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Autobiography Outline

Using the outline below, write a description of your life—from birth through the present.

I. Introspection
A. Write of an occasion in your life when you felt successful or write about the
happiest period of your life.

B. Write a few paragraphs of self description—include how you see yourself:

describe personal qualities; your physical, mental, and emotional self; your
special interests, abilities, and talents.

C. Describe how you think others see you. What image do others have of you?

D. Describe your ideal self. What aspects do you want enhanced in your life?

II. Home, Family and School Life

A. Describe your early home and family life, beginning with birth, include a
description of significant people in your life (family, friends, mentors, etc.),
relationships with significant others, and events activities that were
particularly influential in shaping your personality and self-concept. Include
both positive and negative descriptions.

B. Describe your school and community life. Describe your experiences with
school subjects (likes and dislikes), extracurricular experiences, honors,
awards, special recognitions, and significant teachers or mentors who were
influential in your school years, etc.

III. Plans for the Future

A. Write about your college goals and plans for college life—anticipated
major and what you hope to accomplish by earning a college degree, campus
organizations or extracurricular activities in which you plan to become
involved, etc.

B. Describe your long-term goals. How would you like your life to be five years
from now? What is your occupation? How much money do you earn?
Describe your lifestyle: Do you have a spouse or children? What type of
home? Car? Social life?

Paper Specifications: The paper should be two to three (2-3) typewritten pages, double-spaced
with a title page. Proofread the paper and correct all errors (spelling, grammar, punctuation).
Your paper should be in APA format with a cover sheet should include your name, class time,
instructor’s name, and date. Use the Autobiography Template as an example. The
Autobiography Template is in Blackboard.

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