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Hi, I'm Deyvi Villar Unuysoncco, I study electrical engineering at the National
University of San Antonio Abab del Cusco, for now I am dedicated to construction and
I also do some interior installations. As a student and as a worker in civil construction,
I would like a higher salary since construction is a very heavy job and very dangerous
to if, like electricity installations, you run the risk of being electrocuted, sincerely I
would love that in my country it is more important to the professional careers that to
the farandoles of the television since they have more salary than a professional who
strives to have a better future. Honestly, a professional graduated from the university
or an institute should have a salary of 5,000 to 20,000 and those of television should
earn less than 5,000 since they do not try hard, it is only a talent and they are not in
much danger.

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