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Millersville Formative Observation Instrument

Adapted from the Danielson Framework for Teaching

Completed by __DKHolt__Student teacher _Julia Scarborough_____ Date __4-7-21_______
Science - Matter 12 Roomies / 3 Zoomies 10:40 - 11:40 am

Unsat Basic Proficient N/A

Planning and Preparation

a. Knowledge of content and Pedagogy
b. Knowledge of students X+
c. Setting instructional outcomes
d. Knowledge of resources
e. Designing Coherent Instruction X+
f. Designing Student Assessment
The Classroom Environment
a. Respect and Rapport
b. Culture for learning X+
c. Classroom Procedures
d. Student Behavior
e. Organizing Physical Space
a. Communicating with students
b. Question and Discussion
c. Student Engagement
d. Assessment
e. Flexibility and Responsiveness
Professional Responsibilities
a. Reflecting on Teaching
b. Supervised Maintenance of Records
c. Supervised communication with families
d. Participation in Professional Community
e. Growing and Developing professionally
f. Showing Professionalism
1b - Mrs S designed the lesson to introduce and explain the background for the Science lesson.
The activity is to use materials to build a bridge. The virtual students had an interactive lesson
on Seesaw where they will also construct a bridge.
1e - The lesson is structured to provide activities for both groups of students. Plans have been
developed to engage students and implement ideas from combining types of matter to build
2b - Students follow as directions are shared. They work and ask questions if needed. Mrs S
moves throughout to check and extend students as they are working . . interactions are positive
and brief - students respond by working on their tasks
10:40 am - The class transitioned from a Movement Brain Break to Science. Mrs S projected
the title of the lesson and a sentence that stated the objective. Students read the Learning Goal
aloud as a group and the Zoomies were also included.
10:45 am - Mrs S projected pictures and students shared their ideas of what some of the
structures were made of. ‘What would happen if this room had no windows?
10:50 am - Mrs. S explained that the activity is to design a bridge structure that will hold a toy
car. She modeled the Seesaw activities for the Zoomie students and the Roomies received
worksheets where they could sketch their ideas.
10:55 am - As the students drew, Mrs. S moved throughout to check their work. She showed an
example of a matchbox car and showed that this is the type of car that the bridge needs to be
strong enough to hold. Next, Mrs S explained that the students needed to choose materials
from the pictures below on the worksheet - examples: scissors, straws, tape, pencil, paper
towel rolls. ‘Give me a silent thumbs up when you have circled what you think you will use.
Give me an example of the PHYSICAL PROPERTIES that you can observe with your 5 senses.
‘Mass, - think about what we put on our flip chart’ - Size, Shape, Texture, Color’ . . . ‘keep
those physical properties in mind and flip your packet.’
11:00 am - Mrs. S moved to each student and connected to review if the students undress and
their task. ‘Circle the tools and write a physical property of each tool they selected’
11:05 am -Mrs S checked in with the Zoomers to see how they are doing with the activity.
11:10 am- Students moved to a table where Mrs. S gave them the supplies they had circled on
their worksheet so students can work. Students returned to their seats and began working on
their designs. The Principal entered to deliver a message to Mrs. F and walked through to see
what the students were building. She ‘loved the sounds of students learning!’
11:15 am - Mrs. S said she was planning to come around to each student and test their bridges.
She sat at her computer to check the progress of the Virtual students. Each Roomie had a
variation on the bridge construction - some used straws held to paper with clay, others taped
straws to the tubes that are laying on their sides, one boy taped paper across the top of 2 tubes.
11:20 am - Mrs. S moved throughout - ‘Oh, that’s clever. * You’ve got to think about it - what
else can you use? * I wonder if you can use these somehow?’ Mrs. S stated that she is ready to
come and test their bridges with the toy car if the students are ready.
11:25 am - Mrs. S cued up a virtual student’s construction project and had the students observe
it on the screen! ‘Very nice job, Kianna!’ ‘I’m coming around to my Zoomies to see where
they are. We must have major concentration and silence to test the bridges’. The first student’s
project was successful. Mrs. S counted down from 10 and the car stayed on the bridge. YOU
are a Scientist’ If the car didn’t stay, she asked what would make the bridge stronger.
11:30 am - ‘For those of you who have finished, there are 2 more questions on the worksheet.
Asks if they could have used just 1 material? How would they have changed to hold 5 cars
+ The lesson is structured to introduce and build the learning objective
+ Worksheets are clear and students are able to share their ideas based on the sequence of
questions. Outstanding way to practice the progression of building the structure!
+ Students replied with good ideas as they wrote the properties of their tools they chose - tape
is sticky, scissors are metal, clay adds color
+ Management cues are used to maintain the pace of the lesson and check for understanding -
‘thumbs up if you have completed all of your property descriptions’.
+ This lesson adapted to meet the social distancing guidelines -student worked independently.

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