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Duration: 30 minutes

Student name: TRẦN THỤY YẾN THU____________________ Student ID: BAFNIU17051

Task 3: Comparison/contrast essay (50 pts)

Write a comparison/contrast essay (in about 350 words) about life in Vietnam (or your country) now
and a decade ago. Pay attention to the use of academic language and a clear text structure.

Vietnam, after a decade, has made great changes both physically and mentally. The lives of people in the

country have been improved positively. One of the most important things that changes Vietnam differently

from its previous 10 years is education.

In the past, education in Vietnam could be considered passive education. Students had to go to school to

acquire knowledge, and they had to really focus during class to get the basics. However, there are some

extend issues that can not be taught in classroom, so learners need to explore paper books. Moreover, all

learning activities of students will be notified during the class, which is awkward because there will have

emergencies that require educators to communicate immediately to pupils or circumstances that absent

students cannot be notified quickly. For the above shows that the education of the last decade made both

teachers and students take a lot of time and money to achieve good knowledge.

On the other hand, nowadays, Learning becomes more active and convenient for both learners and

educators with the help of social media and Internet. Under the development of social networking sites

such as Facebook, Zalo, …, schoolboys and schoolgirls can freely discuss with each other or with their

professors. Also, instructors and headmaster can set up a group or a page on it to notify about situations

with their schoolchild. Furthermore, studying is simple because learners do not need go outside but can still

learn the lesson as the curriculum at home thanks to application programs likely: blackboard, zoom, …

Especially, it is really useful in the current situation of Vietnam during the Sar-Cov-2 epidemic. While

everybody has to temporarily put aside their work to avoid this epidemic, students can stay at home to gain

their lessons. Additionally, pupils can find answers of extended problems without spending a lot of time and

money because of the Internet. In brief, the current education is open education, fully meeting the

difficulties in the past years.

In conclusions, the improvement of Vietnam’s education has been different from 10 years ago. This

improvement has brought many benefits to Vietnam’s learners and educators, it also solved the difficulties

of previous decade. Nevertheless, I hope my country’s education will be more and more developed rather

than stagnant, ten years later will develop many times more than now.














































This is the end of the test.

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