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Traditional and Command Economies- Grace Heckendorn

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

CTE 418 Spring 2021

Traditional and Command Economies

Students will watch these videos on traditional and command economies:

9-12.E.3.2.1 Compare and contrast the characteristics of different economic systems and economic philosophies. Idaho Social Studies

SWBAT Distinguish between traditional and command economies
SWBAT identify the main components of both traditional and command economies.

Students will have completed both the in-class discussion and Kahoot

Teaching Plan (Block schedule- 90 minutes)

Review videos and answer questions(10 minutes)
Present slides on traditional and command economies (20 minutes)
Watch Crash Course: Economic Systems and Macroeconomics (10 minutes)
Class discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of the two different economies discussed in class (30 minutes)
Kahoot (15 minutes)
End of class (last minute questions or free time for 5 minutes)


Crash Course:
Traditional and Command Economies LP1.pptx

I feel like this lesson plan is fairly bare bones and like it could use more filling out, but I genuinely enjoy when my classes are discussion based
after the information is presented because it allows for kids to fill in their knowledge gaps on their own and it helps their peers understand the
concepts better. Discussion also encourages everyone in the class to share their thoughts on the topic and gives the students the all-important
feeling of being heard. I'm a fairly relaxed person and I feel like that translates to my teaching style and lesson plans because I don't feel the need
to regiment my classroom. If the class discussion on traditional vs command markets takes longer than thirty minutes, we can play the Kahoot
another day or it can be another way students review before the end of unit.
This lesson is also taking place during the introductory unit and I don't want to overload the students as they're still getting the basic concepts
down. I'm not hyper-focused on whether students walk away from this lesson 100 percent sure of everything from this lesson because it is early
in the unit and I plan to review all four types of economies after they're all covered. This would give the students more time to review and
cement the ideas in their heads.

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