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Anthony’s Academy of Gonzaga

S.Y. 2020-2021
“Your determination to succeed is never to be destroyed, BE DETERMINED!”
Name: _______________________________ Section: ________________ Score: ____
I. Multiple Choice. Read and understand each item carefully. Select the most appropriate answer for each item.
Write your answer on the space provided.
_____1. Below are the objectives of first aid except one.
A. To alleviate suffering C. To prolong life
B. To prevent added/further injury or danger D. To elevate suffering
Refer from the choices below for items 2-5.
A. Sprain B. Strain C. Knee Injury D. Dislocate
_____2. ________ can range from first degree (minor) to third degree (the worst).
_____3. Two bones that come together to form a joint become separated.
_____4. An acute, non-contact injury that results from overstretching or over-contraction.
_____5. Ankles, knees and wrists are part of the body that most is vulnerable to __________.
_____6. Which is different from the group?
A. Rest B. Isle C. Compress D. Elevation
_____7. While playing basketball with your cousin, he tripped on her own due to a wrong footwork and
sprained his ankle. Which of the following should you do?
A. Apply the RICE method
B. Apply arnica oil to reduce swelling
C. Gradually increase the range of movement – let pain be your guide.
D. All of the above
_____8. What does BMR mean?
A. Basal Metabolic Race C. Basal Metabolic Rate
B. Basal Metabolic Rice D. Basal Metabolic Rite
_____9. How many cups of vegetable should a 17 ear-old male consume in day?
A. 1 cup B. 2 cups C. 3 cups D.4 cups
_____10. The thermic effect of food is ________ of your total energy expenditure.
A.10%-15% B. 15%-20% C. 20%-25% D. 25%-30%
II. Identification. Identify what is being asked.
___________________11. This can be achieved by increasing exercise and decreasing caloric intake.
___________________12. This can be a result of a higher-than-normal basal metabolic rate or higher physical
activity level.
___________________13. Defined as the heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree
___________________14. The energy required to maintain your body at rest.
___________________15. The energy required to digest and absorb food.

III. Modified True or False. Write T if the statement is correct, otherwise F. If the statement is erroneous,
underline the word that makes it wrong and change the word to make it right.
___________________16. The larger and lesser muscular the person is, the higher the BMR is.
___________________17. Exercise come in different forms: simple and complex.
___________________18. People who eat late at night do tend to put on extra weight.
___________________19. Eating unhealthy breakfast can help you manage your hunger later in the day and
help you to say, "No thanks," to unhealthy snacks
___________________20. A diet myth is advice that becomes popular without facts to back it up.

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Subject Teacher School Principal Asst. School Directress

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