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C’Niya Sistrunk

Professor Whitener

English 102

12 April 2021

Opposing Viewpoints of Abortion

If someone you knew decided to abort their baby would you judge them? Everyone is in

completely different situations and phases in life so there are people who would decide to abort

the baby if the option was available to them. Either is perfectly fine in my eyes, abortion should

always be a choice for people. But, all states differ in the US on abortion laws. People in the

world are either against or for abortion. The people who are for abortion have several reasons as

to why. Some of those reasons being that some women are simply not ready for a child, people

get raped and end up pregnant, or some women do not want to bring a child into a household that

is abusive or not supportive. While people who are against abortion feel like it is against their

religion, it is wrong to take an innocent life, or it can damage the long-term physical and

emotional health of a woman who does have an abortion.

Some people are against abortion simply because it against their religion. For example,

Christians see abortion as murder which is against God’s will. Christians believe that each life is

of value. As said by Living Waters, “ God’s Word says that he made each one of us, and has a

plan for each life: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you

apart.” (Jeremiah 1:5)” ( Citation 1). This is not all that God says about killing a human life in

the Bible though. According to Living Waters, “ God, the giver of life, commands us not to take

the life of an innocent person: “Do not shed innocent blood” (Jeremiah 7:6), and He warns us,
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“Cursed is the man who accepts a bribe to kill an innocent person” (Deuteronomy 27:25). The

Sixth Commandment, written in stone by the finger of God, commands, “You shall not murder”

(Exodus 20:13)” (Citation 1). As Christians, we should obey God and do his will and abortion is

clearly against his will. By people believing and following their religion and it affects their

judgment and takes on abortion like Christianity.

In addition, you have some that feel like it is wrong to take an innocent life. Babies in the

womb are seen as humans. According to, “ From the moment of fertilization --

better known as conception -- a new human life is in existence. Ending this life is not ending

“potential.” It is ending a life” ( Citation 2). They also argue that it violates civil rights, “Unborn

children are deprived of life - the most basic right of all - simply based on their location, their

mother’s womb, and their developmental status - this is discriminatory, inhuman, and cruel”

(Citation 2). Abortion punishes innocent people as well, “A child did not decide that his/her

parents would have sex or that they would use ineffective contraception. An unborn child is

always innocent and should never be punished.” (Citation 2). In many people’s eyes, abortion is

taking a human life which is illegal and should not be done.

Some people think it can damage the long-term physical and emotional health of women.

According to Nebraska Family Alliance, the psychological effects of abortion on women are

very concerning,

“ Compared to women who carried their babies to term, women who obtained abortions


● 81% increased risk for mental health problems, 10 percent of which is directly

attributable to abortion.

● 27% more likely to use marijuana.

● 21% more likely to display suicidal behaviors.

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● 35% more likely to commit suicide ”

( Citation 3). Women are more likely to have harmful things done to their minds and body after

abortion as you can see. Abortion causes a lot of physical effects on women as well. Abortion

ultimately causes deaths in women, “ Officially, legal abortion is the fifth leading cause of

maternal death in the United States” ( Citation 3). So abortion is a huge risk to take considering

the effects that come with it. There are many immediate complications after having an abortion

too. For example, “Women who have had abortions face a 40 percent greater risk for contracting

breast cancer” ( Citation 3). And many more complications like, “Abortion increases the risk of

subsequent miscarriages by 60 percent.” ( Citation 3). Abortion causes both physical and

psychological problems which is why some are against it.

Overall, I can understand why people think abortion is not right and shouldn’t be done.

Abortion is against many people’s religion, some think it’s wrong to take an innocent life, or

how it can damage the long-term physical and emotional health of a woman who does have an

abortion. But, people should also consider and understand that some women are simply not ready

for a child, people get raped and end up pregnant, and some women do not want to bring a child

into a household that is abusive or not supportive. So, at the end of the day whatever someone

decides is perfectly fine but abortion should always be a choice for people. We should not judge

someone who decides to have an abortion because everyone is different and we all go through

different situations in life. It is ultimately up to the woman herself to decide what is best for her

and her body. People should understand and consider the reasons as to why abortion takes place

and is done.
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Works Cited

[1] President, Lynn CopelandEditor &, et al. What God's Word Says about Abortion. 24

Mar. 2020,

[2] “Abortion Harms Women.” Nebraska Family Alliance, 14 May 2020,

[3] “10 Reasons Why Abortion Is Wrong.” Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, 14 May 2015,

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