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Discovering through

Reflection on PIP

Dicky Lmuda  [Type the company name]  [Pick the date]

 Discovering through Positivism

one who always protect me and guide me since I was
a small particle, the fragile fetus.

through From this activity, I gained a lot of things. I thank

fathers and ate Fem who brought to discover myself

trough this positivism. I gained more confidence about
myself. I can be more respect to my own self. it was a
pity that we could not have more session. However,
Reflection on PIP thanks for this chance. amen

Three days of PIP I took were one of the important

experiences I have for my psyco development. As the
first batch and the first person, I was nervous and
doubt about this activity. I did not hope so much to
gain a thing or two from it. I was sceptics about it. and
I felt I did not need it. these were my thoughts before
the activity. However, these thoughts were eliminated
and gone. As what I’ve said, I gained many insight
and discovered a lot of things about myself. this was
helpful, and I needed it to improve myself.

On the first day, I discover myself as a champion and

a good companion. This time also the first time I met
my ‘wise’. He looked like me with his smiling face
and happy face. During the session I was brought to
recall and watch the happy scenes in my life. I also
could see my own heart. it was not so shining in the
first time, but after the discovering it shone bright and

The second day, I discover my self as a motivator.

This I found through my scene when I got a call rom
my friend about the completion I did and the thanks
sgiving mass in our home for the graduation. And I
found this’s true. Through what I’ve achieved I can
motivate others and my brothers to also achieve it. if I
can, why you can’t? through my action and attitude I
can animate others to get what they want with a spirit
to not give up easily.

On the last day, I find myself perfect. The scene of

conception was something that really stroke me a lot.
In this shape I found the warmness of love from my
parent. I found a good and comfortable environment
where I felt save. No worry inside. It was peaceful.
And I found the life givers, my god, who send me to
this word through my mother and my father. He is the

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