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Critical Journal Review


Arranged By:

Group II

Alviani Surbakti (4182121020)

Grace Dita Maria Naibaho (4183121055)

Lasma Enita Siahaan (4182121010)

Bilingual Physics Education 2018






Praise and gratitude to God Almighty, because of His blessings and love, the writer
was able to complete and fulfill the Authentic Assessment course assignments in making a
Critical Journal Review. I also express my gratitude to those who helped me in completing
this task. Because, thanks to their help I was able to complete this task on time. This CJR
aims to fulfill KKNI duties and as a lecture material.

I realize that in writing criticism of this book there are still many shortcomings and
it is far from perfect both in terms of language and writing composition. This is because
my ability and experience are still limited. Therefore, I look forward to your constructive
criticism and constructive suggestions for further improvements. Hopefully this article can
be useful for readers. in the end let me say thank you and happy reading.

Medan, October 2020



TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................................iii
JOURNAL IDENTITY..........................................................................................................1
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................2
1.1 Background.............................................................................................................2
1.2 Aims........................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER II JOURNAL CONTENT SUMMARY............................................................3
2.1 Summary Journal I..................................................................................................3
2.2 Summary Journal II.................................................................................................5
CHAPTER III DISCUSSION...............................................................................................6
3.1 Advantages..............................................................................................................6
3.2 Disadvantages.........................................................................................................6
CHAPTER IV COVER........................................................................................................7
4.1 Conclusion...............................................................................................................7
4.2 Suggestion...............................................................................................................7


Journal I

Title : An Analysis of Authentic Assessment Implementation Based on

Curriculum 2013 in SMP Negeri 4 Singaraja

Author : Kadek Agus Suarimbawa, A.A.I.N. Marhaeni, G.A.P. Suprianti

Kind of Journal : Journal of Education Research and Evaluation

Year of Publish : 2017

Volume and Number : 1 and 1

ISSN : 2549-2675

Journal II

Title : Implementing Authentic Assessment of Curriculum 2013: Teacher's

Problem and Solution

Author : Fitriani

Kind of Journal : Getsempena English Education Journal

Year of Publish : 2017

Volume and Number : 4 and 2

ISSN : 2502-6801


1.1 Background
The development of student learning outcomes assessment in line with the
development of the curriculum used. That is because assessment is one component that is
directly related to the curriculum. The curriculum itself is a set of plans and arrangements
regarding the objectives, content, and learning material, as well as the methods used to guide
learning activities to achieve certain goals. The change of curriculum to KTSP also changed
the paradigm of learning activities and assessment processes, both concerning systems,
principles, approaches, and techniques and forms of assessment. To be able to see the
development of learning outcomes during the learning process is carried out through
formative assessments that are planned assessment processes that give rise to proof of student
status used by teachers to adjust ongoing learning procedures as well as to adjust current
student learning tactics and aim to obtain information about strengths and weaknesses of the
learning process that has been done and use that information to improve, change or modify
the learning process to be more effective. In other words, with the information obtained, the
teacher will fix things that need to be improved, while those that don't need to be corrected
need to be maintained and improved.
In accordance with the underlying assumption, that knowledge is obtained by children
not from information provided by others, including teachers, but the process of finding and
constructing their own, then the teacher should avoid teaching as a process of conveying
information, students need to be seen as one of the innovations of improvements in the
learning process is the emergence of a contextual approach. Contextual learning emphasizes
the process of student involvement in finding material, meaning that students seek and find
their own subject matter that is associated with real-world situations and encourages students
to make connections between their knowledge and its application in life.

1.2 Aims
1. To review the contents of the journal.
2. Search and find out the information in the journal.
3. Train self to think critically in finding information provided by the journal
4. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of the journal


2.1 Summary Journal I

The research journal has the title An Analysis of Authentic Assessment
Implementation Based on Curriculum 2013 in SMP Negeri 4 Singaraja. The purpose to be
achieved from the journal is to This research aimed at (1) describing authentic assessment
preparation according to Curriculum 2013 by grade seven teachers in SMP Negeri 4
Singaraja, (2) describing authentic assessment implementation according to Curriculum 2013
(3) describing obstacles experienced by teachers in implementing authentic assessment
according to Curriculum 2013 This research is descriptive qualitative study. Journal writers
saw that in designing authentic assessment must be planned well in learning preparation. It
must follow some systematic steps. They must choose the authentic task based on the
standard of what students should know and be able to do, then make criteria of student’s
performance in authentic task, and finally make the scoring rubric based on the criteria of
students’ performance. However, authentic assessment requires teachers to have proper
understanding and commitment to use, because it needs an intensive preparation and
procedures to be applied effectively.

In this case, teachers play a significant role as the assessors who are supposed to
master how to assess their students well. In contrast, the real condition shows that some
teachers are not familiar enough with some techniques in authentic assessment such as self-
peer assessment, project-based assessment and portfolio. Consequently, without adequate and
proper knowledge and skills, some problems will almost certainly appear among teachers
who apply the assessment. Based on previous explanation about the importance of authentic
assessment, the teachers in SMP Negeri 4 Singaraja should use authentic assessment as their
assessment method based on the Curriculum 2013 which is applied in this school in academic
years 2016/2017. Curriculum changes from KTSP to the Curriculum 2013 certainly require
preparation. Teachers have some problems in implementing the authentic assessments in
teaching using Curriculum 2013. The problems are caused by different process of assessing
using authentic assessment in Curriculum 2013 and using standard assessment in curriculum
KTSP. In standard assessment, teachers only need to assess final result of students’

competency without concerning the process to reach the competency. However, in using the
authentic assessment, teachers have to assess the students’ competency from the preparation,
the process, until the result of the learning.

This research used descriptive qualitative research method. According to Miles and
Huberman (1994), qualitative research is conducted through an intense contact with real life
situation. The situations are typically ‘banal’ means that it is a normal situation without any
control; reflect to daily life of individuals, groups, societies, and organization. Sampling the
source of data was done by using purposive sampling, with triangulation of data collection
techniques (combined), data analysis is inductive or qualitative, and the results of qualitative
research emphasizes on meaning rather than generalization.

The result shows that (1) the conformity of authentic assessment preparation based on
Curriculum 2013 by the teachers in is 53.97% which category is sufficient. (2) Conformity of
authentic assessment implementations by the teachers is 44.4% which category is sufficient.
(3) Obstacles experienced by teachers are in terms of students’ number and lack of time in the
authentic assessments implementation. In conclusion, authentic assessments implementation
already measured the competence of knowledge, attitudes and skills of the students according
to Curriculum 2013. The implementation of authentic assessments is carried out based on the
teacher preparations in lesson plans and also some addition of authentic assessment
techniques is implemented by the teachers in the learning process. Authentic assessments
have been capable already to measure the competence of knowledge, attitudes and skills of
the students which is accordance to the demand of on Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan
Kebudayaan No. 103 Tahun 2014 and Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan No.
104 Tahun 2014. Although the preparation and implementation of authentic assessments run
well, there are still obstacles experienced by teacher in terms of the large number of students
and lack of time to finish the assessment. The large number of students made the process of
assessment became quite difficult.

2.2 Summary Journal II
This second journal has a title Implementing Authentic Assessment of Curriculum
2013: Teacher's Problem and Solution. The purpose to be achieved in this journal is to
finding the teachers problems in implementing authentic assessment based on curriculum
2013 and what efforts she used to overcome the problems. Curriculum 2013 requires English
teachers to apply authentic assessment as a method of educational measurement. Authentic
assessment is an evaluation process involving multiple forms of student’s performance on
instructionally-classroom activities. This assessment contributes to the development of the
effective classroom measurement. It encourages students to be more active and helps teacher
reflect on their teaching and improve the instruction. Conversely, applying this method
effectively is quite challenging. This study was conducted at one of Senior High School in
Aceh Barat Daya. The English teacher and the curriculum coordinator were interviewed and
the classroom instruction was observed to gather the data.

The result indicated the teacher’s difficulties included the excessive marking loads,
managing valid assessment, monitoring academic dishonesty, and maintaining quality and
consistency of marking. in other words, teacher has been implementing authentic assessment
as directed in curriculum 2013. However, the English teacher still experienced some
constraints during instructional activities so that the assessment process did not run
effectively. Therefore, the teacher is expected to extent her insight and creativity to improve
the quality of the assessment Curriculum is a fundamental part of educational program. It
provides educators planned and structured framework of an instructional design to achieve
particular educational goals. In 2013, the Ministry of Education and Culture published the
curriculum 2013 to refine the implementation of KTSP. The Curriculum 2013 used to
improve religious tolerance as education should not only make people smart but also to train
Indonesian to be mentally tough, physically healthy, tolerant and willing to live in harmony
with others with different religions, race and tribes. One of the significant alterations in
curriculum 2013 is the use of new method in assessment. Based on Permendikbud No. 81a
2013, teachers are demanded to implement authentic assessment as the method of assessing
the students‟ competence. The implementation of authentic assessment is expected to be able
to improve the quality of formative assessment during the process of learning English.
However, implementing authentic assessment requires the English teacher to be skillful since
there will be many problems that are probably will be faced by them.

3.1 Advantages
 Journal I

There are several advantages that can be seen from this research journal, namely in
the abstract section, the researcher can properly summarize all the results of the journal in an
easy to understand paragraph. The introduction that is attached by the researcher is the
background that actually happened in the field so that the introduction really supports the
basis for the implementation of the research. In addition, the systematic way of conducting
research both from data collection was explained in sufficient detail, and the conclusions
attached by the researcher succeeded in answering a series of objectives for carrying out the

 Journal II
Same with the first journal, in the second journal the abstract section, the researcher
can best summarize all the results of the journal in an easy to understand paragraph. The
research discussed in this journal is very original because it first conducts a literature study to
field observations

3.2 Disadvantages
 Journal I

In this first journal the author cites some literature which is quite good but, too based
on ministerial regulations, whereas based on the research title, it should not be like that.

 Journal II

This journal is the language used is more complicated than the main journal. So, it is
rather difficult for the reader to understand. And there is no literature review, so the focus of
this first journal discussion is only on the results of the data obtained from the research which
results in no linkage between the cited literature.


4.1 Conclusion

Both journals are suitable to read because their discussions are easy to understand.
and can also be used as a reference, because you see the release year that feels new. From
both of journal we know that the preparation and implementation of authentic assessments
run well, there are still obstacles experienced by teacher in terms of the large number of
students and lack of time to finish the assessment. The large number of students made the
process of assessment became quite difficult. The large number of the students made the
process of assessment became quite difficult for the teachers. Solutions that have been made
by the teachers to overcome the obstacles experienced in the implementation of authentic
assessment are to organize well all learning activities undertaken such as firmness to the
students about finishing the assessment on time, giving a warning for the students who
disturbing the learning process and extra task to educate them, or extra point to motivate
students in learning.

4.2 Suggestion

The suggestions that I can give in this Critical journal review are that the writer
should correct mistakes in writing both words and sentences so that they can be used or used
by readers as a reference in research or other uses. For readers who are going to do research,
it is better if the research in this journal is further enhanced regarding research on inquiry
learning models and looking for more recent references to support better research in the


Fitriani. 2017. “Implementing Authentic Assessment of Curriculum 2013: Teacher’s Problem

and Solution.” Getsempena English Education Journal 4(2):164–71.

Suarimbawa, Kadek Agus, A. A. I. N. Marhaeni, and GAP Suprianti. 2017. “An Analysis of
Authentic Assessment Implementation Based on Curriculum 2013 in SMP Negeri 4
Singaraja.” Journal of Education Research and Evaluation 1(1):38.

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