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Sounds of Letters

S- no (needed explicit directions for mouth position...couldn’t produce sound properly; couldn’t
name the letter)
N- sound, could not say the letter (He can mimic the n sound, but couldn’t name the letter)

Words Presented

Dog- yes (When I asked him to say dog he did it) He couldn’t write it on the whiteboard
at - no-says the sound (He can mimic the sounds, but he can’t blend or write the letters)
With-says the sounds and no blend, does not write the word
Sat- says the sounds no blend and continually said the word wolf
Mat- said the word, says the sounds
Dad- says the word and the sounds


He tends to go to the last ẗhing¨ he hears and repeats when prompted to do the next ẗhing¨

He repeated the word wolf for several words.

He can’t name most sounds independently. He can identify the sounds in SRA short a/m, but
only in context of SRA.


Morning work with sentences using the, is, cat, fat, bat, Dan, Pam and Max. Asked to say the
sentences with me and he could say them all. Had a difficult time saying the word The. He
couldn’t identify the words when asked to do so on his own. He was very talkative and eager to
learn this day. He asked to do the next sentence and wanted to learn the words!

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