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Ball runner

Description - This drill is a variation of rats and rabbits

- Students are to get into pairs, 1 ball between 2
- Standing on the line standing facing opposite each other
- Students are to pass back and forth to each other
- Teacher is to blow the whistle, on the whistle the student
with the ball runs to the try line and tries to score whilst
their partner chases attempting to make the tag
LEST L: Students are in pairs
E: 4 cones and 1 ball per pair
S: 10 x 10m grid using cones
T: 10 minutes
RINK Level 1
KTP’s Receiving:
- Track, reach, give, pinkies/thumbs

Flat pass – step, shift, flick
Spiral pass – step, shift, roll
Teaching notes/teachable - Ensure students are using the correct passing technique
moment - Get them to focus on 3 things. Those being; stance, pass
and try
- Ensure to get them to focus on speed and acceleration,
explain to them that is why the stance is so important to
get that speed and acceleration

3 on 1 initiating the touch with umpire

Description - Students are organised into 5 groups of 6 or 7 (depends
on class numbers)
- 3 offensive platers and 1 defensive player
- The 3 offensive players start on the end line of the playing
area and the defence player starts at the 7m cone
- The offense player’s main objective is to initiate the touch
and beat the defender to the next 7m line
- The defence must attempt to tag the student with the ball
and then get back 7m
- The offside rule is used – the student umpire is to enforce
and get back the 7mto direct the defence
Variation - Pick n pop
- Add in the tap when a defender is caught offside
LEST L: Students are in groups of 6 or 7
E: Cones and 2 ball per groups
S: 25 x 10m long grid using cones
T: 10 minutes
RINK Level 3
KTP’s Receiving:
- Track, reach, give, pinkies/thumbs

Flat pass – step, shift, flick
Spiral pass – step, shift, roll

- Player is to pick up the ball and tap it on their foot and then
they can play
Teaching notes/teachable - Ensure students are making correct decisions when
moment passing and get students to think about space.
- Creating space, passing the ball along and taking the tag
will actually help the offense due to the defense having to
get back 7m

3 on 2 pick and pop vs pick and pass

Description - Students are in the same groups from the previous activity
- 3 offensives and 2 defensives (students are to rotate
- The 3 offensive players start on the end of the playing
area whilst the 2 defensive platers start at the 7m cone
- The offense player’s main objective is to initiate the touch
and bet the defenders to the next 7m and to try and score
a try
- The defense attempts to tag the student with the ball and
get back 7m
Variation - Add in a tap when the defender is caught offside
- Add in a second pass and extra rotation
LEST L: Students are in groups of 6 or 7
E: Cones and 1 ball per groups
S: 25 x 10m long grid using cones
T: 10 minutes
RINK Level 3
KTP’s Receiving:
- Track, reach, give, pinkies/thumbs

Flat pass – step, shift, flick
Spiral pass – step, shift, roll

- Player is to pick up the ball and tap it on their foot and then
they can play
Teaching notes/teachable - Ensure students are making correct decisions when
moment passing and get students to think about space.
- Creating space, passing the ball along and taking the tag
will actually help the offense due to the defense having to
get back 7m

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