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4th February 2021

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Daarshawnee a/p Segar, IC No. 920317-14-5008.

I am currently a 5th year medical student in Udayana University who was struggling to pay
my semester fees. I would like to thank each and every donor for all the contributions in order
to help my situation.
My family and I have been struggling financially for a very long time especially for education.
The past few months have been rough as I was obligated to put my studies on hold because
payments were not made in time. I am extremely grateful for the care and concern shown by so
many thoughtful people. My mother (Indradevi a/p Sukaran) and father (Segar a/l Ramulu) are
very appreciative for all the effort put in collecting funds for my tuition and exam fees.
By your kind generosity, I will now be able to resume my studies and achieve my dream in
becoming a doctor. The payment to my University will be made first thing next week so I can
continue my clinicals.
I truly hope one day I can reflect the kindness you have shown to me to the world.

Thank you very much.

Yours truly,

Daarshawnee a/p Segar

Phone number: +62812-4617-5632 (Indonesian Number)

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