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“English Grammar”

Supervisor : Dr. Sugiharto, M.Si

Compiled By Groups 6

Anggraini Tayara Pardede

Eido Arguna Nababan
Irma Egita LumbanGaol
M. Alam Syahputra
Meiliya Putri

CLASS C 2019

Praise our gratitude for the presence of God Almighty, because for the
abundance of grace and guidance from the paper English Grammar, we can
complete it on time to fulfill the assignment of the “English Language
Geography” course.
In accordance with the title of this paper, the authors hope this paper can
provide additional knowledge for students. As usual a paper, of course this paper
is not free from shortcomings. Expect constructive criticism and suggestions from
readers for the perfection of this paper.

Medan, October 2020

Group 6



TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................................iii

CHAPTER I.......................................................................................................................1


A. Background............................................................................................................1

B. Problem Formulation..............................................................................................1

C. Purpose...................................................................................................................1

CHAPTERS II...................................................................................................................2


A. Definition of Grammar...........................................................................................2

a) Types of Grammar.................................................................................................3

B. Definition Grammar in English..............................................................................3

a) The Grammatical Functions of Subjects.................................................................3

b) Why Grammar Is a Timeless Subject to Study and Teach......................................4

c) Additional Perspectives on Grammar.....................................................................5

d) The Benefits Of Learning Grammar.......................................................................5

C. GRAMMER MATERIALS....................................................................................6

CHAPTERS III..................................................................................................................9


A. Conclusion.............................................................................................................9

B. Suggestion..............................................................................................................9




A. Background
English is a universal language that is used and studied in all countries
in the world. When someone is just learning English, they may get confused
in understanding English verbs. Verb in English has a verb definition. Just
like Indonesian, English also recognizes verbs or verbs. It is certain that in
one sentence it has a verb. Because the condition of a sentence or sentence is
at least consisting of a subject and a verb. There is a subject (actor) and there
is a verb (verb or activity) that is carried out by the doer / subject.

Learning about parts of speech is the first step in grammar research just
as learning the letters is the first step to being able to read and write. From
studying parts of speech we begin to understand the use or function of words
and how words join together to make meaningful communication. To
understand what part of speech is you have to understand the idea of putting
similar things into one group or category.

B. Problem Formulation
1. What is grammar?
2. What is grammar in english?
3. what are the grammar materials?

C. Purpose
1. To find out what a grammar.
2. To find out what a grammar in english
3. This is to find out what are the grammar materials


A. Definition of Grammar

Grammar is the system of a language. People sometimes describe

grammar as the "rules" of a language; but in fact no language has rules*. If we use
the word "rules", we suggest that somebody created the rules first and then spoke
the language, like a new game. But languages did not start like that. Languages
started by people making sounds which evolved into words, phrases and
sentences. No commonly-spoken language is fixed. All languages change over
time. What we call "grammar" is simply a reflection of a language at a particular

Do we need to study grammar to learn a language? The short answer is

"no". Very many people in the world speak their own, native language without
having studied its grammar. Children start to speak before they even know the
word "grammar". But if you are serious about learning a foreign language, the
long answer is "yes, grammar can help you to learn a language more quickly and
more efficiently." It's important to think of grammar as something that can help
you, like a friend. When you understand the grammar (or system) of a language,
you can understand many things yourself, without having to ask a teacher or look
in a book.

The grammar of a language includes basic axioms such as verb tenses,

articles and adjectives (and their proper order), how questions are phrased, and
much more. Language cannot function without grammar. It would simply make
no sense—people require grammar to communicate effectively. Speakers and
listeners, authors and their audiences must function in like systems in order to
understand one another. In other words, a language without grammar is like a pile
of bricks without mortar to hold them together. While the basic components are
present, they are, for all intents and purposes, useless.

a) Types of Grammar

Teachers follow a course of pedagogical grammar when instructing

English language learners. While students mainly have to deal with the nuts-and-
bolts of prescriptive, traditional grammar (such as making sure verbs and subjects
agree and where to put commas in a sentence), linguists focus on the infinitely
more complex aspects of language.

They study how people acquire language and debate whether every child is
born with a concept of universal grammar, examining everything from how
different languages compare to each other (comparative grammar) to the variety
of permutations within a single language (descriptive grammar) to the way in
which words and usage interrelate to create meaning (lexicogrammar).

B. Definition Grammar in English

The definition of grammar in English is a collection of rules about the

grammatical structure of language. This set of rules is commonly known as

a) The Grammatical Functions of Subjects

"The most complex grammatical function is that of subject. Consider the

example in (1).

(1) The tigers hunt prey at night. Tigers precedes the verb. It agrees with
the verb in number, as becomes clear when it is made singular: The tiger hunts its
prey at night. In the active construction, it is never marked by any preposition.
The corresponding full passive clause ... is Prey is hunted by the tigers at night; in
the passive clause, the subject of (1), the tigers, turns up inside the prepositional
phrase by the tigers. "The above criteria—agreement in number with the verb,
never being preceded by a preposition, occurring in the by phrase in the passive—
are grammatical, and the noun they pick out in a given clause is the grammatical
subject of that clause."

b) Why Grammar Is a Timeless Subject to Study and Teach

Grammar has long been a subject of study—as a companion to rhetoric in

ancient Greece and Rome and as one of the seven liberal arts in medieval
education. Although the methods of studying grammar have changed dramatically
in recent times, the reasons for studying grammar have remained essentially the
same.  One of the most sensible answers to the question of why grammar matters
appears in a position statement on the teaching of grammar in American schools.
Published by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), the report is
refreshingly free of educational cant. Here's how it begins:

"Grammar is important because it is the language that makes it possible for

us to talk about language. Grammar names the types of words and word groups
that make up sentences not only in English but in any language. As human beings,
we can put sentences together even as children—we can all do grammar. But to be
able to talk about how sentences are built, about the types of words and word
groups that make up sentences—that is knowing about grammar. And knowing
about grammar offers a window into the human mind and into our amazingly
complex mental capacity."

"People associate grammar with errors and correctness. But knowing about
grammar also helps us understand what makes sentences and paragraphs clear and
interesting and precise. Grammar can be part of literature discussions when we
and our students closely read the sentences in poetry and stories. And knowing
about grammar means finding out that all languages and all dialects follow
grammatical patterns."

c) Additional Perspectives on Grammar

Consider these explanations from other experts in English and education

on why grammar matters: "On the utility and importance of the study of
Grammar, and the principles of composition, much might be advanced, for the
encouragement of persons in early life to apply themselves to this branch of
learning... It may indeed be justly asserted, that many of the differences in opinion
amongst men, with the disputes, contentions, and alienations of heart, which have
too often proceeded from such differences, have been occasioned by a want of
proper skill in the connexion and meaning of words, and by a tenacious
misapplication of language."

We study grammar because a knowledge of sentence structure is an aid in

the interpretation of literature; because continual dealing with sentences
influences the student to form better sentences in his own composition; and
because grammar is the best subject in our course of study for the development of
reasoning power.

d) The Benefits Of Learning Grammar

You know grammar, that means, you know how to put words together in a
sensible order and add the right endings. Whether or not you’ve ever opened a
grammar book, you know how to produce combinations of sounds and letters that
others can understand. After all, English was used for a thousand years before the
first grammar books ever appeared.

1. Grammar improves your Listening and Speaking skills

Knowing Grammar helps us to easier in communicating. For example,

imagine you have a job interview, you need to talk about your past job experience.
We apply the rules for Present Perfect tense. Because you talk about experience.
When you meet a new person, you talk with them about yourself, you apply the
present simple tense to talk about facts and regular habits. It is clearly that the
verbal clauses and adjective clauses help us enrich our sentences and add more
information. Meanwhile, grammar rules help you to make your communication to
appear coherent and more logic.

English speakers tend to speak very fast with a lot of short forms and silent
sounds. Knowing grammar helps you to catch these short forms and silent sounds
by guessing the idea what the speak want to say.

2. Grammar improves your Reading and Writing skills

Knowing basic grammar is important in order to be able to analyze and

improve your language performance. Understanding the use of noun, verbs,
adverb, adjective, phrase or clause helps you to write English better. For example,
to write a letter, you need to know the rule of sentence structure, the rule of words
order like OPSHACOM. Further more, writing requires a lot of mental effort.
Most English learners do their writing tend to make mistake and misuse
of grammar rules, which are very easy to recognize.

Knowing basic grammar is an important tool for readers to understand

what they are reading. It is considered to be a handle of literature. News, stories or
poems have a lot of long sentence. Using grammar to defind which one is subject,
verb, object, phrase or adverbial clause. By analyzing the grammar of sentences
and paragraphs, the readers can understand what they read better.


Basic Parts of Speech

Before we dive into English grammar basics, it's best to have an idea of
the components within each rule. The basic parts of speech below are the building
blocks of every sentence we write. Let's take a look at the most popular players in
the game:

1. Pronouns

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun, like "I," "you," or "they." For

 It is filled with intrigue.

 Please light their fire.

 I'd like some of them in my tea

2. Noun

A noun names a person, animal, place, thing, quality, idea, activity, or feeling. A

noun can be singular, plural, or possessive. For example:

 This book is filled with intrigue and interest.

 Please light the fire.

 I'd like some ice in my tea.

Nouns are words that are used to name people, things, places, animals, or
abstract concepts. Examples are student, Jakarta, table, paint, and hapiness.

3. Verb (verb)

A verb shows action and can be a main verb (such as "run" or "sit") or a helping
verb (such as "were" or "has"). Verbs also indicate tense and sometimes change
their form to show past, present, or future tense. You'll also find linking verbs,
which link the subject to the rest of the sentence (such as "appear" and "seem").
For example:

 Lexi and Mark walked through the woods.

 Lexi has walked through these woods before.

 Mark appears excited to start this new adventure.

4. Adjective

An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun. Adjectives usually, although not

always, come before the noun they're modifying. It adds meaning by telling which
one or what kind, or describing it in other ways. For example:

 Lexi wore a pair of faded jeans.

 This black coffee tastes disgusting.

 Nothing beats a rainy Monday morning.

If you ever find yourself wanting to include multiple adjectives in a sentence,

here's more on how to order them properly.

5. Adverb

An adverb modifies a verb and shares more information about it, including how
much, when, where, why, or how. For example:

 She gleefully skipped down the street.

 He arrived early to their first date.

 I almost missed the ball.

6. Preposistion (preposition)

A preposition demonstrates a relationship between nouns or pronouns. They're

often used with a noun to indicate location, like "beside," "in," or "on." It can also
show time, direction, motion, manner, reason, or possession. Note that
prepositions must always be followed by a noun or pronoun. For example:

 The salt is beside the pepper.

 Take the gift in the living room.

 She sat on the rock.

7. Conjunction (conjunction)

Conjunctions connect two words, phrases, or clauses. Common conjunctions

include "and," "but," and "or." For example:

 He ate leafy greens, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

 Take the salad dressing but leave the pasta.

 Would you like the chicken or the steak?


A. Conclusion

Basically Grammar is grammar. This grammar is also used in many other

languages. Even in Indonesian also use it. It's just that in a different form and
situation. Grammar is more focused on the use of language that tends to be more
official, although indirectly the use of informal or informal language also requires
this Grammar.

B. Suggestion
The author realizes that this paper is far from perfect. Therefore, for
anyone who reads this paper, the author is looking forward to constructive
criticism and suggestions for the perfection of this paper. Hopefully this article
can be useful for all of us in carrying out all activities as students.


Tim Penyusun. 2020. Modul Bahasa Inggris. Medan: Jurusan Pendidikan

Geografi, Universitas Negeri Medan.


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