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HR angol szaknyelvi e-book



Viselkedésalapú, kompetencia fókuszú állásinterjú angolul

© Manhattan Nyelvstúdió 2009. – minden jog fenntartva • Akkreditációs szám: AL-1134
Behavioural interviews

A viselkedésalapú állásinterjú technika viszonylag új Magyarországon, de használata egyre elterjedtebb hatékonyságának

A viselkedés alapú állásinterjú során a pályázónak megtörtént élethelyzeteket kell említenie a múltból, mert ez az interjú
technika azt vallja, hogy a jelöltek jövôbeni teljesítményét és viselkedését legjobban a hasonló helyzetekben produkált múlt-
beli viselkedésük vetíti elôre.
A Manhattan Nyelvstúdió angol tanárai ezért gondolták hasznosnak, hogy ennek az új állásinterjú technikának a nyelvi fordu-
latait, szókincsét feldolgozzák és könnyen, gyorsan használhatóvá tegyék az angolul interjúztató HR toborzási szakemberek
A HR angol szaknyelvi E-book II. fejezete megismertet az ún. STAR technikával és a viselkedésalapú interjúzás alapjaival.
E fejezet segítséget nyújt abban, hogy az interjúztató hogyan nyisson meg, vezessen fel angolul egy állásinterjút, angol
nyelvû kompetencia listát ad, a legfontosabb kompetenciákat mérô mintakérdés sorral, valamint egy értékelô lap mintával.
S végül az állinterjú "hagyományos" kérdései is megtalálhatóak angolul, hogy azokat is lehessen használni az interjúzás
bevezetô szakaszában vagy a záró kérdések között.

I. About behavioural interviews

Many employers are now doing "behavioural interviews". Rather than focusing
on the candidates’ resume and reviewing their accomplishments as they teljesített feladat
have written them on paper, the "behavioural" interviewer will ask open-ended
questions that will cause the applicants to describe real circumstances and körülmények
their responses to them.
The premise behind behavioural interviewing is that the most accurate elv
predictor of future performance is past performance in similar situations. elôrejelés

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At the beginning of the behavioural interview the interviewer explains the
applicant that only concrete examples, and situations are accepted, thus
he or she should avoid sentences such as ‘I would….’ or ‘ I usually’…. The elkerül
interviewer should also explain the importance of the logical and structured
answers, which are based on the so called STAR technique. The letters of this
technique stand for the different stages of the answer.
S: situation T: task A: action: R: result
The answers can be accepted if they include the Situation, the accomplished elfogadható
Task, the Actions the candidate took, and the Results. Even if the outcome or
the solution of the problem failed to be successful the answers are appropriate megfelelô
providing they were built up according to the STAR.

How to Conduct an Effective Behavioural Interview?

 Start by identifying what you want the employee to do in the open

job. Use job evaluation and write a job description to describe the
requirements of the position. követelmények
 Determine the required outputs and performance success elvárt eredmény
factors for the job.
 Determine the characteristics and traits of the individual whom jellemvonás
you believe will succeed in that job.
 Narrow the list to your key behavioural traits for the job.
 Write a job ad or job posting that employs the behavioural álláshirdetés
characteristics in the text.
 Make a list of questions, both behavioural and traditional, to ask
each candidate during the behavioural interview.
 Review the resumes and cover letters you receive with the
behavioural traits and characteristics in mind.
 Phone screen the candidates who have caught your attention telefonos interjúval megszûri
with their qualifications. a jelentkezôket
 Schedule interviews with the candidates who most appear
to have the behavioural characteristics, along with the skills,
experience, and education.
 Ask your list of behavioural and traditional questions of each
candidate you interview.
 Narrow your candidate choices based on their responses to the
behavioural and traditional interview questions.
 Select your candidate with behavioural characteristics that match
the needs of the job in mind.

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II. How to start and conduct a job interview
- Hogyan kezdjük angolul az állásinterjút? Bevezetô és átkötô mondatok:

Some useful phrases and expressions to start and conduct a job interview

Establishing rapport and relaxing the candidate.

It’s nice to welcome you here and I hope you’ll enjoy the interview.
Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.
I’m going to start by … and then we’ll talk about…
Please ask about anything you are not sure of.
Finally, we can deal with any points you would like to raise.

Giving information
I’d like to tell you something about…
I’m afraid we don’t…
We’d be happy to…
Let me fill you in on the details of…

What experience have you had of…?
Could you outline your experience in…?
Would you mind giving me more information on…
Could you tell me…

Follow-up questions:
Could you tell me more about…?
What exactly do you mean by…?
Could you enlarge on that?
I wonder if you could give me an example of…

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III. Some competences a behavioural interview might focus on
- Fôbb kompetenciák, melyekre a viselkedésalapú interjú fókuszál
Kompetencia Kompetencia
A jelentkező jellemzése
megnevezése angolul megnevezése magyarul
communication-oral kommunikációs készség - szóbeli s/he has good oral communication skills
communication-written kommunikációs készség - írott s/he has good written communication skills
control irányítási és ellenôrzési készségek s/he is ready take control
attention to detail ügyel a részletekre, pontos, aprólékos s/he pays attention to detail
decisiveness döntéshozó készség s/he is ready to make decisions
delegation delegálás s/he is effective at delegating tasks
energy energikusság s/he is energetic
entrepreneurial vállalkozó szellemûség s/he is entrepreneurial
fact finding-oral tényfeltáró készség s/he understands the source of the problem
flexibility rugalmasság s/he is flexible
independence önnálló munkavégzés s/he is independent
initiative kezdeményezôkészség s/he is initiative, s/he demonstrates initiative
innovation újítási készség s/he is innovative
insight s/he is a person of insight, has insights into
éleselméjûség, intuíciós készség
integrity jó alkalmazkodó készség s/he integartes easily
judgment ítélôképesség s/he shows excellent judgement
leadership/Influence vezetôi készség s/he is a good leader
lifelong learning folyamatos tanulás készsége s/he is ready to improve herself/ himself
listening figyelmes hallgató
s/he is a good listener
a kommunikáció során
management vezetôi készség s/he has got good management skills
motivation motiváció s/he is motivated and motivating
negotiation tárgyalókészség s/he has good negotiation skills
organizational szervezôkészség s/he has good organizational skills
participative aktív közremûködés készsége s/he is participative
planning and organizing s/he can plan ahead, has good organizational
tervezôi és szervezôi készségek
presentation skills elôadói készség s/he has good presentation skills
process operation folyamatirányítás s/he manages processes effectively
rapport building kapcsolatépítô készség s/he builds rapports with ease
resilience lendületesség, rugalmasság s/he is resilient
risk taking kockázatvállalás s/he is ready to take risks
meggyôzôkészség, értékesítési
persuasiveness (sales ability) s/he can persuade others
sensitivity érzékenység s/he is sensitive
strategic analysis analitikus gondolkodás készsége s/he is good at analysing problems
technical/professional knowledge technikai/szakmai tudás s/he is knowledgeable about his / her field
tenacity kitartás, állhatatosság s/he is tenacious

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IV. Some categories, and related sample questions
1. Self-management
Characteristics of the candidate…
she/he meets deadlines határidôket betartja
she/he is responsible for his/her actions cselekedeteiért vállalja a felelôsséget
she/he is self-controlled hatékonyan kezeli indulatait
she/he is independent önállóan cselekszik
she/he prioritizes tasks fontossági sorrendet állít fel a feladatokban
she/he demonstrates initiative kezdeményezô

 Describe a situation when your customer/partner/colleague disturbed you with silly and inappropriate questions.
How did you react?
 Tellme about the riskiest decision that you have made. What were your considerations in making that particular
 Describe a situation when you were in danger of missing a deadline. What did you do? How did you prioritise?
 Tell me about a time when you had too many things to do and you were required to prioritize your tasks.
 Tell me about a time that you demonstrated initiative?

2. Team-work, building positive working relationships

Csoporttagokkal való együttmûködés
Characteristics of the candidate…
she/he collaborates with colleagues együttmûködô a munkatársakkal
she/he develops other’s and his/ her own ideas saját és kollégái ötleteit továbbgondolja
she/he respects the team members tiszteli a csoport tagjait
she/he gives and accepts feedback értékeli munkatársai teljesítményét, és elfogadja saját munkájának
értékelését is

 Can you tell me about an occasion where you needed to work with a group to get a job done? What were the challenges
and difficulties and how did you face these?
me about a time when you worked with a person who did things very differently from you. How did you get the job
done? Would you work with that person again if given the choice?
 Summarize a situation where you successfully persuaded others to do something or to see your point of view.
 Has it ever happened to you that you had to give negative feedback to someone since his or her careless approach
to the work process caused you extra work? What was his or her reaction? What did you do?
 How do you usually reach the solutions in your team? What’s your role in it?
me about a time when you worked with somebody who was not as cooperative as you needed him or her to be.
What did you do?

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3. Goal orientation
Cél orientáltság
Characteristics of the candidate…
she/he realises opportunities and profits from them felismeri és kihasználja a lehetôségeket
she/he is persistent kitartó
she/he solves problems in order to reach his or her goal megoldja a cél elérése közben felmerülô akadályokat
she/he sets goals céltudatos, vannak céljai

 Give an example of when your persistence had the biggest payoff.

 How have you most constructively dealt with disappointment and turned it into a learning experience? Please give me
a concrete example in your life.
 Describe a situation when have you motivated yourself to complete an assignment or task that you did not want to do?
 Give me an example of a time when you tried to accomplish something and failed.
 Give me an example of a time when you had set a goal for yourself and tell me how you went about accomplishing it.

4. Initiating actions, proactivity

Kezdeményezôkészség, prokativitás
Characteristics of the candidate…
she/he responds quickly gyorsan reagál a problémákra
she/he takes independent actions önállóan cselekszik
she/he goes above and beyond a munkaköri leírásán túlmutatóan cselekszik, ha erre van szükség
a probléma megoldásához
she/he shows initiative kezdeményezô
she/he takes the lead átveszi az irányító szerepét

 Give me an example of a time when you had to make a split second decision.
 Describe a situation when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to get a job done.
 Have you ever tried to change your work processes or workflows in order to make them more effective?
 Give me an example of when you showed initiative and took the lead.

5. Communication and interpersonal skills

Kommunikációs és interperszonális készségek
Characteristics of the candidate…
she/he respects the other’s attitude elfogadja mások eltérô attitûdjét
she/he speaks confidently magabiztosan kommunikál
she/he maintains listeners’ attention fenntartja a hallgatóság figyelmét
she/he shows interests érdeklôdô

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 Who did you find the most difficult to work with and why?
 Tellme about a time you were able to successfully deal with another person even when that individual may not have
personally liked you (or vice versa).
 Think about a difficult boss, professor or other person. What made him or her difficult? How did you successfully
interact with this person?
 Summarize a situation where you successfully persuaded others to do something or to see your point of view.
 Please tell me about a time you had to fire a friend.
 Has it ever happened to you that the message you communicated lead to misunderstanding though you thought it was
clear? What do you think the reason was?

6. Analytical capability, problem solving skills

Analitikus gondolkodás, problémamegoldó készség
Characteristics of the candidate…
she/he understands issues megérti a problémák gyökerét
she/he gathers and interprets information összegyûjti és értelmezi a szükséges információkat
she/he chooses appropriate actions megfelelôen cselekszik
she/he develops preventive measures megelôzô lépéseket tesz

 Give me a specific example of a time when you used good judgment and logic in solving a problem.
 Describe a situation in which you effectively developed a solution to a problem by combining different perspectives
or approaches.
 Tell me about a recent problem you uncovered in your job.
 Describe a time when you anticipated potential problems and developed preventive measures

7. Adaptability
Változásokhoz való alkalmazkodás képessége
Characteristics of the candidate…
she/he is eager to understand changes megérti a változások okát
she/he approaches changes positively pozitívan áll a változásokhoz
she/he adjusts the required behaviour a megfelelô viselkedési formát alkalmazza

 Tell me about a situation when you had to learn something new in a short time. How did you proceed?
 Tell me about a time when you had to try a new approach to a task. What did you do?
 Describe a situation when you had to quickly adjust to a significant change in your department. What did you do?
 Give me a specific example of a time when you had to conform to a policy with which you did not agree.

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V. Rating and evaluation - Értékelés minta
Taking notes during the interview will help the hr person to be able to compare the numerous candidates. Focusing on the STAR and
documenting the relevant steps might be a useful technique.

e.g. Describe a situation when you have motivated yourself to complete an assignment or task that you did not want to do?

possible notes based on the applicant’s answer:

S: boring task, updating excel charts

T: checking information, typing in new data

A: explained herself the importance of updated data,

needed to move on to next steps, setting up deadline,
motivation: coffee break when task finished

R: excel chart updated in 2 hours

The evaluation can be numerical or written, e.g. a 1-5 scale.

(1-excellent, 2-very good, 3-satisfactory, 4-weak, 5-not assessable)

A rating chart, or a summary page at the end of the interview question sheet might
come in handy during the selection for the next round of the interview, or even for
choosing the right applicants for the job.

VI. Example Rating Chart

Name of the interviewer: Piroska Kiss Date of the interview: 30.09.2009

Name of the interviewee: Krisztina Szabó Applied position: Receptionist

Rating: 1- not assessable 2- weak 3-satisfactory 4- very good 5- excellent

Competence Evaluation
adaptability 4
communication skills- oral 5
self-management 3
flexibility 4
problem solving 5
Overall assessment:
very good communication skills, open, dynamic personality

candidate’s English should be improved- for companies where

advanced English isn’t recommended

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VII. Bonus questions - Traditional interview questions
- Bónusz kérdések a "hagyományos" állásinterjúhoz
Although this booklet was written in order to provide useful language for behavioural interviews, a list of the most commonly used
traditional interview questions might come in handy as well.

 Tell me about yourself.

 What are your strengths and weaknesses?
 Describe your ideal job and/or boss.
 Why are you looking for a job? Why are leaving your current position?
 What unique experience or qualifications separate you from other candidates?
 Describe some of your most important career accomplishments.
 What are your short-term/long-term goals?
 Describe a time when you were faced with a challenging situation and how you handled it.
 What are your salary requirements?
 Why are you interested in this position? Our company?
 What would your former boss/colleagues say about you?
 What are the best and worst aspects of your previous job?
 What do you know about our company?
 What motivates you? How do you motivate others?
 Are you willing to relocate?
 Do you plan to further your education? If so, to what extent?
 Tell me about your greatest achievement and greatest disappointment?
 What constructive criticism have you received from employers?
 Do you prefer working independently or as part of a team?
 What does success mean to you? How do you measure it?
 What else do you think I should know about you?

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