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Assignment - Labor Code of the Philippines

Scenario 1: Gender Based Violence / Sexual Harassment
Melanie has been hired to work as an office assistant for a new business in Zamboanga.
After being on the job for about a month, one day her supervisor told her that if she
would spend the night with him, he would make sure she will be promoted. She said she
was not interested but he cornered her, twisted her arm behind her, and threatened to
fire her if she did not comply with his demands. Melanie was able to run away and tells
her friends about the incident. They give her two suggestions.

Questions that Facilitator or Resource Person may ask learners:

1. What is the issue?

The issue on this matter is all about the sexual harassment that her boss did to her, and the
disrespectful thing that her boss did when she forces her.

2. What do you think the Philippine law says about this type of harassment?

This kind of scenario is an awful one and should not be tolerated and it is against the law,
because the law protects the people from being harm especially harassment at work, family
related, and education

3. If you were Melanie’s friends, what advice will you give to Melanie?
For me, if I were her friends, I would highly recommend her to tell immediately the scenario
happened or the harassment that her boss did to her inside the company, and after that it is
better to leave her job after that. Because there is a lot more better job other than the
company she is working at.

4. Are you aware of any groups or organizations that provide services to

women who have been harassed?

There is the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) that can provide services
for women, especially the Philippine National Police (PNP)
Scenario 2: Health and Safety at Work
Manny recently started working for a construction company. His supervisor told him
that because he was so smart and fit for the job, he did not need training in the use of the
equipment. He would learn by doing instead. One day he was trying to use a table saw that
he had never used before. He cut himself badly on one of his hands, and it began to bleed
profusely, but he did not know where the first aid kit was located. His co-workers did two
things to help him.
Questions that Facilitator or Resource Person may ask learners
1. What is the issue?
First thing first when you are going to work especially on construction site, you need to be well
trained on everything before you start working. And if you know to yourself that you do not
know how to use something make sure to ask for help to avoid some injuries to everyone and to
yourself as well.
2. What do you think Philippine law says about health and safety at work?
Before approving someone to be a worker on construction site, make sure to instruct them well
and properly with the equipment, to be careful on everything they do, and be safe as always to
avoid any kind of injuries. And might as well do not use any equipment that you do not know in
the first place. Last but not the list having this kind of scenario in the workplace, the boss or the
supervisor should give proper instruction where to find the first aid kit if something happen
just like this.

3. If you were Manny, what steps should you have taken?

I will go to Hospital or clinic right away if I do not see where is the first aid kit. And if I am
manny, I will not use any equipment that I do not know in the first place.

4. If you were Manny’s friends, what steps should you have taken?
I will go to Hospital or clinic right away if I do not see where is the first aid kit. And if I am
manny, I will not use any equipment that I do not know in the first place.

5.ToHow can such

prevent a situation
this the supervisorbeshould
prevented in the
give clear future?
and safety instruction to everyone and
employees should have a professionally train practice before putting someone to work, and
make sure to ask question every time you do not know what to do. To avoid such incident or
Scenario 3: Time Off from Work
etsay, a young, single parent, had been working long hours at the restaurant. She had
not had a day off in over a month and often worked 55 hours per week. One day her child
became very sick with dengue so she called the restaurant to let them know she could
not come to work. Her boss was annoyed, murmuring that she will look for someone
more reliable than Betsay. Betsay became worried she was going to lose her job. She told
her friends about her problems and her friends gave her two options.

Questions that Facilitator or Resource Person may ask learners

1. What is the issue?

The issue here is that the supervisor was unreasonable to get angry or murmur things that
is not appropriate, and it is not right to deprived your employer of taking a leave of absence
specially when the reason is for emergency. In addition to that is the fact that the worker is
working for more than 40 hours and not giving them the right to take a leave or have a day

2. What do you think the Philippine law says about number of work hours and
time off?
The working of more than 40 hours is not right and the right to have a day off is necessary
too to everyone.

3. How should Betsay handle this situation?

At this scenario to handle properly the case without having trouble with her child, she should
ask her parents or friends to watch for her sick baby while she handles such situation properly.
After that report to the authorities or the DOLE of what her supervisor done to her.

4. If you were Betsay’s friends what advice will you give to Betsay?
Look for another job that is better than the restaurant that she works at because she does not
deserve that kind of supervisor, especially that she is young and a single parent, there are lots of
opportunities other than the restaurant.

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