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Kontrak Perkuliahan

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Semester Ganjil TA 2020/2021
Nama Matakuliah:

Disiapkan Disahkan Perwakilan Mahasiswa

Hj. Lenny Marzulina, M.Pd. Dr. Dewi Warna, M.Pd

197101312011012001 NIP. 19740723 199903 2 002

Setelah mengikuti matakuliah ini, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu:
Mengidentifikasi tentang pola kalimat tingkat lanjutan sehingga dapat berkomunikasi
dengan menggunakan kaidah bahasa yang baik dan benar dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Mata Kuliah ini merupakan pengembangan keterampilan teks bagi siswa Bahasa Inggris
sebagai Bahasa Asing. Dalam perkuliahan ini dibahas poin-poin tata Bahasa Inggris Lanjutan
(Advanced English Grammar) yang meliputi Condional Sentences, Modals, Passive Sentences
dan lain-lain.

Pertemuan ke Pokok Bahasan
Kontrak Perkuliahan; Peta konsep obyek kajian mata kuliah Advanced
- Simple Prsent
- Present Progressive
- Sative Verbs
- Am/ is/ are being + Adjective
- Regular and Irreguler
2 - Troublesome verbs
- Simple Past
- Past Progressive
- Using Progressive verbs with always to complain
- Using Expressions of place with Progressive verbs

3 - Present Perfect

- Present Perfect Progressive
- Past Perfect
- Past Perfect Progressive

4 - Simple Future
- Will vs be going to
- Uisng the present progressive and the simple present to express
future time
- Future progressive
- Future perfect
- Future perfect Progressive

5 - Polite questions
- Expressing necessity
- Advisability
- The past form of should
- Expectation
- Making Suggestions

6 - Degress of Certainty
- Progressive forms of modals
- Ability
- Expresing Preferences
- Combining modals with phrasal modals

7 - Forming the Passive

- Using the Passive
- Indirect objects used as passive subjects
- The passive form of modals and phrasal modals
- Stativepassive
- Common stative passiveverbs + prepositions
- The passive with get
- Participial adjectives


Pertemuan ke Pokok Bahasan
9 - Noun clauses begining with a question word, whether or if, and
- Question words followed by infinitives
- Quoted speech
- Reported speech: verb forms in noun clauses
- Using the subjunctive in noun clauses
- Using –ever words

10 - Adjective clause pronouns used as the subject, object of a verb, and
object of a preposition
- Usual patterns of adjective clauses
- Using whose, where, when in adjective clauses
- Using adjective clauses to modify pronouns
- Punctuating adjective clauses
- Using expressions of quantity in adjective clauses
- Using noun + of which and which to modify a whole sentence
- Reducing adjective clauses tp adjective phrases: introduction
- Changing an adjective clause to an adjective phrase

11 - Using gerunds as the objects of prepositions

- Common preposition combinations and verbs followed by gerunds
- Go + gerund and special expressions followed by –ing
- Common verbs followed by infinitives and either infinitives or
- Reference list of verbs followed by gerunds and infinitives
- It + infinitive; gerunds and infinitives as subjects

12 - Infinitive of purpose: In Order To

- Adjectives followed by infinitives
- Using infinitives with Too and Enough
- Passive and past forms of infinitives and gerunds
- Using gerunds or passive infinitives following Need
- Using a possessive to modify a gerund and verbs of perception
- Using the simple form after Let and Help
- Using causative verbs: Make, Have, Get

13 - Using adverb clauses to show cause and effect

- Expressing contrast (unexpected result): using even though
- Showing direct contrast: while and whereas
- Expressing conditions in adverb causes: if-clauses
- Adverb clauses of condition: using whether or not and even If and
using in case and in the event that
- Adverb clauses of condition: using unless and only if
- Changing time clauses to modifying adverbial phrases
- Expressing the idea of ”during the same time” in modifiying
adverbial phrases
- Expressing cause and effect in modifying adverbial phrases
- Using upon+ -ing in modifying adverbial phrases

14 - Using because of and due to

- Using transitions to show cause and effect: therefore and
- Summary of patterns and punctuation
- Other ways of expressing cause and effect: such...that and so...that
- Expressing purpose: using so that
- Showing contrast (unexpected result) and direct contrast
- Expressing conditions: using otherwise and or (else)

15 - True in the present or future

- Untrue (contrary to fact) in the present or future and past
- Using progressive verb form and ”Mixed time” in conditional
- Omitting If
- Implied conditions
- Using as if/as though
- Verb forms following wish
- Using would to make whises about the future

Komposisi penilaian mahasiswa dalam mengikuti materi kuliah adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Kehadiran : 10%
2. Tugas Mandiri : 20%
3. Ujian Tengah Semester : 30%
4. Ujian Akhir Semester : 40%

Skor Nilai
> 80 A
70 – 79,99 B
60 – 69,99 C
50 – 59,99 D
1 – 49,99 E


1. Perkuliahan tanggal 13 Oktober 2020, presensi sudah diberlakukan seperti biasa. Dosen
akan memastikan kehadiran setiap mahasiswa sebelum, pada saat atau di akhir
2. Mahasiswa/I tidak diperkenankan masuk kuliah apabila terlambat 10 menit setelah
perkuliahan dimulai.
3. Bagi mahasiswa/I yang tidak hadir harus menyerahkan surat izin kepada dosen pada saat
perkuliahan berlangsung (jika sakit harus menyerahkan surat keterangan dokter, jika ada

kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan organisasi, kegiatan non akademik harus melampirkan
surat izin dari prodi).
4. Mahasiswa/I siap mengikuti kuliah/ bimbingan pada waktu yang sudah dijadwalkan.
5. Dalam kegiatan kuliah/ bimbingan, mahasiswa/I dilarang memakai baju kaos (casual) dan
berpakaian sopan (pada sisi tampak camera), dengan posisi kamera ON.
6. Mahasiswa/I fokus pada kegiatan pembelajaran, tidak sambil mengerjakan hal yang lain.
7. Saat berbicara (bertanya), audio dalam posisi ON, bila tidak sebaiknya audio di mute agar
suara hingar bingar/ suara lain tidak masuk.
8. Untuk jadwal dan hal-hal terkait dengan tugas-tugas mata kuliah serta UTS / UAS,
mahasiswa harus terus memantau pengumuman di kelas.
9. Mahasiswa/ I tidak diperkenankan memakaisandal atau sejenisnya pada saat mengikuti
10. Jumlah kehadiran mahasiswa yang kurang dari 80% dari total pertemuan maka tidak
diperkenankan mengikuti UAS.

Azar, B. S. 2006, Understanding and Using English grammar. White Plains, NY: Pearson

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