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Subject Matter: Media-Based Arts – PHOTOGRAPHY

Reference: Learning Module - Horizon 10, pp. 262 – 267

Materials : Pictures, Visual Aids, papers, white board pen

Strategy : Group Collaboration

Value Focus : Cooperation, Discipline


Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

Please arrange your chairs and pick-up pieces of trash.
Everybody stand.. ( A student will lead the prayer)
May I request _____ to lead the prayer. ‘Good afternoon, Maam’
“Good afternoon, class.”
Check attendance
(raise their hands)
B. REVIEW ‘line, shape, color, value, texture and space’
‘Can anybody enumerate the elements of arts?’

(Repeat their answers and say….) ‘Good’ and ‘Thank you’ (raise their hands)
‘pattern, rhythm, balance, unity, emphasis’
‘How about the principles of arts?’

‘Thank you…. Indeed those are the elements and

principles of arts which we have studied in the beginning
of the school year’

(Show a chart of the Elements and Principles of Arts and

repeat their answers by reading the elements and
principles of arts)

(Students can share what they see)

C. MOTIVATION (Answers may vary)
(Show the following pictures of renowned Filipino
photographers George Tapan and John K Chua)
‘What can you say about the pictures?’
‘How do you think these pictures were taken?’

‘Group yourselves into 5. Discuss among your members
the elements and principles of the pictures. After ten
minutes 1 member will share to the class the elements
and principles that can be observed in the pictures’.

(Give 1 picture to each group in which they could

observed and study.)

(these are some of the works they’ve studied)

(Walked around the room and assist a group that needs
clarifications on their tasks.)

(after 10 minutes)
‘Share to us the elements and principles of arts your
group have observed in the picture given to you.’
‘Display your pictures while reporting.’
Possible observations for picture 1:
“The texture of this picture suggests that it was in a
rough terrain of the mountain. The perspective in which
this was taken allows a viewer to see the vastness of the
mountain ranges and the cloudy but lighted skies above.
As the picture suggests that it is rough, the surroundings
‘Thank you very much. That is a good observation.’ is purely natural in its forms. All in all unity is achieved for
the pic suggests a harmony of what is seen giving it a
sense of completeness.”

‘Whenever we want to take pictures let us bear in mind (Highlighted words are some of the elements and
these elements and principles which can make a principles to be observed by the other group as well.)
difference to the resulting development of the picture.’


‘Our curriculum in arts for this quarter is about media-

based arts and design in the Philippines and we will
concentrate on photography this afternoon.’

(Paste the phrase Media-Based Arts and Design in the

Philippines – Photography)

‘What do you think is the difference between you and I in

taking our pictures from the way George Tapan and John
K Chua take theirs?’
Possible answer:
‘Yes, thank you for observing the difference.’ ‘We take pictures because we like what we see and
George Tapan and John K. Chua would take pictures with
(Paste the phrase Photography as an Art) an eye of a professional.’

‘These pictures were taken by Filipino professional

photographers with a skilled eye, creativity and
workmanship. Namely George Tapan and John K. Chua’

(Paste the photos of these renowned photographers)

‘Photos can be taken either as a process or taken as an


(Allow students to read from their book)

Ask: ‘What do you think is the difference between taking

photos as a process and photos taken as an art?’

‘Photography as a process is when a photographer

focuses a camera at a subject and just clicking the
shutter, while a photography is an art is when the
photographer discerns a significant moment or a unique
expression, framing it in the camera viewfinder with an
eye for composition, and then clicking the shutter.’
‘Indeed the photographer may position lighting, modify
lens setting or use filters to create an effect being

(Show a picture of a photographer standing for effect.)

‘Other photographers would go further by using

advanced softwares to manipulate the images with a
myriad photo enhancement technique, like the one you
have in your celfone apps as well’.

(Show own celfone with its own editing features.)

‘Whether the image is left untouched or digitally altered

the resulting photographs can be impactful.’

Say: ‘Being a modern art form means that photography is

now viewed as being more than beautiful but also
considered as one of the most powerful means of

(Paste the phrase Photography as Communication)

‘This power comes from 2 distinctive characteristics of

photography: immediacy and detail

(Paste the words Immediacy and Detail)

‘Photos taken by a camera has a sense of authenticity or

validity and since the lens captures the image objectively,
taking in every detail of the image, the result photos is
regarded as ‘true to life’ and ‘of the moment’ at the
same time has a ‘sense of completeness’.’


‘So, since pictures can be a powerful means of

communication in conveying messages, with your group
again, observed not only the elements and principles of
arts but also observed how these pictures communicate
to you and what do you think is the message you think it
conveys or sends.’

‘After 5 min give your observations and take time to

make your reflections in reaction to what you see in the

(Distribute pictures to each group)

Give these
following questions in assisting group
(Guided questions:
1. What are the details you see
in the picture?
2. What makes you realize that this is an image with
a message?
3. How does the image give you a sense of
completeness with its message?)
4. Observed also the elements and principles of arts
in the pictures.
5. Make some reflections.

(After 5 minutes let them report their observations and


Possible answers from pic 6

‘I saw a beach littered with so many plastics and other
man-made trash. The beach should have been beautiful
to stay and swim in it but it saddens me that it destroys
the natural beauty of the beach. The thought that this
could happen to all beaches around the world through
our recklessness in throwing trash have made us realize
that we have to conserve its naturalness.

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