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Transforming lives by changing the media landscape.

“What do we want to become?” ⃝ Yes ⃝ No

We exist to serve the Filipino.

We exist to inform, educate, and entertain through creative content for any
distribution platform.

We innovate, diversify, and expand into enterprise where our expertise in

content creation opens new business and service opportunities.

We promote the best in Filipino talent and reflect the true sentiment of the

“What is our business?” ⃝ Yes ⃝ No

9 Components of a Mission Statement

Yes No
Customers Yes
Products or Services Yes
Markets Yes
Technology Yes
Concern for survival, growth, and profitability Yes
Philosophy Yes
Self-concept Yes
Concern for Public Image Yes
Concern for Employees Yes
Did the Company’s Vision and Mission Statements exhibit the characteristics of
a well-developed Vision and Mission Statements? Improve or recommend a
statement as you see fit.

Yes, Because the company proves that even though their vision is a one short
sentence, it all explains everything so that the company subordinates will keep
in their minds what the company want to become. their vision statement is
clear and concise, something that is directional with attainable destination of
the company long term objective. In its 75 years of service in the media
industry, ABS-CBN already creates an impact to the Filipino people whom they
served and truly transformed man lives using media platforms. While in its
mission statement, first statement is strong and impressive. In ABS-CBN
current situation which they are currently battling for its franchise renewal,
they continue to serve through digital platforms for free and serving us daily
news on the internet and creating partnerships in other networks despite of
the disputes happened. This situation makes the first statement words become
powerful. This is what we remember when we are talking about ABS-CBN, they
truly exist in the service of the Filipino not only in our country but worldwide.
They already served the purpose of their mission statement clearly both in
terms of intention and words used.

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