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Animal Humerus - upper arm bone ( A)

Animal Radius - is the main load-bearing bone of the lower

animal Ulna - the inner and longer of the two bones of the forearm
Metacarpals - bones of the hand
Metatarsals - bones of the foot between ankle and toes
P1, P2, P3 - first second and third phalanx
Femur - thigh bone
Fibula - The lateral and smaller bone of the lower leg
Animal Clavicle - collar bone
Scapula animal - shoulder bone
cervical vs thoracic vs lumbar vs sacral - ribs
caudal vertebrae - vertebrae of the tail
trunk vertebrae - number: seventeen, after cervical- humans
thoracic-12 and lumber-5 equals number of this
Tibia animal - shin bone

Radio-ulna, a frog's radius and ulna are fused into one bone,
separate radius and ulna in the forelimb, the bones are fused
into a single radioulna.

Tibiofibula, A bone especially in frogs and toads that is formed

by fusion of the tibia and fibula.
Astragalusa, frog’s leg consists of two elongated anklebones,
or tarsals.
Calcaneum - fibulare
Suprascapula - shoulder
Carpometacarpus (AKA major/minor metacarpals), is the fusion of the carpal and metacarpal
bone, essentially a single fused bone between the wrist and the knuckles.
Tibiotarsus, is the large bone between the femur and the tarsometatarsus in the leg of a bird
Tarsometatarsus, is a bone that is only found in the lower leg of birds
Alula, is a small structure located at the joint between the hand-wing and arm-wing of bird
Coracoid, is a stout strong bone that connects the cranial edge of the sternum to the shoulder
joint complex
Clavicle (fused = furcula), is a stout strong bone that
connects the cranial edge of the sternum to the shoulder
joint complex.

- cannon bone MC III, cannon bone is a weight-bearing bone in the lower leg and stretches
from the knee joint to the fetlock joint.
- Long pastern - connects the cannon bone to the short pastern
- Short pastern - connects the long pattern bone to the coffin bone
-Coffin bone- is foot bone.
Special Name:
Pygostyle, a triangular plate formed of the fused caudal vertebrae, typically supporting the
tail feathers.
Urostyle, a long bone formed from fused vertebrae at the base of the vertebral column in
some lower vertebrates, especially frogs and toads.
Keel/ Carina, is an extension of the sternum
Atlas, the essentials of the dog (skeleton, joints, muscles, parts and region of the body)
Axis, C1 C2
Synsacrum, is a unit formed by the fusion of the posterior thoracic, lumbar, and sacral
Innominate bone, the bone formed from the fusion of the ilium, ischium, and pubis; the
Acetabulum, the socket of the hipbone, into which the head of the femur fits
Olecranon, the bony prominence of the elbow, on the upper end of the ulna.

Toe arrangements:
Zygodactyl, having two toes pointing forward and two backward.
Anisodactyl, having the first toe directed backwards and the other three toes directed
Syndactyl, An animal, especially a bird or mammal, that has two or more fused digits.
adjective. also syn·dac·ty·lo
Polydactyl, having many or several digits. having more than the normal number of fingers or

Plantigrade, (of a mammal) walking on the soles of the feet, like a human or a bear.
Digitigrade, (of a mammal) walking on its toes and not touching the ground with its heels, as
a dog, cat, or rodent.
Ungulograde, Applied to a gait in which only the tips of the digits, covered with hoofs, touch
the ground

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