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NIM : 1904277052



My grandmother is sick. So, she tell me to buy some medicine.

-------- home

Me : Hallo ma’am, how’s your feeling today?

Grandmother : I got stomach ache last morning, and I feel bad now

Me : Oh, so sad to hear it. What do you want?

Grandmother : Iwant you go to drugstore for buy some medicine, will you?

Me : yeah, I will. Just give me your medicine’s list

Grandmother : you can take the list on my medicine’s box

--------- drugstore

Me : hallo can I buy some medicine?

Pharmacist : of course, what do you need?

Me : Allupurinol, Polysilane, Paracetamol, just give me a strips of them

Pharmacist : wait a minute, I’ll take it for you

Me : ok

Pharmacist : this is your medicine, is there anything you need?

Me : when my grandmom must eat the medicine?

Pharmacist : Allupurino twice a day, polysilane thrice a day after eat, and paracetamol when

your grandmother get fever or pain.

Me : waw, you explain it so detail. Thank you!

Pharmacist : yeah your welcome

Me : where I can pay it?

Pharmacist : you can go to cassier, and back here for take yours

Me : oke, I’ll be back

Me : I did it, thanks for your assistance 

Pharmacist : yeah, your welcome and get well soon for your grandmother sist 

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