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● Objective culture: something that is seen; things we can see and hear

○ All the things that come out of our subjective culture

○ Why are they wearing these things
● Subjective culture: values, beliefs, motivations, social structures

● A Lot of times we use our subjective culture to help us interpret objective culture.
Sometimes this causes us to misinterpret them
○ Ie a russian burps, we think its gross and rude; but in russia it is normal and
compliments chef
○ Subjective culture is really powerful it shapes what we do and how we interpret
● Works cited page: why do we do this, what are the values behind this
○ Western value is that ideas belong to the person who creates them
○ We believe that we should honor people who did intellectual work
○ We are agreeing to enter int that culture; commitment to the academic writing
● The practice: (creating work cited pages) is connected with values (listed above)

Values that shape calvin

● Countries, companies, and communities have different cultures
● Stated values are stated with intention; they have a pu and push; they give us
boundaries to work within
○ It's hard to be bold and humble
○ Its hard to be curious and convicted
● Unstated values: Some values are so deep that the people in them can’t even identify
● Stated Values that shape calvin
○ Shalom: webbing together of god, humans, and all creation in justice, fulfillment,
and delight
○ Boldness and humility
○ Curiosity and conviction
○ Diversity and inclusion
○ Tradition and innovation
● Subjective culture that shape activities and events at calvin: this drama of the bible
include 4 acts
○ Creation: god created, it was full of goodness, flourishing
■ Calvin people believe that
● god created stuff
● that god loves the creation;
● that we are apart of that creation
○ Fall: sin, brokenness, rebellion
■ Brokenness and trouble increation
■ Sickness in health and mind
■ Fall came from rebellion of adam and eve
■ b/c of fal humans can never be perfect on their own
○ Redemption: god offers us redemption, restored
■ God offers to help us be good and perfect
○ Vocation: we are called to participate in continual renewal of creation
■ We are invited to participate in renewal of creation
■ My job helps us participate in

● Calvin’s Subjective culture shapes:

○ calvin’s Mission statement
■ Mission statement: to equip students to be christ’s agents of renewal
○ Calvin’s education style: liberal arts
■ We do not focus on one area of study, we have
■ We want to be curious and learn more about god’s world and
investigating god’s world in order to learn more about god
■ We want to develop skills: write a paper
■ We want to develop virtues:
● Compassion: this virtue can come out of boldness and humility;
Compassion can come out of diversity and inclusion
■ Pays attention to knowledge across the curriculum;
● Calvin acknowledges that they still have work to reach their values; they have a value of
○ Diversity is a value, but we know that there is racism everywhere that affects
calvin’s effort
■ Calvin has value of reforming
● Ie Unlearn event
● repenting
○ Honoring the creator and are for creation, but we know that we still contribute to
global warming and

○ Seeking vocation is a value, but we still struggle to identify our vocation
■ Career day’s

● It takes time to have deep understanding of someone's culture

● Subjective adn objective culture work together
● Find cultural informants
○ Cultural informant: someone who lives in the culture that you are becoming apart
of, they are a trusted friend; someone you can talk to and ask questions about
the culture

HW: 8 am EST guest speaker

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