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起重吊装作业 Lifting and hoisting work


Job name

作业对象 司机、司索指挥工 危险等级

Job object Operator /rigger Levels of danger

重大 Major
1、持工特种作业人员操作证书。2、作业未未正确使用个人劳动防护用品,未佩戴安全带。未按操作规程进行操作,导致设备倒塌、倾覆。 3、设备安全装置失灵仍进行安装、拆卸工作。4、遇大风、
浓雾和雨雪等恶劣天气时,仍未停止作业\1. The operation certificate of the special operation personnel (Operator/rigger). 2. The PPEs were not used correctly and the safety belts
主要危害因素\ Main hazard
were not worn. Failure to follow the operating procedures caused the equipment to collapse and tip over. 3. The installation and disassembly work of the equipment safety
device is still in progress. 4. In the case of bad weather such as strong winds, dense fog and rain and snow lifting job should suspended till satisfactory weather.

易发生事故类型\ accident
起重伤害、物体打击\ mechanical failure, suspended loads and use improper or unsatisfactory lifting gears.
1、依法建立吊装作业管理制度;2、吊装作业管理制度规定吊装作业必须指定监护人现场监护; 3、作业许可时对监护人到岗情况进行检查; 4、吊装作业必须对作业区域进行隔离,无关人员禁止进
入;5、吊装作业必须现场确认满足吊装条件;6、作业前进行技术交底,选择合适的吊装设备。 \ 1. Establish a hoisting operation management system according to safety standards and
岗位操作注意事项\ safety
requirments;2. The hoisting operation management system stipulates that the hoisting operation must specify the guardian's on-site monitoring; 3. When the operation
permit is issued, check the guardian's arrival;
operation precautions
4. The lifting area must be barricaded from the work area, and no one is allowed to enter; 5. Lifting operations must be confirmed on site to meet the lifting conditions; 6.
Perform tool box before the operation in case of heavy lifting and select suitable lifting equipment.

劳动防护用品\ Labor
安全帽、安全带、其他劳保用品等.\ all mandatory PPEs along with job specified PPEs.
protection products

1、当事故发生时,危险区域人员应紧急疏散,立即向安全部或现场负责人报告事故情况、并履行紧急救助。\ When an accident occurs, personnel in the hazardous area should evacuate
immediately and immediately report the accident to the safety department or the person in charge of the site and perform emergency assistance.
2、伤者轻微的体外创伤不需要缝合的,可用生理盐水进行清洗,用酒精进行消炎,敷上消炎药,进行包扎即可。\ The minor trauma of the injured person does not need to be sutured. It
can be washed with normal saline, anti-inflammatory with alcohol, and put on anti-inflammatory drugs for dressing.
Emergency response
3、伤根据伤情严重情况及时拨打应急电话\ Call emergency, calls in time according to the seriousness of the injury
4、对受伤昏迷者情况允许可采取人工呼吸以待专业医生救治。\ For the case of an injured coma, artificial respiration can be taken for the professional doctor to treat.


Safety warning sign

告知人:(签名) 接受人:(签名) 应急电话 Emergency call:0349-9657727 0349-3360704
Informer: (signature) Acceptor: (Signature)

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