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Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Complejo Regional Centro Acatzingo

Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas

English for Marketing and Sales

María Guadalupe Álvarez Torres

Sandra Navarro Avendaño

Septiembre 2020
Apicola Alvarez sell different types products about honey, the company have
different products and these products have many benefits some of this are:

1. Antibacterial potential
2. Natural source of antioxidants
3. Primary sweetener
4. Contains protein
5. Hydrating potential
6. Supports digestion
7. Treatment of wounds and burns
8. Relieves cough and sore throat
9. Anti-inflammatory activity
10. Other properties
The company use different channels for share the products, prices and form of
use, already the mode easier for the promotion is by the social media and social
ads with companies like Facebook, Instagram, twitter and the website to buy the

the social media have different prices with the publications so we compare what
media is more efficient for us.

In our case the best social media is Facebook and Instagram by the zone where
we are establish.
The distribution of our product is done through an indirect and long channel, that is
to say, our honey is sold wholesale to a company in the state of Yucatan to later be
exported directly to companies in Europe. We know that when using this type of
distribution, we have a certain loss of image control and branding, but we also
know that this helps us to achieve a broader coverage and greater efficiency in
distribution, reducing costs.

With the other products such as the retail sale of honey and the sale of wax,
propolis and sweets, a direct, short channel is used since our product is sold
directly to the end consumer through social networks and personally deliveries.
This type of distribution favors us more since it allows us to know more about the
wishes and needs of our clients.
The price of honey to wholesalers depends a lot on the abundance or scarcity that
there is in each honey season. But in the last 2 years the price of honey was sold
at sixty-four pesos per kilo as there were shortages and this was an advantage for
the product to be sold at that price since in other years the price had been below
the forty pesos.

For retail sale, the price has been increased a little more and this has reached the
price of 100 pesos by kilo.

The wax has reached a price of one hundred and ten a kilo.

Propolis at Two hundred and forty pesos a bottle with one hundred grams.

And for the sale of sweets these are distributed in bags with one hundred grams at
a cost of twenty pesos.

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