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Eesha Bhagirath

Dr. Phebe Lam
Submission Week 10: Reflection Activity

What have you gained from these 9 weeks of self-reflection? What is the main takeaway?

From these past 9 weeks that I have spent doing self-reflections, I have learned so much about
myself that I did not know before this course. I learned more about my strengths and weaknesses
and I have begun to think about how I will work towards improving those weakness, and how I
can maintain my strengths. As I have mentioned in previous reflections, I was and sometimes
still am a shy student. Even if I am involved in multiple campus clubs and hold a numerous
executive position, I still have a side where I don’t see myself as confidence or able to reach my
goals. Taking this course during the global pandemic provided me with a different learning
experience because everything was shifted online, but I learned a lot from taking this course
during this semester. My main takeaway from this course is to have confidence! For myself, and
I can assume for others as well, it is much easier said than done. I started working on this trait for
the last few weeks and I have included meditation and yoga into my daily routine. After these
self-reflections, it was more apparent to me that I struggle a little bit with stress and anxiety, so I
researched different ways to help reduce these two things. Additionally, when I started doing
yoga and meditation everyday these past few weeks, I have realized a change within myself and
more importantly, a change in my confidence levels. I realize when I do not overthink about
situations, is when my stress and anxiety levels are low, so my confidence is increased. I am
looking forward to taking what I have learned throughout this class and continue to apply it in
my daily routine as I have already started.

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