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User Manual for Faculty Members

Moodle Administrator

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Contents Page
Introduction to Moodle 3
How to sign in Moodle 4
How to edit profile and change password 6
Moodle Home Page Structure 7
Accessing your Courses 8
Course Page in Moodle 9
Introduction of Blocks 10
Navigation Block 10
Administration Block 11
How to Add Block to Course Page 12
Blocks Types 13
Course Page Settings 14
Adding Content to Course 20
The “Add an activity or resource” menu 21
Assignment Activity 22
Chat Activity 30
Forum Activity 34
Lesson Activity 42
Quiz Activity 52
Feedback Activity 62
Introduction of Resource Files, Folders, Book, Label 68
How to add Book 69
How to add Folder 69
How to add Label 70
How to add Files 71
How to Upload PowerPoint 73
How to Import Question into Quiz 77
How to Upload Video 78

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Learning Management System

Introduction to Moodle.
Moodle is an online Learning Management System (LMS) enabling educators to create
dynamic courses that extend learning, anytime, anywhere.
The heart of LMS is courses that contain activities and resources. The main power of
this activity-based model comes in combining the activities into sequences and groups,
which can help you guide participants through learning paths. Thus, each activity can
build on the outcomes of previous ones.

What teachers can do with Moodle...

1. Create online courses
2. upload file and Powepoint
3. open forums and survey
4. create online tests and examinations

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How to sign in Moodle

To sign in to Moodle, go to

Step1. Click E-Learning button on Home pages

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Step2. In the Login block.

 Enter your Valid username or Email in username field

 Enter your valid password in password field
 click the Sign in Button or press enter.
 You should see your name in the user menu at the top-right of the page.

Note: Teachers who cannot log in to Moodle should contact the IT Department (Room
No 646).
To log out of Moodle, in the user menu at the top-right of the page click Log out.
Note: Be sure to quit your browser after you log out, especially if you are using a
public or shared computer.

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How to edit profile and change password

Step1.From the User menu (top-right), under preference select User.

Step2.Your preference page opens and here you can change and edit your settings

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Moodle Home Page Structure

After logging in to the Moodle system, the picture bellow- shows the front page
of Moodle- will be displayed. Refer to the table to explain the numbers.

1 Link for your profile page there you can edit your profile and change
2 Important link button for student
3 Navigation Block contains links for Moodle pages which includes
Dashboard, My Home, Site Pages, and Courses.

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Accessing your Courses

Navigation Block: select “My Courses” link, it will show list of all your
courses. select one of them to go to its page

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Course Page in Moodle

1 Collection of Blocks that provide some services and information about

the course. You can manage them.
2 Course sections where you can add course materials such as lectures
and assignments.
3 Turn Editing On button that enable you to add materials and blocks to
the course page.
4 Navigation Block: it contains links for Moodle pages.
5 Administrator Block: It provides links for settings pages in Moodle

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Blocks are items which may be added to the left or right or center column of any
page in Moodle. Usually blocks show information from course page or from
external web site such as twitter.
Each course page has standard blocks which you can add or delete them later.

Blocks Types
1) Navigation Block
2) Administration Block

Navigation Block
It appears in each Moodle page and it contains links for various parts of Moodle

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Administration Block
It provides links for settings pages in Moodle.

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Adding Blocks

To add Block to your course page:

Step1. Log in to Moodle system, and then select the course.
Step2. Turn editing on by pressing the editing button
Step3. Move to the bottom of the page, and select any type of available blocks
from “Add Block” menu.

Step4. You can edit block’s settings if needed by clicking on setting icon.

Step5. Press the turn editing off button

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Blocks Types
Calendar Block
This block displays a copy of the current calendar month and shows range of
colorful events as a reminder. All course events automatically appear in the
calendar, for example, when you set a day for submitting the assignment activity,
this date will appear as a course event in the calendar.

Upcoming Event Block

The Upcoming events block displays future events in a summarized list. Events
are generated directly from the calendar and/or activity deadlines, providing a
link to full details or link to the activity. All event of the course such as
assignments due dates, exam date and manually added events will be displayed in
this block.

Activities Block
The Activities block lists all activities and resources of the current course and
allows navigation between the different activities available in your course
(Forums, Quizzes, Assignments, Lesson module and so forth). The activities list
will grow as you add activities to your course. When clicking on the Resource link,
the block will display a list of all resources added in your course. See the next

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Course Settings
Instructors have the ability to change course settings if they are not satisfied with
default settings that were completed in initial set up of the course. Course
settings include the layout of the course page, start date of course, availability to
the students etc.

To edit the course settings:

Step1. Log in to Moodle and select course.
Step2. Select Edit settings in Administration block. This will open up a new page
to edit categories of settings.

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Categories of Course settings that teacher can edit as follows:

1. General
2. Description
3. Course format
4. Appearance
5. Files and uploads
6. Groups

1)General Settings

1 You can edit Course full and short name
2 This setting determines year of course
3 This setting determines whether the course appears in the list of courses.
Apart from teachers and administrators, users are not allowed to enter
the course if this setting set to hide.
4 This setting determines the start of a course in topic format.
5 The ID number of a course is only used when matching the course against
external systems and is not displayed anywhere on the site.
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1 Write a description of your course, this will be displayed in the list of

2 You can upload any files such as book image or course description in pdf

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3)Course Format

1 Select the layout of the course page.

Topics format - The course page is organised into topic sections.
Weekly format - The course page is organised into weekly sections
created by Moodle, with the first week starting on the course start date
Flexible Section topics- The course page is organised into topic under
Sub sections.
2 Choose number of weeks or topics. You can change this number any time.
3 This option determines if the hidden sections will be displayed in
collapsed format or to be hidden completely.
4 This setting determines whether the whole course is displayed on one
page or split over several pages.

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1 This setting determines the possibility of changing the page language

course. When choosing forcing language, the students will not be able to
change the course language.
2 This setting determines how many recent items appear in the latest news
block on the course page. If set to "0” then the latest news block will not
be displayed.
3 Select if the students can view their grades in the course.
4 This setting determines whether a student can view their own activity
reports via their profile page

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5)Files and uploads

This setting determines the largest size of file that can be uploaded to the course.


1 This setting has 3 options:

No groups: There are no sub groups, everyone is part of one big
Separate groups: Each group member can only see their own group,
are invisible
Visible groups: Each group member works in their own group, but can also
see other groups.
2 If group mode is forced, then the course group mode is applied to every
activity in the course. Group mode settings in each activity are then ignored.
3 If groupings are enabled, a default grouping for course activities and
resources may be set

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Adding Content to Course

Editing Section name

We can now add content to each topic. The first thing we can do is to edit section
name. To do this, refer to the table to explain the numbers.

1 Turn on editing button from your course page

2 click on the hand holding the pen in the box to which you wish to edit section name and
press enter

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The “Add an activity or resource” menu

The “Add an activity or resource” menu allows you to add assignments, forums, chat, survey,
feedback, chat, virtual class room, SCROM Packages for power point slides, Book, Files, Folder
and more.

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Assignment Activity

The Assignment activity lets instructors communicate tasks, collect work, set
due dates, and provide feedback and grades.

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How to add an Assignment

Step1. On your course page, click Turn editing on (top right). Editing icons
and links will appear.
Setp2. Locate the Section where you want to add the assignment. (If you
are using the collapsed topics format, open the Section.)
Step3. At the bottom-right of the Section, click + Add an activity or
resource. The Activity Chooser will open.
Step4. In the Activity Chooser, select Assignment and click Add. The Adding
a new Assignment page will open.
Step5. Configure the assignment options. The page opens
with General, Availability and Submission type settings in view. Click topic
headings to make additional settings for submission types, grading, groups,
etc., or click Expand all (top right) to view all possible settings. Click Save
and return to course to return to your main course page, or Save and
display to view the assignment page.

Assignment Options

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1)General Settings

 Assignment name (required)

This name displays as a link on your course page. Use something unique that
clearly identifies this assignment from other course activities. We also
recommend keeping the name short.

 Description (optional)
Enter a summary of the assignment and instructions. You can also Display
description on course page. Select this option to display the description
underneath the assignment link on your course page. (This works best if the
description is very concise).

 Additional files
Drag and drop files into the upload field to append the file to the
assignment Description.

Select Enable checkboxes to set a date and time for:

 Allow submissions from

Determines when students can begin to submit to the assignment.

 Due date
Determines when the assignment will be due. The due date will show in the
course Calendar and within the Activities Block.

 Cut-off date
Determine when the assignment will no longer accept submissions.

3)Submission Types
Submission types
With Online text, students can enter text directly into an editor. If File
submissions are enabled, students can upload one or more files.
Note: To create an offline assignment where students will submit or perform
work outside Moodle, leave both Online text and File submissions unchecked. You

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can still provide a description, set due dates and have the activity show in the
course Calendar and Gradebook.

Maximum number of uploaded files

If file submissions are enabled, each student will be able to upload up to the set
number of files for their submission.

 Maximum submission size

If file submissions are enabled, each upload cannot exceed this file size per
upload. (If a student can upload multiple files, and uploads files at different times,
the total can exceed the set size.)

4)Feedback Types

 Feedback comments
If enabled, graders can provide written feedback for each submission. These
comments are from the grader to the student.

 Feedback files
If enabled, graders can upload files containing feedback when marking
assignments. For example, you can upload marked up student submissions,
documents with comments, or spoken audio feedback.

 Offline grading worksheet

If enabled, graders can download a spreadsheet to enter grades without having to
be logged in to Moodle. This can be useful if you anticipate grading while
disconnected from the Internet.

 Comment inline
If enabled, the submission text will be copied into the feedback comment field
during grading, making it easier to comment inline or to edit the original text.

5)Submission Settings

 Require students click submit button

If enabled, students will have to click a Submit button to declare their submission
as final. Requiring the Submit button allows students to keep a draft version of
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the submission on the system.

Note: If this setting is changed from No to Yes after students have made
submissions, the submissions will be regarded as final.

 Require that students accept the submission statement

If enabled, students will be shown a statement that declares they are submitting
their own original work and they will have to accept the statement before their
submission is processed.

 Attempts reopened
If set to Manually, the student's submission can be reopened by a teacher. If set
to Automatically until pass, the student's submission is automatically reopened
until the student achieves a passing grade (defined under Grade).

 Maximum attempts
The maximum number of submission attempts that can be made by a student.
After this number of attempts has been made, the student's submission will not
be able to be reopened.

6)Group Submission Settings

 Students submit in groups

If enabled, students submit work together in groups rather than individually. For
example, a group of students can submit one file that contains the joint work of
the group. See Configure & Grade Group Assignments in Moodle.

 Require all group members submit

If enabled, all students in a group must individually click the Submit button in
order to acknowledge that they are signing off on their group's joint submission.
Note: This option is available only if both Students submit in groups and Require
students click submit button are enabled.

 Grouping for student groups

If Students submit in groups is enabled, this option shows which Grouping has
been selected in the common module settings (see below).

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 Notify graders about submissions

If enabled, instructors and TAs will receive an email alert whenever a student
makes a submission. (This may not be manageable in a class with a large number
of students.)
 Notify graders about late submissions
If enabled, instructors and TAs will receive an email alert whenever a submission
is made after the due date.
 Default setting for "Notify students"
If enabled, the default setting for notifying students when grades are released will
be set in the assignment grading interface. This can be changed manually during
grading. For more information.


 Grade
Select the Grade Type:
None - The assignment will be ungraded and worth no points.
Point - Grade out of a simple number of maximum points. Enter the maximum
possible score for the assignment in the Maximum points field.
Scale - Select a preset or custom Scale from the Scale drop-down.
 Grading method
Choose Simple direct grading, Rubric or Grading guide to grade the assignment.
 Grade category
Select a Category in your gradebook under which you would like the assignment
grade to be placed.
 Blind grading
If enabled, instructors and TAs will not see student names when grading
 Use grading workflow
When enabled, grading an assignment goes through a series of workflow
stages: Not graded, in grading, Grading completed, in review, Ready for
release, and Released.

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 Use grading allocation

When both Use grading workflow and Use grading allocation are enabled,
instructors can assign specific graders to grade specific students.

9)Common Module Settings

 Visibility to students
Set whether or not an assignment is visible to students. By default, new
assignments are set to Show.

 ID number
Setting an ID number identifies the activity for grade calculation purposes.
 Group mode, grouping
These options let you restrict the assignment to particular groups of students you
have already created in Moodle.

10)Restrict Access

Use Restrict Access settings with care and check for conflicts with other settings
you may have made for the activity. Settings may prevent students from accessing
restricted content, including grades and due dates.

To add restrictions on accessing the activity, click Add restriction... The Add
restriction window will open, containing the following options:

 Date. Prevent access until (or from) a specified date and time.
 Grade. Require students to achieve a specified grade.
 User profile. Control access based on fields within the student’s profile.
 Restriction set. Add a set of nested restrictions to apply complex logic.
If you have groups in your course, you will see the following additional options:
 Group. Allow or prevent access only students who belong to a specified group, or
all groups.
 Grouping. Allow or prevent access only students who belong to a group within a
specified grouping.

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Edit an Assignment

While it is possible to edit the content or setup options for an existing assignment,
proceed with caution if the assignment has already been released to students --
especially if students have already submitted work. Changing some options, such
as changing participants when working with groups, may result in student
confusion and the loss of work that has already been submitted.

To change the content or options for an assignment you have already created:

1. On your course page, click Turn editing on.

2. Next to the Assignment to update, click Edit, then select Edit Settings. The
assignment's settings page will open.
3. The Updating Assignment page shows you the same options available on
the Adding a new Assignment page. Here you may change your assignment
options as needed, including changing the due date, grading information,
and availability of the assignment.
4. Once you have finished making the necessary changes, click Save and return
to course at the bottom of the page.

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Chat Activity
The Chat activity allows course members to hold real-time, text-based
conversations with other course members.

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How to Set up a Chat Room

Step1. On your course page, click Turn editing on (top right). Editing
icons and links will appear.
Step2. Locate the Section where you want to add the Chat activity.
Step3. At the lower-right of the Section, click + Add an activity or
resource. In the Add an activity or resource window select Chat and
click Add. The Adding a new Chat page will open.
Step4. In the Add an activity or resource window select Chat and
click Add. The Adding a new Chat page will open.
Step5. On the Adding a new Chat page, enter an informative name in
the Name of this chat room field. For example, "Group A Chat -- Weds. 8-
9 pm.”
Step6. In the Description box, enter a description that lets your students
know the purpose of the chat, and your expectations for their
participation. For a structured discussion, you could include a specific
list of questions you would like addressed. This is also a good place to
let your students know whether or not you plan to make the archive of
chat logs available to the entire class.
Step7. Configure other settings for the assignment. For more
information on these options,
Step8. Click Save and return to course to return to your course page.

Configure Chat Options

When you add a Chat activity to a Moodle course, you can choose from a
number of settings. The first two settings are required; the remaining settings
are optional. Click particular headings to view those settings, or Expand
all (top right) to view all settings.

1. In the Chat sessions section, from the Next chat time drop-down menu,
select a specific date and hour for students to meet.
2. Next, from the Repeat/publish session times drop-down menu, select
whether and how often the chat will repeat. You can publish repeating
session times daily or weekly, or not at all.

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Note: Setting a date and time is optional and will not restrict access to the
chat at other times; it will add the Chat to the course Calendar block, and let
your students know when they can expect to find others in the chat room.
3. From the Save past sessions drop-down menu, select how long chat logs will
be preserved in the archive. By default, this is set to Never delete
4. To allow students to view chat logs, select Yes from the Everyone can view
past sessions drop-down menu. This will allow everyone in the course to
review the text entered into the chat stream (whether or not they attended
a session). When set to No (default), only instructors and TAs will have
access to the logs for the chat room.
5. Under Common module settings you can assign the Chat activity to groups.,
6. The Restrict access area lets you set conditions for student access to
the Chat activity, either by date or by prerequisite.
Note: During periods when access is restricted, the activity is completely
hidden from students, on the course page, in the gradebook, and in the
course Calendar.
7. Click Save and return to course. Or, to open the chat room directly,
click Save and display.

View, Delete or Download Chat Logs

Instructors can view, delete, or export logs of chat room sessions. A session begins
when the first person enters a chat, and ends when the last person leaves.

View a Log of a Particular Session

By default, only instructors can view past sessions. For students to be able to see
past sessions, an instructor must set up the chat to allow everyone to view past
chat sessions.

1. On your course page, click the link of the Chat activity. The Chat page
opens, showing the description and a list of links.

2. Click View past chat sessions. The Chat sessions page opens showing a list
of sessions and participants with a count of how many messages each
participant sent. The sessions are listed in reverse-chronological order, with
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3. the most recent session at the top of the list.

Note: If you see No complete sessions found, click List all Sessions.

4. To view a particular session, click See this session (at right). A log will open
showing the exchange of messages between participants.

5. To return to the Chat sessions page, click Continue.

Delete a Session Log

1. On your course page, click the link of the Chat activity. The Chat page
opens, showing the description and a list of links.
2. Click View past chat sessions. The Chat sessions page opens showing a list
of sessions and participants with a count of how many messages each
participant sent. The sessions are listed in reverse-chronological order, with
the most recent session at the top of the list.
Note: If you see No complete sessions found, click List all Sessions.
3. For a session listed on the Chat sessions page, click Delete this session. The
session log will open with a confirmation box at the top of the page.
4. To confirm that you are deleting the correct session, click Continue to delete
the log. You will be returned to the Chat sessions page.

Download a Session Log

1. On your course page, click the link of the Chat activity. The Chat page
opens, showing the description and a list of links.
2. Click View past chat sessions. The Chat sessions page opens showing a list
of sessions and participants with a count of how many messages each
participant sent. The sessions are listed in reverse-chronological order, with
the most recent session at the top of the list.
Note: If you see No complete sessions found, click List all Sessions.
3. To download a session, click Export to portfolio (at lower-left). The session
will download to your computer as an HTML page. Depending on your
browser, you may need to confirm the download.
Note: Look for the file named "Your chat name-session.html" where your

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4. browser typically saves downloads. You can view the file in a browser, or
open it in a word processing application such as MS Word.
5. To return to the previous page after downloading, click Return to where
you were.
6. To return to the Chat sessions page, click Continue.

Download Logs of All Sessions

1. On your course page, click the link of the Chat activity. The Chat page
opens, showing the description and a list of links.
2. Click View past chat sessions. The Chat sessions page opens showing a list
of sessions and participants with a count of how many messages each
participant sent. The sessions are listed in reverse-chronological order, with
the most recent session at the top of the list.
Note: If you see No complete sessions found, click List all Sessions.
3. Click Export all to portfolio (at lower left of the page). The sessions will be
compiled in a single HTML file and downloaded to your computer.
Depending on your browser, you may need to confirm the download.
Note: Look for the file named "Your chat name-session.html" where your
browser typically saves downloads. You can view the file in a browser, or
open it in a word processing application such as MS Word.
4. To return to the previous page after downloading, click Return to where
you were.
5. To return to the Chat sessions page, click Continue.

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Instructors and students can communicate and collaborate using Moodle Forums.
Instructors can create discussion topics or, depending on the forum type, allow
students to originate topics. Course members can then post replies, and subscribe
if they want to receive an email copy of each post made to a particular forum.

Forum Types
There are multiple forum types in Moodle. Some forum types allow only the
instructor to start a new topic, and others allow students to start new topics.
Choose the type of forum that makes sense for the activity you are asking your
students to do:

 Standard forum for general use

Allow multiple topics arranged in a threaded conversation. Students may start
new topics in this format.

 Standard forum displayed in a blog-like format

Allow multiple topics listed with the most recent topic at the top of the page and
replies behind a link. Students may start new topics in this format.

 Single simple discussion

Only one topic, started by the instructor, is allowed. This is best suited for short-
term, focused conversations.

 Each person posts one discussion

Each student may start one new topic. Students are not limited in the number of
replies they can post within those topics.

 Q and A forum
An instructor posts one topic, for example, posing a question to students. Students
must post their response before they can view other students’ responses.

 The News Forum

This unique forum is automatically created in each course for instructors to post
announcements. By default, comments are not allowed, only instructors and TAs
can post to the forum, and all course participants receive an email copy of each
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Add a New Forum to Your Course

1. On your course page, click Turn editing on (top right). Editing icons and
links will appear.
2. Locate the course Section where you will add the forum. (If you are using
the Collapsed topics format, open the Section.)
3. At the bottom-right of the Section, click + Add an activity or
resource. The Activity chooser will open.
4. In the Activity chooser, select Forum and then click Add. The Adding a new
Forum page will open.
5. Configure settings for the forum
6. Click Save and return to course to return to your main course page.
Configure Forum Options
When you add a Forum activity to a Moodle course, you can choose from a
number of settings. The first two settings are required; the remaining settings are
optional. Click particular headings to view those settings, or Expand all (top right)
to view all settings. This section describes each setting.

Forum name (required)
This name displays as a link to the forum on your course page. Use something
unique that clearly identifies this forum from other course activities. We also
recommend keeping the name short.

Description (required)
Explain the purpose of the forum to your students. For example, you might
describe how often students should post, how many posts and replies they should
make, and/or the expectations about post content. The Description will be visible
to students when they click the forum link.

Display description on course page

Select this option to display the description underneath the assignment link on
your course page.

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Forum type
Select a forum type from the drop-down menu. The default is Standard forum for
general use.

Attachments and word count

 Maximum attachment size

Each attachment cannot exceed this file size. (If a student can attach multiple files,
and attaches files at different times, the total can exceed the set size.)

 Maximum number of attachments

Each student will be able to upload up to the maximum number of attachments
for their submission.

 Display word count

This setting specifies whether the word count of each post should be displayed or
Subscription and tracking

 Subscription mode
Subscription mode is set to Optional subscription by default (recommended). This
allows students to choose to subscribe to the forum and receive an email copy of
each post made. Other choices are:

 Forced subscription - Everyone is subscribed and cannot unsubscribe (not

recommended in most cases).

 Auto subscription - Everyone is subscribed initially but can choose to unsubscribe

at any time.

 Subscription disabled - Subscriptions are not allowed.

 Read tracking
If enabled, participants can track read and unread posts in the forum and in

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 RSS feed for this activity

RSS (really simple syndication) feeds in Moodle enable people to stay up to date
with forum posts. Select Discussions or Posts from the drop-down menu to
choose what content will be included in the feed.

 Number of RSS recent articles

If RSS feed is enabled for this activity, this setting specifies the number of articles
(either discussions or posts) to include in the RSS feed.

3)Post threshold for blocking

 Time period for blocking

This setting limits the number of posts students can make in a period of time.
Choose the time period within which to block students from posting from
the Time period for blocking drop-down menu.

 Post threshold for blocking

If a time period for blocking has been set, this setting specifies the maximum
number of posts which a user can post in the given time period.

 Post threshold for warning

Students can be warned as they approach the maximum number of posts allowed
in a given period. This setting specifies after how many posts they are warned.
 Grade category
Select a Category in your gradebook under which you would like the assignment
grade to be placed.
You can grade your students' posts using Ratings. Instructors can rate each post a
student makes, and the ratings are aggregated into a single grade in the

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 Roles with permission to rate

Once the forum activity has been saved, you will be able to see the roles Moodle
users must have in order to submit ratings. The list of roles may be amended via
the permissions link in the Administration block.

 Aggregate type
The aggregate type defines how ratings are combined to form the final grade in
the gradebook. Choose from one of the following options in the Aggregate
type drop-down menu:
Average of ratings - The mean of all ratings.
Count of ratings - The number of rated items becomes the final grade. Note that
the total cannot exceed the maximum grade for the activity.
Maximum - The highest rating becomes the final grade.
Minimum - The smallest rating becomes the final grade.
Sum - All ratings are added together. Note that the total cannot exceed the
maximum grade for the activity.
Note: If No ratings is selected, then the activity will not appear in the gradebook.

 Scale
If an aggregate type has been selected, you may select the type of grading used
for this activity. If Scale is chosen, you can then choose the scale from
the Scale drop-down menu. If using Point grading, you can then enter the
maximum grade available for this activity.

 Restrict ratings to items with dates in this range

If this check box is selected, you can set a specific date range during which a post
must be made in order to receive a grade.

4) Common Module Settings

 Visible
Set whether or not an assignment is visible to students. By default, new
assignments are set to Show.
 ID number
Setting an ID number identifies the activity for grade calculation purposes. Group
mode and Grouping

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These options let you restrict the assignment to particular groups of students you
have already created in Moodle.
Restrict Access
To add restrictions on accessing the activity, click Add restriction. The Add
restriction window will open, containing the following options:

 Date. Prevent access until (or from) a specified date and time.
 Grade. Require students to achieve a specified grade.
 User profile. Control access based on fields within the student’s profile.
 Restriction set. Add a set of nested restrictions to apply complex logic.
If you have groups in your course, you will see the following additional options:
 Group. Allow only students who belong to a specified group, or all groups.
 Grouping. Allow only students who belong to a group within a specified grouping.

Add a New Topic to a Forum

Depending on the type of forum, students may be able to add topics as soon as
the activity is available, or the instructor may need to initiate the discussion by
posting a topic. For example, instructors must post a question to a Q & A forum
before students can post.

To add a new topic to a forum:

1. Click the link to the forum activity (not the edit icon, but the link to open
the forum). The Forum page will open, showing the description you
provided when you set up the activity. If no topics or posts have been
added, you see "There are no discussion topics yet in this forum."
2. If working with groups in the forum:

 To post a topic that will be visible only to a particular group,

the Group mode for the forum must be set to Separate (on
the Settings page for the forum), and on the Forum page, from
the Groups drop-down menu (at top of page), select the group name.

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 To post a topic that will be visible to all groups to read, but to which
only a particular group can reply, the Group mode for the forum must
be set to Visible (on the Settings page for the forum), and on
the Forum page, from the Groups drop-down menu (at top of page),
select the group name.
 To post the same topic for all groups, leave the Groups menu set
to All participants.
3. Click Add a new discussion topic (for a Q & A forum click Add a new
question). The Your new discussion topic page will open.
4. Enter a subject and a message (both required).
5. If subscription is set to Optional in the forum's settings, select
the Discussion subscription check box to receive email copies of posts
made to this forum. (This will affect you, not your students.)
6. You may choose to add an attachment.
7. Select the Mail now checkbox if you do not want the standard 30-minute
delay before subscribers receive an email.
8. Click Post to forum to post your message.
9. Click Continue to return to the Forum page. Your discussion topic will be
listed, and course members will now be able to reply.
10.Once replies have been made, click the link to the topic to view replies or
add additional replies to the thread. (If read tracking is enabled, the
number of unread posts will be indicated and links highlighted.)

Close a Forum and Prevent Further Student Posts

To prevent further student contributions to a forum, change the Permissions for
the activity to make it "read-only."
On your course page, click the link to the forum. The Forum page will open.
1. With the forum page, open, go to the Administration block and
click Permissions (not Check Permissions). The Permissions in Forum screen
will open.
2. In the Advanced role override drop-down menu, choose Student.
3. Under the bold heading, Activity: Forum, select Prevent for the following:
• Reply to posts
• Start new discussions

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Lesson Activity
The lesson module presents a series of HTML pages to the student who is usually
asked to make some sort of choice underneath the content area. The choice will
send them to a specific page in the Lesson. In a Lesson page's simplest form, the
student can select a continue button at the bottom of the page, which will send
them to the next page in the Lesson.

Lesson administration settings

This page explains the settings involved when first creating a lesson. To add a
lesson to your Moodle course page:

 With the editing turned on, in the section you wish to add your lesson, click
the "Add an activity or resource" link (or, if not present, the "Add an activity"
drop down menu) and choose Lesson All settings may expanded by clicking the
"Expand all" link top right.


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Whatever you type here will form the link learners click on to view the lesson so it
is helpful to give it a name that suggests its purpose.

Add a description of your lesson here.

Display description on the course page

If this box is ticked, the description will appear on the course page just below the
name of the lesson.

(These settings are collapsed by default)

Appearance settings expanded

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File pop
If you want to include a link to a file on the lesson page for students to refer to,
upload it here.
Progress bar
Choose this to show a bar at the bottom of the page showing how far into the
lesson the student has got.

 For lessons containing only Content pages, once a lesson has been taken to
the end, if that same lesson is re-taken, the progress bar will not be "reset",
i.e. it will show a 100% progress from page 1!

 For lessons containing Question pages and set to "Re-take" Yes, the progress
bar is always "reset" at 0% upon re-take.

 Note that the Lesson Progress bar only works correctly for lessons with a
"straightforward" navigation, such as page 1 -> page 2 -> page n -> end of
lesson. It is not guaranteed to work with pages "jumping all over the place".

Display ongoing score

Choose this to let students see their score as they work through the lesson.

Display left menu

Choose this if you want to show a list of the pages in the Lesson so a student can
see what is coming up.

Minimum grade to display menu

Choose this if you want the student to go through the lesson once and get a grade
before they can (on review) see and navigate through all the different pages.

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Slideshow height, width and background colour are set for the whole site by an
administrator in Settings > Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules >

Maximum Number of Answers

Here you can set the default number of answer boxes available when you add
your question or content pages. For instance, if you are only going to use
True/False, you would only need 2. You can change this at any time so it's not

Use default feedback

Choose this if you want to show a set phrase regardless of their answer. If you
have set your own default feedback such as "well done; correct" or "never mind;
better luck next time" etc it will appear. If you have not, then Moodle's default
feedback will appear.

Link to next activity

Choose this to give students a link to another activity when they reach the end of
the lesson. (Note: this can also be achieved using Conditional activities)

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(These settings are collapsed by default)

Availability settings expanded

Available from/Deadline
Here you can set a start and end date and time for your Lesson.

Time limit
This allows you to set a time limit on the lesson which can now be seconds,
minutes, hours, days or weeks. Students will see a countdown counter in a block
as they work.

The timer does not stop them doing the lesson when the time is up, but correct
answers are no longer scored.

Password protected lesson

 Change to "Yes" and enter the password if you want students only to access it
when they know the password.
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Prerequisite lesson

 Note: You will only see this setting if you have a course with prerequisite
lessons upgraded from an earlier version of Moodle.
 You will see a warning that prerequisites are due to be removed completely.
 Please use access restrictions instead. See Conditional activities for more

4.Flow control
(These settings are collapsed by default)

Flow control settings expanded

Allow Student Review

This puts a "Review Lesson" button on the last screen of the lesson to encourage
the students to navigate through the lesson again from the start.
Note that the students will not be able to change their answers,
only view them.

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Provide option to try a question again

 This displays a button after an incorrectly answered question so that the

student can try again (but not get credit for it)

TIP: Leave this off if you are using essay questions.

Maximum Number of Attempts

 Decide here how many times you want students to be able to attempt
each question. When they reach the maximum, they will be taken
automatically to the next page.

Note: this setting works in combination with the above setting, or


 When 'provide an option to try again' is set to No, students will be able
to retake the question as many times as it is set here, with a score

 When 'provide an option to try again' is set to Yes, then students will be
able to retake the question as many times as it set here without a score
penalty. In this case an extra dialogue appears.

Consequently, when the relevant jump 'this page' is used in wrong answer
while the 'provide an option to try again' is set to No and 'maximum
number of attempts' is set to 1, a student that will answer wrongly will be
moved into the next page, since he/she has the change to try the question
just once.
Tip: Ensure you check lesson using a real student account, as the teacher
preview or the 'switch role to student' may not give you the exact picture.

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Action after a Correct Answer

Choose here where you want a student to be sent to if they get a question
right. See Using Lesson for more details on this setting. The options are:

o the next part of the Lesson (default setting)
o a random, unexpected page
o a random page which they have not yet answered.

Number of pages to show

You only need this if you have set "Action after a correct answer" to show
an unseen or unanswered page. Otherwise, all pages will be seen

(These settings are collapsed by default.)

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Custom Scoring
Use this to give a particular number score (negative or positive) to each

Re-takes allowed
Choose this if you want your students to be able to do the lesson more
than once.
Note that this setting only applies to lessons containing Question pages.
Lessons consisting only of Content pages can be re-taken even if 'Re-takes
allowed' is set to No.

Handling of re-take
If you allow your students to re-take the lesson, then decide here if the
grade for all lesson attempts is the mean or the maximum.
Note that the Question Analysis always uses the answers from the first tries
of the lesson. Re-takes by students are ignored.

Minimum Number of Questions

Set here the minimum number of questions that will be used to
calculate a student's score. Students will be told how many they
have answered and how many more they need to answer.

 If you are using Content pages, then set this to 0.

 If you use this setting, then add some explanatory text at the
start of the lesson so the student knows how many questions
they must answer as a minimum. (They may answer more.

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6.Common module settings

(These settings are collapsed by default.)

Restrict access/Activity completion

(These settings are collapsed by default)

 The Restrict access and Activity completion settings are visible

if Conditional activities and Activity completion have been
enabled in the site and the course.
 Note that in addition to the standard activity completion
conditions, the Lesson also has 'Require end reached' and

7.User and group overrides

When a lesson has been created, it is possible to override certain
settings for individuals and groups. The settings for this are located
in the Lesson administration block:

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The Quiz activity module allows the teacher to design and build quizzes consisting
of a large variety of Question types, including multiple choice, true-false, short
answer and drag and drop images and text. These questions are kept in
the Question bank and can be re-used in different quizzes.

Quizzes may be used

 As course exams
 As an assignment
 As exam practice
 For self-assessment

How to Create Quiz Activity

Step1. Enable editing mode by pressing “turn editing on” button.

Step2. Within the required Week or Topic section, click Add an Activity or
Resource link.

Step3. Select Quiz from activity list, and click Add.

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Configure Quiz Settings


1 Name: - Enter the quiz name which will appear on the course
page to the students as link
2 Description: Write description of the quiz that defines the
purpose of the quiz and provide instructions to the students
or background information, links etc.
3 Display description on course page: If ticked, the quiz
description will appear on the course page directly under the
quiz name.

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2)Timing (click to expand):

1 Open the Quiz: this setting allows you to specify times (date and hour)
when the quiz is accessible for students to make attempts
2 Close the quiz after the closing time, the students will not be able to start
new attempts.
3 Time limit enabled, the time limit is stated on the initial quiz page and a
countdown timer is displayed in the quiz navigation block. By default,
quizzes do not have a time limit, which allows students as much time as
they need to complete the quiz.
4 When time expires: There are three options as to what will happen
when the time limit is up.
Choose the one you need from the dropdown menu:
1. Open attempts are submitted automatically (This is the default)
2. There is a grace period when open attempts can be submitted, but no
more questions answered
3. Attempts must be submitted before time expires, or they are not
counted. If you choose this setting, then students who failed to submit
will not be graded.
5 if you select "There is a grace period..." then you can check the box to
enable the "Submission grace period" and specify a period of time
during which learners may still submit the quiz after the time is up.

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3)Grade (click to expand):

1 Grade category: If you have categories in your gradebook, select the

category in which this quiz's grades are placed in the gradebook.
2 Grade to pass: This setting determines the minimum grade required to
pass. The value is used in activity and course completion, and in the
gradebook, where pass grades are highlighted in green and fail grades in
3 Attempts allowed: Students may be allowed to have multiple attempts at
a quiz.
4 Grading Method: When multiple attempts are allowed, the following
methods are
available for calculating the final quiz grade:
o Highest grade of all attempts.
o Average (mean) grade of all attempts.
o First attempt (all other attempts are ignored).
o Last attempt (all other attempts are ignored)

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4)Lay Out (click to expand):

1 New Page: You can select number of question in each page.

2 Navigation method: if it set to sequential instead of Free, then
student must progress through the questions in order without being
able to go back to a previous question or skip to a later one.

5)Question behaviour (click to expand):

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1 Shuffle within questions: If set to 'yes', the parts making up each question
will be randomly shuffled each time a student attempts the quiz,
provided the option is also enabled in the question settings. This setting
only applies to questions that have multiple parts, such as multiple
choice or matching questions.
2 How questions behave: this setting determines how the students
interact with the questions in quiz.
o 'Deferred feedback' mode: you may wish the students to enter an
answer to each question and then submit the entire quiz, before
anything is graded or they get any feedback.
o 'Interactive with multiple tries' mode: you may wish for students to
submit each question as they go along to get immediate feedback, and if
they do not get it right immediately, they will have another try for fewer
o Immediate feedback: Similar to interactive mode in that the student
can submit their response immediately during the quiz attempt, and get
it graded. However, they can only submit one response, they cannot
change it later.
3 Allow redo within an attempt: if enabled, then when students have
finished attempting particular question, they will see a Redo question
button. This allows them to attempt another version of the same
question, without having to submit the entire quiz attempt and start
another one.
4 If multiple attempts are allowed and “Each attempt build on last” setting is
enabled, each new quiz attempt will contain the results of the previous
attempt. This allows a quiz to be completed over several attempts.

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6)Review Options (click to expand):

These options control what information students can see when they review a

7)Appearance (click to expand):

1 Show the user's picture If enabled, the student's name and picture will be
shown on-screen during the attempt
2 Decimal places in grades This setting specifies the number of digits shown
after the decimal point when displaying grades.
3 Decimal places in question grades this setting specifies the number of
digits shown after the decimal point when displaying the grades for
individual questions.
4 Show blocks during quiz attempts If set to yes then normal blocks will be
shown during quiz attempts
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8)Extra restriction on attempt (click to expand):

1 Require password: you can set a password for the quiz; a student
must enter it in order to attempt the quiz.
2 Require network address: Quiz access may be restricted to particular
subnets on the LAN or Internet by specifying a comma-separated list
of partial or full IP address numbers.
3 Enforced delay between attempts: You can set a time (from seconds
to weeks) between the first and second attempt of a quiz.
4 You can also (or alternatively) set a time from seconds to weeks for
subsequent attempts after the second attempt. Thus, you might allow
a student to take the quiz twice immediately with no delay, but if they
want to improve their score with a third attempt, they are forced to
wait a week and use the time for extra revision.
5 Browser security: If "Full screen pop-up with some JavaScript
security" is selected,
o the quiz will only start if the student has a JavaScript-enabled
o the quiz appears in a full screen popup window that covers all
the other windows and has no navigation controls Students are
prevented, as far as is possible, from using facilities like copy
and paste

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9)Overall Feedback:
Overall feedback is text that is shown after a quiz has been attempted. By
specifying additional grade boundaries (as a percentage or as a number), the text
shown can depend on the grade obtained.

10) Common module settings

1 Visible: Select if this quiz will be visible to the students.

2 ID number: Setting an ID number provides a way of identifying the activity
for grade calculation purposes.
3 Group mode: This setting Group mode has 3 options:
o No groups - There are no sub groups, everyone is part of one big
community and can view the quiz
o Separate groups - Each group member can only see their own group,
others are invisible (other groups can't view quiz and won't be able to
participate in it)
o Visible groups - Each group member work in their own group, but can
also see other groups. (other groups can view quiz but won't be able to
participate in it)
4 Grouping: A grouping is a collection of groups within a course. If a grouping
is selected, students assigned to groups within the grouping will be able to
work together.

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Step 3: Add Questions to Quiz

 Click on the quiz name in the course page

 Click on "Edit Quiz" button

 Click on add question

 Moodle support many types of questions, here we will describe most

common types True and false and MCQ.

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The Feedback module allows you to create and conduct surveys to collect
feedback. The Feedback activity is ideal for the likes of course or teacher

Step 1: Create Feedback Activity

1. On the course home page, click Turn editing on in the

appropriate topic section click Add an activity or resource

2. Select Feedback from "Add an activity or resource"

window, then click Add

Step 2: Configure the Feedback Activity

Following is the explanation of feedback activity’s settings:


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1 Name: - Enter a Name for the feedback activity. Note

that whatever you type in Name field, will form the link
that students click on to view the feedback, so it is helpful
to give it a meaningful name that suggests its purpose.
2 Description: - Enter some Description indicating how
the feedback will be used.
3 Display description on the course page: - If this
box is ticked, the description will appear on the course
page just below the name of the Feedback.

2) Availability:

Here you can choose when students can complete feedback. Select the
Enable check boxes and select date, month, year, hour and minutes into the
Allow answers from and the Allow answers to fields.

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3)Question and submission settings:

1 Record User Names Choose here whether to show

the names of users who complete the feedback or not.
This setting must be clear to the participants of the
2 Allow Multiple Submissions Choose here whether or
not to allow users to complete the feedback more than
3 Enable notification of submissions If set to 'Yes'
then instructors will receive notifications when users
submit feedback.
4 Auto number questions If set to 'Yes' then the
questions will be automatically numbered.

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4)After submission:

1 Show analysis page Decide whether Moodle should

display an analysis of the feedback received so far to
students once they've submitted their own feedback.
2 Completion message Enter the text you want to display
to the student once they've submitted their feedback
3 Link to next activity This allows you to add a URL to
another activity or webpage which you would like them
to go to once they have answered the questions.

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5)Common module settings

1 Visible Choose whether to Show or Hide the assignment from

2 ID number Setting an ID number provides a way of identifying
the assignment for grade calculation purposes. If the activity is
not included in any grade calculation, then the ID number field
can be left blank.
3 Group mode Three levels on the Group mode: no groups,
separate groups or visible groups.
o No groups: There are no groups and all students can submit
o Separate groups: group members cannot see or access the
work in other groups.
o Visible groups: group members can see the activity but can't
participate in it.
4 Grouping If you want to make an activity visible to only one set
of users within a course

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Step 3: Add Questions to Feedback

The Edit questions page is where you create questions for your Feedback
activity and decide on the layout for your survey.

Create Questions
1) Click on the newly created Feedback link

2) Select the Edit questions tab.

3) On the Edit questions page, select a question type and complete the
resulting page as appropriate

Step 4: View the Analysis

Within the Analysis tab you will be able to view a list of all responses
submitted for each of the questions within a Feedback activity. The total
number of Submitted answers and Questions are provided within this page,
and a link to export this data to Excel for detailed Analysis.
1. Click the title of the Feedback activity from the course home page.
2. If you have enabled the option of seeing each participant’s name in the
evaluation, you can click the Show responses tab to view individual
responses. Click the Analysis tab to view the aggregated percentages of each
evaluation choice.
3. To export the results to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel.

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A resource is an item that a teacher can use to support learning, such as a file or
link. Moodle supports a range of resource types which teachers can add to their
courses. In edit mode, a teacher can add resources via a drop down menu.
Resources appear as a single link with an icon in front of it that represents the
type of resource.

 Book - Multi-page resources with a book-like format

 File - A picture, a pdf document, a spreadsheet, a sound file, a video file
 Folder - For helping organize files and one folder may contain other folders
 IMS content package - Add static material from other sources in the standard
IMS content package format
 Label - Can be a few displayed words or an image used to separate resources
and activities in a topic section, or can be a lengthy description or instructions
 Page - The student sees a single, scrollable screen that a teacher creates with
the robust HTML editor

General Steps to Add Resource to Moodle Course Page

1. Log in to Moodle, and then select the course.

2. Enable editing mode in your course page by pressing “turn editing on” button.
3. Within the required Week or Topic section click Add Activity or Resource link.
4. Select the resource from activity and resource list.
5. Enter the information needed and press save button.
Next, we explain each type of resources in Moodle.

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How to Add Book

Book is useful when you want to create a multi-page resource in a book-like
format, with chapters and subchapters.
To add a Book, complete the following steps:
1. Log in to Moodle, then select the course you want to add book to.
2. Enable editing mode in your course page by pressing “turn editing on”
3. Within the required Week or Topic section click Add Activity or Resource link.
4. In the “add an activity or resource window” scroll down to Resource option and
select book then click add.
5. In the book setting page add needed settings and click “save and display”
button to
start adding the content of the book.

How to add Folder

A folder allows a teacher to display several course resources together. The
resources may be of different types and they may be uploaded in one go, as a
zipped folder which is then unzipped, or they may be added one at a time to an
empty folder on the course page.
To add a Folder, complete the following steps:
1. Login with the appropriate access rights (e.g. editing teacher).
2. Enable editing mode in your course page by pressing “turn editing on”
3. Within the required Week or Topic section click Add Activity or Resource link.
4. In the “add an activity or resource window” scroll down to Resource option and
select folder then click add.
5. In the folder setting page add the following settings.

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How to add Label

A label serves as a spacer on a Moodle course page. It can be used to add text,
multimedia or code in between other resources in the different sections.
It can help to improve the appearance of a course if used thoughtfully.
Labels may be used
To split up a long list of activities with a subheading or an image.
To display an embedded sound file or video directly on the course page.
To add a short description to a course section.

Note: - over-use of multimedia (sound, video) in labels can slow down the loading
of a course page so always add video in lesson activity.

To add a Label, complete the following steps:

1. Login with the appropriate access rights (e.g. editing teacher).
2. Press “turn editing on” button in the course page.
3. Within the required Week or Topic section click Add Activity or Resource link.
4. In the “add an activity or resource window” scroll down to Resource option and
select label then click add.
5. In the label setting page add the following settings and then click “save and
display” button.

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How to Add File

The file resource is used to share course material with your students. You can
share a simple file such as a Word-processed document or slideshow.

To add a File, complete the following steps:

1. Log in to Moodle and then select the course.
2. Press “turn editing on” button.
There are 2 methods to add file

First Method:
Drag the file and drop it in the required section.
Second Method:
3. Within the required Week or Topic section click Add Activity or Resource link.
4. In the “add an activity or resource window” scroll down to Resource option and
select file then click add.
5. In the file setting page add the file settings and press save button.

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How to Upload PowerPoint Into Moodle Course

Step 1: - Convert PowerPoint Into SCORM Package.
There are a bunch of tools that can help you with lossless SCORM conversion. iSpring Free is
one of the easiest and most convenient.
Here’s a step-by-step walkthrough:

1. Download iSpring Free and install.

2. Open the presentation you want to convert to SCORM.
3. Navigate to the iSpring Free tab.

4. Click Publish.

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5. Choose the file format (Flash or HTML5), check “Generate SCORM 1.2 Compliant
course” and click Publish.

6. Your SCORM package is ready!

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Step 2: - Upload converted SCORM package in Moodle Course

Uploading your presentation to a course site

1. Go to the course homepage and click Turn editing on.

2. Click Add an activity or resource in the section where you want to add the presentation.
3. Select SCORM Package and click Add.
4. Enter a Name and Description.
5. In the Package area, upload the SCORM package that is saved to your computer.
6. Review the rest of the settings to establish a grade, restrict number of attempts, etc.
7. Scroll down and click Save and display to verify that the presentation is working

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Import Question To Quiz in Moodle

Import Quiz Questions to Moodle Using the Aiken Format
The Aiken format lets you create multiple-choice or true-false questions using a simple, human-
readable format that you can save as a plain text file and import into a Moodle.
To bulk import paragraph, short answer, matching, or multiple response questions, or questions
that include images.
Write Questions in the Aiken Format
1. Write your questions in a word-processing application (e.g., MS Word) or a text editor
such as Notepad (Windows) or Text Edit (Mac OS X), and format as follows:
 The question must be all on one line.
 Each answer must start with a single uppercase letter, followed by a period "." or
a right parenthesis ")", then a space.
 The answer line must immediately follow, starting with "ANSWER: " (with a
space after the colon) and then giving the letter for the correct answer.
Note: The word "ANSWER" and the answer letters (A,B,C etc.) must be
capitalized as shown, otherwise the import will fail.
2. Use Save As to save your questions as a .txt (plain text) file in UTF-8 format.


The Loch Ness Monster is a type of?

A. Homonid
B. Lizard
C. Ape
D. Plesiosauria

The Coelacanth was considered a cryptid until 1938.

A) True
B) False

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Import Questions into the Moodle Question Bank

Once you have saved your text file, you can import your questions into the Moodle Question
1. Log into Moodle and open the course where you would like to add questions.
2. In the Administration block, under Course Administration, click Question Bank, then
click Import. The Import questions from file page will open.
3. For File format, select Aiken Format.
4. Click the General heading to expand the settings and for Import category, select
a Category (or use Default for course) .
Under Import questions from file, drag and drop your .txt file onto the blue arrow in
the Import box, or alternately, click Choose a file.... to browse for the .txt file on your
5. Click Import. You will see a page with the message "importing (# of) question(s) from
file," with a list of the questions.
6. Click Continue. Your Question Bank will open. You can now further edit the questions
or include the questions in a quiz.

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How to Upload Video

Uploading your presentation video to a course site

1. Go to the course homepage and click Turn editing on.

2. Click Add an activity or resource in the section where you want to add the presentation.
3. Select page and click Add.
4. Enter a Name and Description.
5. In the Content area, click the Media icon.

6. Click Browse repositories

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7. Click choose file and select video file.

8. Click upload this file

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9. After finish uploading media click insert media.

10. Click Save button

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