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What does Ashley do for a living?

She is a university communication student, facing her disability deisibailary

How does her condition affect her daily activities and how does she deal with it?

She finds it difficult to type fast, and due to the extreme weather, it takes Ashley a few more
minutes to go to class in the snow. Would you like to experience running

What is her attitude towards life? Does she feel disabled from certain activities?

Her attitude towards life is positive poserif, although oltough she is strong, sometimes she feels
limited to do some tasks.

How would your life be different if you were handicapped and had to use a wheelchair? What
would be different for you? (Use mixed conditionals in the answer).

If I were disabled my life would be different, I would not be able to do the activities I do today like
running, jumping or walking.

How do you react when you have to interact with a handicapped person?

My reaction would be of understanding and help with a person in a state of disability, I would help
him in his needs and offer him my support.

How can you contribute to improve the life of handicapped people?

I can help by including them in activities of daily living and making them understand that they are
useful and necessary for the job.

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