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1. The removal of sedum on the skin is for:
(a) Nutrition (b) Excretion (c) Protection (d) Thermoregulation
2. Fresh water Flatworms excrete:
(a) Very dilute urine (b) Very concentrated urine (c) Slightly concentrate urine
(d) Moderately concentrated urine
3. Nephridia are the excretory structures present in :
(a) Hydra (b) Plan aria (c) Cockroach (d) Earthworm
4. Activation of sweat gland to produce sweat for evaporative cooling is a type of adaptation:
(a) Structural (b) Physiological (e) Behavioral (d) None of these
5. Saliva and urine are use for evaporating cooling by:
(a) Bats (b) Dogs (c) Birds (d) Seals
6. The incidence of Calcium Oxalate type of Kidney stone is :
(a) 10% (b) 15% (c) 70% (d) 80%
7. Protonephridia is found in :
(a) Hydra (b) Plan aria (c) Earthworm (d) Cockroach

8. The central station of metabolism and the body s central metabolic clearing agent is :
(a) Stomach (B) liver (c) kidneys (d) gut
9. Anhydrobiosis refers to tolerate:
(a) Dehydration (b) hydration (c) an hydration (d) rehydration
10. Mechanism which eliminates nitrogenous waste is referred as:
(a) Osmoregulation (b) excretion (c) thermoregulation (d) ejection
11. A diluted solution compared to the cell concentration is termed as:
(a) Hypertonic (b) Hypotonic (c) Isotonic (d) Paranoiac
12. Number of Ammonia molecules required to produce one molecule of urea is:
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
13. Which of the following acts as homeostatic thermostat in humans?
(a) Thalamus (b) Hypothalamus (c) Hypodermis (d) Cerebrum
14. Which of the following is not endothermic?
(a) Bird (b) Amphibian (c) Flying insect (d) mammal
15. The human abdominal cavity is by thin epithelium called:
(a) Ectoderm (b) Endoderm (c) Peritoneum (d) Epidermis
16. The excretory product that requires maximum water for its removel:
(a) Ammonia (b) creatinine (c) urea (d) uric acid
17. Blood supplied to kidney whit each cardiac beat is:
(a) 10% (b)20% (c) 30% (d) 50%
18. Super cool to cytosol, without ice formation, is caused by:
(a) Heat shock proteins (b) Unsaturated fatty acids (c) solutes (d) Enzymes
19. Excretory structures present in cockroach are:
(a) Contractile vacuoles (b) Malapighian tubules (c) nephrites (d) flame cells
20. All the collecting tubules of human kidney finally open into the :
(a) Boman, s capsule (b) glomerulus (c) Pelvis s (d) urethra
21.Malapighian tubules remove nitrogenous wastes from the:
(a) Coelomic fluid (b) Haemolymph (c) hindgut (d) lymph
22. The evaporative cooling in the respiratory tract in the mechanism called:
(a) Vasodilatation (b) vasoconstrictor (c) insulation (d) Pant
23. Excretory product of hypo osmotic environment is :
(a) small (b) water (C) bike (d) uric acid
24.The major homeostatic function of liver is to synthesize:
(a) Iron (b) glycogen (c) bile (d) Red blood cells
25. The animals that generate their own body heat through heart production as by product during
metabolism are called:
(a) Endoderm (b) Ectoderm (c) hcterotherm (d)all of these
26.Uric acid is produced from:
(a) Nitrates (b) Creatine (c) Nucleic (d) Amino acids
27. Hag fishes area:
(a) Osmoregulators (b) isotopic (c) Hydrophytes (d)
28.In bacterial and viral infection there occur an increase in number of ;
(a) Antigene (b) Erythrocytes (c) leucocytes (d) platelets
29. Arginase splits the argentine to form urea and:
(a) Citruline (b) Ornithine (c) Careatinine (d) Histidine
30 .The removel of Nitrogenous waste that requires less amount of water is:
(a) .Urea (b) Ammonia (c) Uric acid (d) Ladic acid
31 .The stomata are located on the upper surface only in:
• .Xeropytes (b) Xydrophtes (c) Mesophytes (d) Epiphytes
32. The incidence of calcium oxalate stone in Kidneys are :
(A) 50% (b) 70% (c) 80% (d) 90%
33. The high level of renal failure is also called:
(a)Death (b) Uremia (c) Anemia (d) Sciatica
34. Sharks excrete nitrogenous waste in the form of:
• Ammonic (b) Uric acid (c) Urea (d) Allantain
35. Which one of the following is excretophore?
(a)Stem (b) Root (c) Bark (d) Leaves
36. The structural and functional relationship between nutritive and excretory system exist in:
(a) Plan aria (b) Earth worm (c) Chi aria (d) insets’
37. Fish retain which of these chemical to be protected against urea:
(a) Allantion (b) Creatine (c) Xanthine (d) Trimcthylamine oxide
38. Glomerulas circlates blood as it arrives through:
(a) Vasa recta (b) peritubaler capillaries (c) Afferent arteriol (d) Efferent arteriol

39. Uric acid is excreted out as s0lid excreta in:

(a) Hydra (b) Earthwoom (c) Cockroach (d) Star Fish
40. The most toxic nitrogenous waste is:
(a)Urea (b) Uric acid (c) Creatinine (d) Ammania
41 .The desert mammals survive without drinking water by feeding on rich carbohydrates seed of
desert plants are:
(a) Zebra (b) Kangaroo rat (c) deer (d) lion
42. Ammonia is secreted mostly by:
(a) Insects (b) bony fishes (c) adult amphibian (d) birds
Short Questions Chapter No: 15
1. Give two adaptations of xerophytes for osmoregulation?
2. Differentiate between osmoconformers and Osmoregulators?
3. What is protonephridium?
4. Explain the term homeostasis?
5. Give the role of contractile vacuoles?
6. How most plants have adapted to survive in heat stress?
7. What are heterotherms? Give example
8. Give the structural formula or Urea and Uric acid?
9. Why leaves are said to be excretophore?
10. Differentiate between shivering and non- shivering thermogenesis?
11. Sketch the metabolic math way of urea cycle?
12. Differentiate between ureter and urethra?
13. Drow and label single flame cell of plan aria and give?
14. What is pyrexia?
15. What is extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy?
16. Differentiate between remotely and urictely?
17. What is Litho tripsy (explain)?
18. Explain anhydrobiosis with an example?
19. Define Mesophytes. Give an example?
20. Give structure of protonephridium?
21. Describe four Osmoregulators adaptations in xerophytes?
22. What are different metabolic wastes in human?
23. Define pyrexia and pyrogens?
24. Differentiate between osmoregulation and thermoregulation?
25. What is metanephindium?
26. Explain briefly glomeruler filtrate?
27. Give four adaptations of marine fish for its survival?
28. What are juxtamedullary nephrons? Give their role
29. Define counter current multiplier?
30. Differentiate between protonephrium and metanephindium?
31. Differentiate between ectotherm and endotherm?
32. What is hemodialysis?
33. Distinguish between hypotonic and hyper tonic environment?
34. Distinguish between hydrophytes and xerophytes?
35. Define excretophore?
36. What is dialysis?
37. Differentiate between hemo dialysis from peritoneal dialysis?
Long Questions
1. Describe Osmoregulation in plants.
2. Explain Osmoregulation in different environments?
3. Describe excretion in plants?
4. Explain briefly “Excretion in planaria”?
5. Describe excretion in Earthwoom?
6. Describe major homeostatic functions of liver?
7.Give an account 0f excretory system in cockroach.
8. Explain excretory system in man.
9. Describe briefly structure and function of nephrons.
10. Explain kidney problem and their cures.
11. Describe the adaptations in plants to low and high temporary.
12.What are thermoregulatory strategies including human in cold and hot temp.

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