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Reflection Paper on the movie EX MACHINA (2015)

Describe the intricacy of the relationship between artificial intelligence and humans. Based on the events of
the movie, discuss how humanity can manipulate A.I to secure on better future.
The relationship of human and Artificial intelligence are so intricacy because Artificial Intelligence is not
the only form of intelligence that is programmed. Humans are also programmed through DNA. The human body
works through codes which is in human’s DNA codes. Similar to the humans, Artificial Intelligence functions
through codes that program through software.
A.I is not like human who can free to do what they want and free to go where they want to. They can
decide for their own and they thinking on their own. On the other hand, A.I. can never do what they want if it’s not
program to their software. They can never decide for their own because their doing what the creator command them.
Humans are naturally have feelings or emotions on everything they experience towards other people. Sadly
in many A.I programmed they doesn’t have feelings built to their software. On what I watched on the film it’s not
also impossible that A.I. can have emotions like humans. They can learn that when they are engage with people.
Like Ava, she’s so curios on what other people can do and what peoples can experience. She’s so curios on
what is outside, what is have on the outside of her room. Nathan who is the creator of Ava get a person who can test
Ava on how she will engage and how she can communicate. Caleb the person choose by Nathan to test Ava his
mission is to do Turing-test-passing against Ava on how she will think and communicate with other people aside
from Nathan.
It’s so obvious seeing the intricacy relationship of human and A.I , based on the part of the film where
Caleb asking Ava about her on how Ava will response on Caleb questions. On the other hand, to my surprise when
Ava will be one to asking Caleb she already know what will be the answer of Caleb to her question. She know when
Caleb is saying the truth and if Caleb is lying.
Ava learn to have self-awareness and consciousness when she was communicating with Caleb each day.
Every time Caleb asking her and do their session she’s so fast to adapt every action and also she thinks fast than
people can do. Ava is a true A.I. that has human intelligence because she possesses these characteristics and moves
through the same stages that she learn through Nathan and with her session with Caleb.
At the rate of human evolution and technological evolution are currently growing, there is fear that a person
can experience of ultimate destruction of human life on earth, there is also a possibility that it will come to the point
where computer intelligence will surpass human intelligence. A.I can doubles what human can do. Their thinking
level is much higher and they are stronger when it comes to their ability compare to people’s level of thinking and
Based on what I watched on the film, Ava is not the only one who programmed by Nathan their so many
that every time he’s doing Turing-test-passing on what he invented they’re having malfunction or his not getting
what he’s supposed to have on his A.I. He’s the one who can decide of what will happen to his A.I. The A.I can
never decide for herself because she’s always following what Nathan command her.
If the creator get what he want and his successful on his invention he can vanish Ava easily and destruct
her if he want to and can transfer the software of Ava in more updated and complete type of Artificial Intelligence.
On that scene I can say that those what I mention are showing how humanity can manipulate A.I. just to secure a
better future.
Next scene that I can say on how humanity can manipulate A.I. just to secure a better future. When Ava
cannot go out on her room, she’s just to her room where Nathan always checking and studying her based on how
Caleb done Turing-test-passing. If there is improvement and if Ava can already use her of Nathan to his company.
That Ava will be the key to Nathan successful life and business career.
Manipulating A.I in a good way that can help people to ease some task. Based on the movie, Nathan
program an A.I that were dangerous because they have the ability to do something risky without thinking if it’s
right. Don’t ever programmed A.I that’s not safety for you especially for other people. Don’t manipulate them in a
bad way, always remember the safety of all people around you.
Nathan treat his invention as a service robot who he can give command every time without thinking that
it’s too much. Nathan does not care for his all inventions as long as he get what he want. He doesn’t care if his
invention will destroy because he knew he can create a new A.I. easily.
If you’re one of the person who have a dream to invent a robot or A.I. always remember to treat them also
as a person not just a material that you can give task or commanding them. Always remember that when you invent
an A.I. always think the safety of all people. Creating them will give you a better future so as a return just treat them
nicely is a big help for you and especially for the A.I. Don’t ever do what Nathan did to her inventions that he treat
them in a very bad way just to secure a better future and also don’t ever think to involve a person you can use just to
have a successful invention, like what Nathan did to Caleb.

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