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Cell Analogy Project Name:_________________Due Date:

Cells need to carry out the same basic functions as we do to sustain life; the difference is cells do this with much
smaller parts. These smaller structures that allow the cell to function are called organelles – “tiny organs.” Also
plant and animal cells have some similar parts and some parts that are not similar. It’s only common sense that if
you are able to relate things you learned in class to everyday things, you’ll remember it better. It’s not every day that
you and your friends sit around at Starbucks discussing the rough endoplasmic reticulum. However, you probably do
discuss things like cars, your homes, places to visit, etc…

Purpose: To show how something in our real world functions just like a plant or animal cell, and to learn an
alternate method for remembering cell organelle functions.

Your Task: Your task for this assignment is to relate the different cell organelles to an everyday situation, place
or thing using an analogy. The analogy is your choice. Your analogy will be represented in the form of a regular
sized poster, tri-fold board, actual model, video, software generated model or other form (free choice approved by
teacher). Your project must represent a plant OR animal cell and ALL of its organelles. You should compare roles
of ALL specified organelles to a part of the analogy (see the checklist).

Cell Analogy Project Guidelines

The Cell Analogy is a Summative Assessment grade.
This Project will be done in class by yourself.
Follow ALL guidelines to make sure that your Cell analogy Project contains all the required information.

Guidelines for completion:

DAY ONE – 2/24 after quiz - 2/25
1. Choose a real world situation, place or thing that functions like a cell.
2. Please choose ONE type of cell (plant or animal), and check off each organelle as you add it in your

Plant Cell
Nucleus Mitochondria Animal Cell
Cell wall Cell membrane Nucleus Mitochondria
Chloroplast Ribosomes  Chromosomes Cell membrane
Golgi body E. Reticulum (both) Lysosome Ribosomes
Vacuole Lysosome Golgi body E. Reticulum (both)
Chromosomes Cytoplasm  Vacuole Cytoplasm
Nuclear Membrane Nuclear Membrane

3. Create a chart/table listing each required cell part, and the analogy part that relates to it. (example below
4. Determine the method in which you will construct or create your cell analogy project (poster, model etc.)
5. On a piece of paper, carefully plan and illustrate how your project will look or be developed/constructed.
6. On the back of that paper, list the materials you and/or your partners will need to complete your analogy
 Check Point! Student initials at the end of the class that all steps have been completed.

DAY TWO – 2/26

Written Portion: To demonstrate your understanding of the cell analogy project, you will be required to write
an explanation of each organelle as its function relates to the function or purpose of the everyday item you chose.
Example: The nucleus of the cell controls all of the activities within the household, just as the parents control what
takes place on a daily basis at home regarding children, finances and household chores. When you finish, you will
have completely discussed ALL of the items listed in the checklist above!
1. Work on the written portion of the cell analogy project. Your written portion must have the following:
a. A title page that includes what your analogy is, whether it is a plant or animal cell, your name, and
the due date.
b. At least one sentence per organelle. Example: I chose CITY HALL to represent the cell NUCLEUS because the city
hall is headquarters of a city’s administration and it controls all the activities going on in the city, just like the nucleus
controls all the activities in the cell.
2. Each cell part should be compared to a real world part.
3. Explain why the cell part and the real part are similar in their functions.
4. This should be typed in paragraph form (Sentence structure examples are provided below)
 Check Point! Student initials at the end of the class that all steps have been completed.______________ Teacher

DAY THREE – 2/27

1. Make sure you have all necessary supplies to create a model of your cell analogy.
2. Create your cell analogy using technology resources, a poster, or other resources.
3. Once you are done, make sure your model is complete and all parts are labeled with the cell organelle and
their related part in your analogy.
4. Check over your rubric and make sure that you have all of the proper pieces for your project.
 Check Point! Student initials at the end of the class that all steps have been completed.

CATEGORY 5 4 3 2 0
Number of cell parts Plant (13), Animal Plant (11), Animal Plant (9), Animal (7) Plant (7), Animal (5) 4 or fewer cell
(varies on plant and (11) cell parts are (9) cell parts are cell parts are cell parts are parts are
animal) represented represented represented represented represented

Descriptions of All descriptions are Most descriptions are Some representations Descriptions lack No description is
analogies - accuracy complete and accurate are incorrect of the reasons why they are written.
accurate representations of the functions of representations of the
representations of the functions of each cell particular cell parts. cell parts.
X8 functions of each cell part.

Presentation of model - Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of
visual model is very neat model is somewhat model is somewhat model is unorganized the model is
and well organized. organized and neat. organized and neat. and messy. It has highly
All of the labels are It has some labels Labels are missing labels or unorganized. No
spelled correctly and missing or they are completely missing they are difficult to labels are
are easy to read. spelled incorrectly. or difficult to read. read. provided.


The Cell as a Factory Example Chart/Table:

Factory Part Function Organelle
Central Office (Important management offices) Manages activities, initiates production, controls activities of factory Nucleus

Central Office Entrance Door to the central office that the important management personnel use to get in Nuclear Membrane
and out of their offices to do their duties.

Assembly Line Assembles raw materials to manufacture items Ribosome

Packaging & Shipping Packs products for distribution Golgi Bodies

Conveyer Belt Moves product within the factory Endoplasmic reticulum

Generator Produces energy for the factory Mitochondrion

Storage area Stores materials for later use Vacuole

Collection center Breaks down and recycles used parts Lysosome

Front Door to Factory Allows for things to enter and leave the factory Cell membrane

Bricks and Steel/Walls Construction materials that keep the factory from collapsing cytoplasm

Sentence structures to help: Example: I chose CITY HALL to represent the cell NUCLEUS because the city hall is headquarters of a
city’s administration and it controls all the activities going on in the city, just like the nucleus controls all the activities in the cell.

I chose insert analogy item to represent the insert cell organelle because explain what the analogy item
does just like the insert cell organelle does insert cell organelle function.

1. I chose _____________ to represent the CELL MEMBANE because ___________________ just

like the CELL MEMBRANE _______________________.
2. I chose _________________ to represent the CELL WALL because ___________________ just
like the CELL WALL __________________________.
3. I chose ________________ to represent CYTOPLASM because ________________________
just like the CYTOPLASM ________________________.
4. I chose ____________________ to represent the NUCLEUS because
______________________________ just like the NUCLEUS ____________________.
5. I chose _________________ to represent the CHROMOSOMES because
______________________ just like the CHROMOSOMES ______________________.
6. I chose __________________ to represent the MITOCHONDRIA because
______________________ just like the MITOCHONDRIA ______________________.
7. I chose _________________ to represent the VACUOLE because ________________________
just like the VACOLUE __________________________.
8. I chose ______________________ to represent the CHLOROPLAST because
__________________ just like the CHLOROPLAST _____________________________.
9. I chose _______________________ to represent the NUCLEAR MEMBRANE because
_________________ just like the NUCLEAR MEMBRANE__________________.
10. I chose __________________ to represent the RIBOSOMES because ______________ just like
the RIBOSOMES _________________________________.
11. I chose ___________________ to represent the ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM because
__________________ just like the ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM
12. I chose _______________________ to represent the GOLGI BODIES because
__________________ just like the GOLGI BODIES __________________________.
13. I chose ______________________ to represent the LYSOSOMES because
____________________________ just like LYSOSOMES ______________________.

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