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THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM  Cells are surrounded and bundled

by connective tissue= great force,

Importance/Functions of Muscles
but tires easily (malakas pero
 Responsible for all type of body medaling mapagod)
movement- they contact or
Connective Tissue Wrappings of Skeletal
shorten and are the machine of
the body.
 Produce movement
 Maintain posture
 Stabilize joints
 Generate heat

3 basic muscle types are found in the

 Skeletal Muscle – lahat ng
nakakaattach sa bones
 Cardiac Muscle- heart
 Smooth muscle- hollow organs

Characteristics of Muscles
 Muscles cells are elongated Endomysium- around single muscle
 Muscle cell = Muscle Fiber fibers.
 Contraction of muscles is due to
the movement of microfilaments. Perimysium- around a fascicle (bundle)
(nagkakaron ng contraction and of fibers.
pagballik because of Epimysium- covers the entire skeletal
microfilaments) muscle.
Fascia- on the outside of the epimysium.
All muscles share some terminology
 Prefix myo refers to muscle
 Prefix mys refers to muscle Skeletal Muscle Attachments
 Prefix sarco refers to flesh  Epimysium blends into a
connective tissue attachments.
Skeletal Muscle Characteristics
Tendon- cord-like structure.
 LOCATION- Bones Aponeuroses- sheet-like
 Multinucleated structure.
 Striated- zigzag, stripes
 Voluntary
Sites of muscle attachment  LOCATION- Heart
 Striated
 Bones
 Single Cell
 Cartilages
 Joined to another muscle cell at
 Connective tissue coverings
an intercalated disc- meron sa
cardiac wala sa skeleton and
Smooth Muscle Characteristics  Steady pace- (di pwede bumilis o
bumagal na heart beat) dapat
steady langs.

Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle

Depende sa cut ang itsura ng cell

Cross-sectional view – circle
Longitudinal view- spindle like-
 Multinucleated
 Nuclei are just beneath the
 LOCATION- Hollow Organs sarcolemma
(uterus, digestive tracts)
 No striations- walang mga zigzag Sarcolemma—specialized plasma
or stripes. membrane (bumabalot sa myofibril).
 Spindle shaped cells Sarcoplasmic reticulum- specialized
 Involuntary smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
 Slow, sustained and tireless
(mabagal ang contraction pero Myofibril- are aligned to give distinct
tuloy tuloy) bands.
o I band= light band
o A band- dark band
Cardiac Muscle Characteristics
Sarcomere- contractile unit of a muscle
Organization of the Sarcomere Contractility- ability to shorten when an
adequate stimulus is received.
Nerve Stimulus to Muscles
 Skeletal muscles must be
stimulated by a nerve to contract
(motor neuron)
 Motor Unit
o Each muscle has one
o Muscle cells stimulated by
2 MICROFILAMENTS that neuron.
o Thick filaments = myosin
- Has ATPase enzymes
- Have heads and tails
(extension, or cross
o Thin Filaments= actin
Myosin and Actin overlap
Neuromuscular junctions- association
site of nerve and muscle.
Synaptic cleft- gap between nerve and
o Nerve and muscle do not
make contact.
o Area between nerve and
muscle is filled with
interstitial fluid- exchange of
Properties of Skeletal Muscle Activity ions.
(single cells or fibers)
Irritability- ability to receive and respond
to a stimulus.
 Activation by nerve causes
myosin heads (cross bridges) to
attach to binding sites on the thin
 Myosin heads then bind to the
next site of the thin filament.
 This continued action causes a
sliding of the myosin along the
 The result is that the muscle is
shortened (contracted).

Transmission of Nerve Impulse to Muscle

 Neurotransmitter- chemical
released by nerve upon arrival of
nerve impulse.
o The neurotransmitter
for skeletal muscle is
 Neurotransmitter attaches to
receptors on the sarcolemma.

 Sarcolemma becomes permeable
to sodium (Na+) - sodium ion.
 Sodium rushing into the cell
generates an action potential.
 Once started, muscle contraction
cannot be stopped.

The Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle

Contraction of a Skeletal Muscle Energy for Muscle Contraction
 Muscle fiber contraction is “all or
none”- it should be lahat mag
contract or not at all.

 Within a skeletal muscle, not all

fibers may be stimulated during
the same interval.

 Different combinations of muscle

fiber contractions may give
differing responses.

 Graded responses – different

degrees of skeletal muscle
shortening, rapid stimulus =  Direct phosphorylation- no oxygen
constant contraction or tetanus. requirement
o Muscle cells contain
creatine phosphate
Muscle Response to Strong Stimuli (CP) (CP is a high-
 Muscle force depends upon the energy molecule) .
number of fibers stimulated. o After ATP is depleted,
 More fibers contracting results in ADP is left.
greater muscle tension. o CP transfers energy to
 Muscles can continue to contract ADP, to regenerate
unless they run out of energy. ATP.
o CP supplies are
exhausted in about 20
Energy for Muscle Contraction seconds.

 Initially, muscles used stored ATP

for energy
o Bonds of ATP are
broken to release
 Only 4-6 seconds worth of ATP is
stored by muscles
o After this initial time,
other pathways must
be utilized to produce
 Aerobic Respiration
o Series of metabolic
pathways that occur in the
mitochondria- organelle.
o Glucose is broken down to
carbon dioxide and water,
releasing energy.
o This is a slower reaction
that requires continuous

Muscle Fatigue and Oxygen Debt

 When a muscle is fatigued, it is

unable to contract.
 The common reason for muscle
fatigue is oxygen debt.
o Oxygen must be “repaid” to
 Anaerobic glycolysis tissue to remove oxygen
o Reaction that breaks down debt.
glucose without oxygen. o Oxygen is required to get
o Glucose is broken down to rid of accumulated lactic
pyruvic acid to produce acid (mas marami dapat
some ATP. oxygen kesa lactid acid
o Pyruvic acid is converted to kaya need e get rid).
lactic acid.  Increasing acidity (from lactic
o This reaction is not as acid) and lack of ATP causes the
efficient, but is fast muscle to contract less.
- Huge amounts of glucose
are needed.
- Lactic acid produces
Types of Muscle Contractions
muscle fatigue.
 Isotonic contractions-( continuous
ang pag interact) usual movement
o Myofilaments are able to
slide past each other
during contractions.
o The muscle shortens.
 Isometric contractions
o Tension in the muscles
o The muscle is unable to
Muscle Tone Effects of Exercise on Muscle
 Some fibers are contracted even  Results of increased muscle use.
in a relaxed muscle. o Increase in muscle size.
 Different fibers contract at o Increase in muscle strength.
different times to provide muscle o Increase in muscle efficiency.
tone. o Muscle becomes more fatigue
 The process of stimulating various resistant.
fibers is under involuntary control.

Types of Ordinary Body Movements

Muscles and Body Movements
 Flexion – decreases angle of joint
and brings two bones closer
 Extension- opposite of flexion
 Rotation- movement of a bone in
longitudinal axis, shaking head
 Abduction
 Adduction
 Circumduction

 Movement is attained due to a

muscle moving an attached
 Muscles are attached to at least
two points
o Origin – attachment to a
moveable bone.
o Insertion – attachment to
an immovable bone.
 Location of the muscles origin and
o Example: sterno (on the
 Shape of the muscle
o Example: deltoid
 Action of the muscle
o Example: flexor and
extensor (flexes or
extends a bone)

Types of Muscles
 Prime mover – muscle with the
major responsibility for a certain
 Antagonist – muscle that opposes
or reverses a prime mover
 Synergist – muscle that aids a
prime mover in a movement and
helps prevent rotation

Name of Skeleton Muscles

 Direction of muscle fibers
o Example: rectus
 Relative size of the muscle
o Example: maximus
 Location of the muscle
o Example: many
muscles are named for
bones (e.g., temporalis)
 Number of origins
o Example: triceps (three
Head and Neck

Trunk Muscles
Deep Trunk and Arm Muscles

Muscles of the Pelvis, Hip, and Thigh

Muscles of the Lower Leg

Superficial Muscles: Anterior

Superficial Muscles: Posterior

Disorders relating to the Muscular

 Muscular Dystrophy: inherited,
muscle enlarge due to increased
fat and connective tissue, but
fibers degenerate and atrophy
 Duchenne MD: lacking a protein
to maintain the sarcolemma
 Myasthemia Gravis: progressive
weakness due to a shortage of
acetylcholine- energy receptors.

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