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iRay 奕瑞
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Date 2018-4-17
iDetector User Manual Mercu1717 EN
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iDetector User Manual Mercu1717 EN

Authors :Pei.Li

Doc No. :903-341-31

Date :2018-4-17
Version :A1
Status :Release
Project :N/A

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Doc No. 903-341-31
iRay 奕瑞
Version A1
Date 2018-4-17
iDetector User Manual Mercu1717 EN
Page 2

Author Pei.Li Inspector Haitao.Ning

Approver Zhiqiang.Fang

Verified Record

Department Name Signat

Department Name Signature Date Date

R&D Peng.Wu Marketing

Quality Purchasing

Laws&Regulati Wei.Pan Youlin.Long


Pre-production Xu.Wang

Delivery Department

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Document History

Revised Checked Approved

Ver. Date Description
by by by
A0 2018/1/26 Pei.Li Haitao.Ning Zhiqiang.Fang Create
A1 2018/4/18 Pei.Li Haitao.Ning Zhiqiang.Fang Calibration process changed

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1. Introduction................................................................................................................................................. 4
2. Preparation .................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Bind Work directory ......................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Running environment setup ........................................................................................................... 4
2.2.1 Install DMA driver ...........................................................................................................................................4
3. Function Wizard .......................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Connect Detector ............................................................................................................................. 6
3.2 Configure Detector and Acquire Image ........................................................................................ 6
3.2.1 Mercu1717 detector parameters ..................................................................................................................6
3.2.2 Application mode setting ...............................................................................................................................7
3.2.3 Acquire Image by Pulse mode ......................................................................................................................8
3.2.4 Acquire Image by Sequential pattern ..........................................................................................................8
3.2.5 Acquire Image Spot Film pattern..................................................................................................................8
3.2.6 Movie Playback ................................................................................................................................................9
3.3 Generate Template Files ................................................................................................................ 11
3.3.1 Preparation ....................................................................................................................................................11
3.3.2 Generate Pre-Offset Template File .............................................................................................................12
3.3.3 Generate Gain + Defect template ..............................................................................................................14
3.3.4 Load Correction template ............................................................................................................................15
3.3.5 Manage Correction Files...............................................................................................................................15
3.3.6 Defect template file overlay ........................................................................................................................16
4. Other Function .......................................................................................................................................... 17
4.1 Edit Defect Template File .............................................................................................................. 17
4.2 Template Failure Detection ........................................................................................................... 17
4.3 Temperature Measurement ........................................................................................................... 18
4.4 Frame rate Detection ..................................................................................................................... 18
4.5 Firmware Upgrade Online ............................................................................................................. 18
Appendix 1:Mercu1717 Application Mode Setting ................................................................................. 21

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1. Introduction

This document describes iDetector's usage for Mercu1717 detector. For general usage of
iDetector, please refer to: 903-341-14_iDetector_UserManual_EN.

2. Preparation

2.1 Bind Work directory

Each detector has its own WorkDir (work directory).WorkDir contens configuration files,
calibration data, log files and other files which are product type dependent. SDK will use these
informations for device connection, logic control and image correction.The files created at
runtime such as log files are also located at WorkDir. Calibration files will be located at user
specified subset folder under WorkDir\Correct. The default subset is named ‘Default’.
iDetector has bind several detector WorkDirs defaultly for every supported detector types.
User can modify the bind list by editing the file ‘bind.txt’ which is located at iDetector
execution path. The original WorkDir for a certain iRay detector product type can be found in
the SDK release package. WorkDir can be copied and deployed to any user specified path, note
that WorkDir and its contents should be set as writable after the deployment.

2.2 Running environment setup

Setup files and down path are included in SDK directory: Tools\env_setup
1. Please install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5(Windows XP only can install V4.0 ).
Download from Microsoft web site, please.
2. Visual C++ redistributed package need to be installed:
vcredist_x86_2013(or vcredist_x64_vs2013).
3. For Mercu1717 detector, DMA driver is needed.
4. For Windows XP, full path should be used in file “bind.txt”.

2.2.1 Install DMA driver

1. Make sure PCIE card hardware installed in PC. Right click Computer icon. Then left click
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Date 2018-4-17
iDetector User Manual Mercu1717 EN
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2. Select "Device manager". Right click "PCI device". Select "Update Driver Software...".
3. Follow install guide to update driver. Driver locate in sdk package path:

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Date 2018-4-17
iDetector User Manual Mercu1717 EN
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3. Function Wizard

3.1 Connect Detector

Mercu1717 detector connect to PC by fiber. IP configuration is not needed.
When detector power on successfully. Double click iDetector.exe to enter Home page. Select
Mercu1717V detector type, then click Connect button.

After connected, Acquire page will show.

3.2 Configure Detector and Acquire Image

3.2.1 Mercu1717 detector parameters

Item Description Default Value

Product NO -
SN -
Main Version -
Read Version Read firmware version -
Binning mode Product type number 0
Zoom mode Detector serial number -
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iDetector User Manual Mercu1717 EN
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Main firmware version

Fluro Sync Sync_SyncIn

PowSeriesCorrect Enable Power series correct option switch off

Sequence Interval Time one frame time 40

Integrate Time Integrate time 0
Exposure window. Depend on Frequency
Exp Window Time -
and ExpTime Vailid percent
ExpTime Valid percent Exposure window percent. 95
PGA Sensibility PGA3

Hvg XRAY Enable Xray Enable triggering level HIGH

Hvg XRAY On - -

Hvg XRAY SyncOut Sync_out triggering level HIGH

Hvg XRAY SyncIn Sync_in triggering level HIGH

Temperature Detector temperature -

Humidity Detector Humidity -

"Fluro Sync" can be set as "Syncin" or "Syncout". below table is detail.

synchronization Description Application
Syncin HVG syncs detector, and HVG sents Pulse pattern
Frame_req_in request, then give out Xray after
detector response
Syncout Detectorsyncs HVG, and detectorsents Sequential pattern
Frame_req_out request, then acquire image Spot film pattern

3.2.2 Application mode setting

Mercu1717 detector introduced "Application mode" concept to manage parameters: PGA,

Binning Mode, Frame rate and Zoom etc.
Binning mode = 0: pixel size is 1x1. Image size is 3072x3072. FPS should not be greater
than 10.
Binning mode = 1: pixel size is 2x2. Image size is 1536x1536. FPS should not be greater
than 20.
Binning mode = 2: pixel size is 3x3. Image size is 1024x1024. FPS should not be greater
than 30.

If Binning mode is 0, Zoom can use 0 or 9:

Zoom = 0: Image size is 3072x3072. FPS should not be greater 10.
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Date 2018-4-17
iDetector User Manual Mercu1717 EN
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Zoom = 9: Image size is 2048x2048. FPS should not be greater 13.

If Binning mode is 1, Zoom can use 0 or 11:
Zoom = 0: Image size is 1536x1536. FPS should not be greater 20.
Zoom = 11: Image size is 1024x1024 FPS should not be greater 25.
Note: FPS = Frames Per Second
Application Mode can be set on "Calibrate" page of iDetector. DynamicApplicationMode.ini
define some application mode. Please refer to Appendix 1.

3.2.3 Acquire Image by Pulse mode

1. Enter Detector page by click “Detector” tab, in this page set “Fluro Sync” be
2. Click “Write” to make the setting effective. (The other parameter settings is same as the step
1 and step 2.)
3. Enter Acquire page by click “Acquire” tab, select the correction mode (optional operation,
User can select them according the needif the template files had been generated.) then click
“Acquire” button.
4. Exposure by stepping on the foot brake (or handswitch), waiting for the image.
5. Click “save” to save image, the format can be tiff or raw. (Optional operation)

3.2.4 Acquire Image by Sequential pattern

For Mercu detector.

1. Enter Detector page by click “Detector” tab, in this page set “Fluro Sync” be
2. Click “Write” to make the set effective.
3. Enter Acquire page by click “Acquire” tab. Select the correction methods (optional operation,
User can select desired methodswhile the template files had been generated.).Then click
“Acquire” button.
4. Waiting for the image. Click “Stop” button after received images
5. Click “save” to save image, the format can be tiff or raw. (Optional operation)

3.2.5 Acquire Image Spot Film pattern

For Mercu detector.

1. Enter Detector page by click “Detector” tab, in this page set “Fluro Sync” be
2. Click “Write” to make the settings effective.
3. Enter Acquire page by click “Acquire” tab, select the correction methods (optional operation,
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Date 2018-4-17
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User can select desired methodswhile the template files had been generated.).Then click
“PrepAcq” button.
4. Waiting for the image after exposure by press the handswitch.
5. Click “save” to save image, the format can be tiff or raw. (Optional operation)

3.2.6 Movie Playback

1.Click “SeqSaveSet” and enter the setting page of BufferCine, then set frame of acquiring,
select Enable, and then click “OK”.
2. Click “Acquire” to start image acquisition. Statictical number of frames display under the
“SeqSaveSet” button.Click “Stop” button after achieve the desiredframes.
3. Below of the the image preview area are the film playback function buttons, the button of
“play/stop” is used to start or stop to playback, click on “Forward” to forward a frame,
“Backward” to backward a frame.
4. After the playback end, you can click “SaveCine” to enter into the SeqSaveSet page if
needed. Then set saving path, click OK. (This step is optional)

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Mercu1717 support superpostion and recursive denoising when movie playback. Please
check the option(s) before movie playback if necessary.

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3.3 Generate Template Files

3.3.1 Preparation

1. Firstly, adjust X-ray center line and auxiliary center line to ensure the consistency of the
light field center line. The SID (source imaging distance) requires >120cm. And grid need
be removed.

2. Secondly, please select one Application Mode(chapter 3.2.2). After that, PGA, Binning
mode, Frame rate, Zoom are definite. And template file storage location is definite also.

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Date 2018-4-17
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3.3.2 Generate Pre-Offset Template File

The figures below show the process of Offset template generation. Click "Start create offset
template file" button to create offset template file.

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3.3.3 Generate Gain + Defect template

Dynamic dector will generate both Gain template and Defect template together.
1. Click "Start" button.
2. Click PREP button. Exposure (stepping on the foot brake at SyncIn mode) and acquire
3. Click Select button. Select light field image.
4. After acquired light field image, “stop exporsure” message box will show . Begin to
acquire dark field image after close message box.
5. Click "Accept" button. Repeat step 1, step2, step3 untill all images are acquired.
6. Click "Generate" button. Generate Gain and Defect template.
Note: "DownLoad to FPD after generation" option is checked defaultly. Download to detector dialog box
will popup after template file generated.

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3.3.4 Load Correction template

SWPreOffest, SWGain and SWDefect options can be selected after all template files are
generated. If the template file is not generated, “File not exist” will be prompted when try to
load it. Using HWPreOffset, HWGain and HWDefect is recommended for Mercu1717 detector.
And the Gain template and Defect template file need be loaded into detector before using
HWGain and HWDefect options.

3.3.5 Manage Correction Files

The template files can be managed after they are generated. “DownLoadFile” is used for
downloading template file (gain support, defect and lag type) which saved in the PC machine
into the detector; “UpLoadFile” is for uploading files to the PC machine, which is saved in the
detector, “SelectFile” is select the template file on the detector according to the index, and
“ReadStatus” is used to read the template file status on the detector. Please ref:
903-341-14_iDetector_UserManual_EN_A4 Chapter 4.3.7

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There are another 2 buttons below control of managing template files:

UpdateHWPreoffset button: Send command to detector for updating Hardware PreOffset
template file.
UpdateHWFreqCoeff button: Update coefficient of power series correction method. More
information, please refer to user manual of the detector.

3.3.6 Defect template file overlay

The SDK (After 3489 version) support defect template file overlay function. It mean three
defect template files can be used when carrying on defect calibration.
Normally, there are one defect template file in current subset directory. It named like
"defect_width x heigh.dftt". If current detector use 3072x3072 size image, then the defect
template file should be "defect_3072x3072.dft". By introduce this function, user can use
another 2 defect template files to calibrate image. They should be put into "Default"
directory(subset) and be named as "factory_defect_3072x3072.dft" and
"useredit_defect_3072x3072.dft". SDK will combine all three files while executing defect
calibration. User can define defect point(s) or line(s) in "useredit_defect_3072x3072.dft" by
Note: If defect files changed, you must reload the defect template files to make change
effective. For software calibration, that mean restart the iDetector or uncheck/check defect
correction option. For hardware calibration, you need download defect
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file(defect_3072x3072.dft) again and enable it.

4. Other Function

4.1 Edit Defect Template File

1. Enter the File Local page, click “Load File”, then select the DFT file to open it.
2. After the file is open it pops up dialog as below. Input coordinates in point of regional.Click
Add to add pixels, click Delete to delete pixels.
3. In the Line area inputthe coordinates of the vertical or horizontal line, click Add to add the
bad line, click Delete to delete the bad line;
4 Click Save, then the modify results can be seen in the image preview.

4.2 Template Failure Detection

Each template file have their own term of validity. Currently, SDK check validity for the
template file on PC side. Once the template file run out of term of validity, SDK will give
alarm notice. Template failure detection switch can be enabled by setting the parameter
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Cfg_CaliValidity_Enable in the config.ini. The value 1 is for enable, 0 for disable.

The following configuration specified Offset template file expires after 30 minutes, Gain
template file exipires after 120 days and Defect template file expires after 365 days. SDK will
give alarm notice 10 minutes earlier than offset template file expires
(Cfg_CaliValidity_PreWarnMinute). And Gain and Defect template file will be checked whether
expired or not after selected one subset folder.

4.3 Temperature Measurement

SDK can be used to detect the temperature of the detector, when the temperature exceeds the
threshold value will issue a warning. In config.ini
Cfg_TemperatureHighThreshold=50, indicates that the alarm threshold is 50 degrees.

4.4 Frame rate Detection

When Mercu series detector do image acquisition SDK can detecte the frame rate, when the
actual frame rate and set rate differ by more than the set range set in the config.ini file will give
an alarm. The default configuration parameters are as follows. The Cfg_FpsCheck_Enable
value is 1 said frame rate detection switch open, 0 indicates close; Cfg_FpsCheck_Tolerance
value is 5 said actual frame rate and set rate differ by no more than 5%, otherwise give an


4.5 Firmware Upgrade Online

This software supports online upgrade function, show as figure below:

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iDetector User Manual Mercu1717 EN
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Warnning: Upgrade firmware may cause the detector out of work. Please Not to do that
unless with iRay technical support.

Firstly, select upgrade file:

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Click Start Upgrade button. Please close current connection by UI and restart the detector after
upgrade finished. Reconnect the detector by UI after the detector restarted completely.

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Appendix 1:Mercu1717 Application Mode Setting

Mercu1717’s application mode is combined by the frame rate, binning mode, Zoom and PGA
gear. DynamicApplicationMode.ini contains several default application mode. Users can add or
modify it according to their own requirement.
DynamicApplicationMode.ini file contents are as follows:
;binning zoom size
; 0 0 3072 X 3072
; 0 9 2048 X 2048
; 1 0 1536 X 1536
; 1 11 1024 X 1024
; 2 0 1024 X 1024
;Note:If ApplicationModeX and ApplicationModeY has the same PGA and Binning value,
; the subset can be set to ModeN-X and ModdeN-Y, eg.

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By default, the correction template file is stored in the path:
The path of the generated template files depends on the selected application mode. It specified
by subset parameter of each application mode section. If choose application mode1, the
template files will be put into ".\work_dir\Mercu1717V \Correct\Mode1". If choose application
mode3, then the template file will be put into ".\work_dir\Mercu1717V \Correct\Mode3". The
other modes follow this rule.

Specially, the application modes with same PGA and Binning can share same Gain template
file and Defect template file(Optional). So they can share same folder to store template files.
For example, ApplicationMode1 and ApplicationMode2 in sample file above use the same
folder Mode1. Their subset parameter have same prefix "Mode1" and "-1" and "-2" is used to
distinguished the two application modes.

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