style
C. authoritative parenting style
D. permissive parenting style

Question #20: In this difficult time of COVID 19, parents are grappling with managing anxiety in their
teens. Which is NOT an effective way of dealing with anxiety in teens?

A. Acknowledge your child's fear – don't dismiss or ignore it. ...

B. Gently encourage your child to do the things she's anxious about. ...
C. Help your child set small goals for things that he feels a little anxious about. ...
D. Try not to make a fuss if your child avoids a situation because of anxiety.

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Question #1: The active listening skillset involves these 6 active listening skills:

1. Paying attention,
2. Withholding judgment,
3. Reflecting,
4. Clarifying,
5. Summarizing, and
6. Sharing.

Explain briefly your understanding of the above as applied to the practise of Life Coaching? [12 Marks]

Question #2: In the practice of coaching, POSITIVE WORDS play a central role in restoring self-belief. List
4 POSITIVE WORDS that coaches must use. [4 Marks]

Question #3: List 4 Taboo words (negative words) that Coaches must desist from using in their
interactions with the coachees? [4 Marks]

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Question #1: Explain in detail the team developmental stages using the graphical illustration below.

[8 Marks]

Question #2: Below is a list of the 11 Core Competencies that certified coaches must develop. Choose 5
from the list and explain in detail the importance in the practice of coaching. [10 Marks]

Group A: Setting the Foundation:

1. Meeting Ethical Guidelines and Professional Standards
2. Establishing the Coaching Agreement
Group B: Co-Creating the Relationship:
3. Establishing Trust and Intimacy with the Client
4. Coaching Presence
Group C: Communicating Effectively
5. Active Listening
6. Powerful Questioning
7. Direct Communication
Group D: Facilitating Learning and Results
8. Creating Awareness
9. Designing Actions
10. Planning and Goal Setting
11. Managing Progress and Accountability
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Question #3

In team dynamics trust is an important. One definition describes trust as a "reliance on the character,
ability, strength, or truth of someone or something." Think about that definition for a moment. Trust means
that you rely on someone else to do the right thing. You believe in the person's integrity and strength, to the
extent that you're able to put yourself on the line, at some risk to yourself. Trust is essential to an effective
team, because it provides a sense of safety. When your team members feel safe with each other, they feel
comfortable to open up, take appropriate risks, and expose vulnerabilities. Without trust there's less
innovation, collaboration, creative thinking, and productivity, and people spend their time protecting
themselves and their interests – this is time that should be spent helping the group attain its goals.

As a Coach how you help a team build trust among each other? [7 Marks]

Question #5: List the 10 Cs of effective communication [5 Marks]

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Question #1: 10 Coaching Maxims and Principles

Typically good coaches will use and follow these principles:

1. Listening is more important than talking

2. What motivates people must be understood
3. Everyone is capable of achieving more
4. A person's past is no indication of their future
5. People's beliefs about what is possible for themselves are their only limits
6. A coach must always provide full support
7. Coaches don't provide the answers
8. Coaching does not include criticizing people
9. All coaching is completely confidential
10. Some people's needs cannot be met by coaching and coaches recognize clients with these needs

Choose 5 and give detailed explanation. [10 Marks]

Question #2: Explain in detail how you would prepare a coaching room? [6 Marks]

Question# 3: Choose one coaching tool from the tools given below and explain in detail how you
would administer it in coaching?

i. Vision Board
iii. IR Tool
iv. Wheel of Life [8 Marks]

Question# 4: Mentoring is often one component of a program that involves other elements, such as
tutoring or life skills training and coaching. The supportive, healthy relationships formed between
mentors and mentees are both immediate and long-term and contribute to a host of benefits for
mentors and mentees.

List the 6 advantages of mentoring programs for young people. [6 Marks]

The End

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