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There are many reasons to learn a foreign language, French in particular. Not only is it one of
the most commonly spoken first language in the world, but also the most commonly taught second

French is one of the most common working languages in international organizations. Therefore,
embassies also require foreign language experts as translators and interpreters.

Opportunities exist in organizations such as the United Nations, World Health Organization,
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), World Trade Organization, etc.
Knowledge of more than one language is extremely advantageous, especially in the Fashion
Industry. The ability to speak a foreign language, especially French, is an added advantage when
dealing with International fashion professionals and students. France being a very important part
of the International Fashion market it becomes imperative for a Fashion student to have a sound
knowledge of this language.
1. Letters & Sounds
The Alphabet, The Accents, Other Orthographic Signs, Les
Signes de Ponctuation, Les Signes Orthographiques, Les Unit 1: Letters and Sounds
Symboles Phonetiques. (Pages 3-6)

2. Nombres Unit 2: Nombres

Cardinaux et Ordinaux. (Pages 7-16)

3. Categories of Grammar
The Articles, Plural of Nouns, Plural of Adjectives, Feminine
Forms, Positive, Comparative and
Superlative Degrees of Adjectives, Pronouns, Non-qualificative
Adjective, List of Place Names, Les Verbes, Verb ‘Etre’, Verb
‘Avoir’, The Principal (Main) Verbs, Conjugation of First Group
of Verbs in Present Tense, Conjugation of Second Group of
Verbs in Present Tense, Conjugation of Some of the Third Group
of Verbs in Present Tense, Peculiarities of Some of the First
Group of Verbs, Reflexive Verbs, Reciprocal Verbs, Past
Indefinite of the Regular and Irregular Verbs, Verbs of Motion,
Futur (Future Tense), Imparfait (Imperfect or the Past
Continuous Tense), Imperative Mood, Adverbs, Prepositions, Unit 3: Categories of Grammar
Conjunctions, Interjections, Grammar Revision & Exercises. (Pages 17-82)

4. Conversations
Classroom, Conversations, simple Conversations, General
Conversations, We are Happy to Welcome You, Asking for
Information, Conversations Related to Ordering a Le Petit Unit 4: Conversations
Dejeuner. (Pages 83-87)

5. Guide to Travellers
On Arrival, Air Travel, Steamship Travel, Rail Travel, Bus Travel,
Car Travel (Rented), Car at Service Station, At Hotel, How to
Go To …., At the Cash Counter, The Breakfast, Lunch in a Unit 5: Guide to Travellers
Restaurant, The Dinner Table, At the Café, Let us Go Sight (Pages 95-102)
Seeing, Days, Dates & Time, The Weather.

6. Vocabulary Unit 6: Vocabulary

French - English, English - French. (Pages 103-123)
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Unit Objectives
1.2 Les Alphabets: The Alphabets
1.3 L’accent: The Accent
1.4 Orthographic Signs
1.5 Les Signes de Ponctuation (The Punctuation Marks)
1.7 Summary
1.8 Questions and Exercises
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Unit Objectives
2.2 Nombres (Numbers)
2.2.1 Les Nombres Cardinaux (The Cardinal Numbers)
2.2.2 Les Nombres Ordinaux (The Ordinal Numbers)
2.3 Day, Date and Time
2.3.1 La Date (The Date)
2.3.2 L’heure (The Time)
2.3.3 Les Jours de la Semaine (The Days of the Week)
2.3.4 Les Mois de l’année (The Months of the Year)
2.3.5 Les Saisons (The Seasons)
2.4 Summary
2.5 Questions and Exercises
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Unit Objectives
3.2 Articles (Articles)
3.2.1 Article Indéfini (Indefinite Article)
3.2.2 Article Définis (Definite Article)
3.3 Nom (Noun)
3.4 Pronom (Pronoun)
3.5 List of Place Names
3.6 Le Verbe (The Verb)
3.6.1 Le Verbe Être: To Be
3.6.2 Le Verbe Avoir: To Have
3.6.3 Conjugation of Verbs
3.6.4 Reflexive Verbs
3.6.5 Simple and Perfect Past Tense (Le Passé Compose)
3.6.6 Negatif: Negative
3.6.7 L’impératif: The Imperative
3.6.8 Le Futur Simple (Future Simple)
3.6.9 L’imparfait: Imperfect Tense
3.6.10 Le Negatif (Negation)
3.6.11 Verbs of Motion
3.6.12 Reciprocal Verbs
3.6.13 L’adverbe (Adverb)
3.6.14 Conjuction
3.6.15 Interjection
3.7 L’adjectif : The Adjective
3.7.1 Comparatif et Superlatif: Comparitive And Superlative
3.8.2 Les Couleurs: The Colours
3.8.3 L’adjectif Demonstratif: The Demonstrative Adjective
3.8.4 L’adjectif Possessif: The Possessive Adjective
3.9 Summary
3.10 Questions and Exercises
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Unit Objectives
4.2 Classroom Conversation
4.3 Simple Conversation
4.4 General Conversation
4.5 We are Happy to Welcome You
4.6 Asking for Information
4.7 Ordering a Meal
4.8 Breakfast: Le Petit Déjeuner
4.9 Summary
4.10 Questions and Exercises
5.0 Introduction
5.1 Unit Objectives
5.2 Learning to Converse
5.2.1 On Arrival
5.2.2 Air Travel
5.2.3 Steamship Travel
5.2.4 Rail Travel
5.2.5 Bus Travel
5.2.6 At the Hotel
5.2.7 How to Go to …
5.2.8 At the Shop Counter
5.2.9 Breakfast
5.2.10 Lunch in a Restaurant
5.2.11 Dinner
5.2.12 At the Café
5.2.13 Let’s Go Sightseeing …
5.2.14 Travel by Rented Car
5.2.15 At the Service Station
5.3 Summary
5.4 Questions and Exercises
6.0 Introduction
6.1 Unit Objectives
6.2 French–English
6.3 English–French
6.4 Summary
6.5 Questions and Exercises



In this unit, you will learn about the alphabet and accents in French.
Pronunciation and accents are critical to the language, so you must pay a lot
of attention to this unit. You will also learn the punctuations used in the
language – their names and functions.


After going through this unit, you will be able to:

l Learn the letters of the French alphabet
l Learn the different accents and their importance
l Learn the names and functions of the different punctuation marks


The letters of the French alphabet are similar to that of the English, though
their pronunciations are different. Given below are the letters of the letters
with their French names:

Letter French name

A a
B bé
C cé
D dé
E eu
F effe
G gé
H ache
I i
J ji
K ka
Self-Instructional Material 1

Notes L el
M em
N en
O o
P pé
Q ku
R er
S es
T té
U u
V vé
W double vé
X iks
Y igrec
Z zèd

There are three accents in the French language. These accents function
almost like vowels. Let us now understand what these three types of accents
1. Accent aïgu (acute accent): é
This accent cannot be put on all vowels and consonants. It is put on ‘e’
and is pronounced like ‘a’ in English.

Thé tea
Café coffee
Étudiant student

2. Accent grave (grave accent): è

This accent also cannot be put on all vowels and consonants; it is put on
‘a’, ‘u’ and ‘e’ (à, ù, è). When is accent is on ‘a’ and ‘u’, the pronunciation
does not change though the meaning does

Il a un maison à Paris (He has a house in Paris)

But when it is on ‘e’, it is pronounced differently.

Mère mother
Père father
Crème cream
2 Self-Instructional Material
Letters and Sounds

3. Accent circonflexe (Circumflex accent): ê Notes

This accent is put on ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’ and ‘u’ (all the pure vowels) and it
prolongs the sound of the vowel.
Âme soul
Hôte host
Aoùt August


In French, there are some signs which are used to make the language
more melodious when speaking or reading. Let us study these in detail.
1. La Cedille: This sign is put under the letter ‘c’ (ç). ‘a’, ‘o’ and ‘u’ are
hard vowels, and when they follow ‘c’ the sounds are ‘ka’, ‘ko’ and
‘ku’. To make the sound soft, we use the cedilla under ‘c’, which
changes the sounds ‘sa’, ‘s’ and ‘su’.

Garçon boy
Leçon lesson
2. L’apostr ophe: (’) the apostrophe is put when a word ends with a
vowel and the word following it begins with a vowel – either the
same one or any other.
Que est-ce que tu fais? Qu’est-ce que tu fais ?

In the above example, ‘que’ ends with ‘e’ and ‘est’ begins with ‘e’.
Therefore, the ‘e’ of ‘que’ is replaced with an apostrophe (‘).
3. Le trait d’union: here, a hyphen (-) is to connect two or more words
while making interrogative sentences.

Il est français. Est-il français?

Vous allez au marché. Allez-vous au marché ?
4. Le tréma: This sign, when put over a vowel, is to be pronounced
separately from the one put before it.



Punctuation marks are used in French almost the same way they are in
English. Only tiret (dash) is used differently. In the French language, it denotes
a change of speaker.

Self-Instructional Material 3

Notes ‘.’ le point point (period)

‘,’ la virgule comma
‘;’ le point-virgule semi colon
‘:’ les deux points colon
‘?’ le point d’interrogation interrogation sign/question mark
‘-’ le trait d’union hyphen
‘–’ le tiret dash
‘!’ le point d’exclamation exclamation sign
‘…’ le point de suspension elipses
‘ ‘‘’’ ’ les guillemets double quotation marks
‘( )’ la parenthèse parenthesis


In this unit, you have learned the French alphabet, which is similar to the
English alphabet.
Accents are very important in French. They not just change the
pronunciation; in many cases they even change the meaning. Accents are
put only on pure vowels and not on semi vowels and consonants. Acute
accent is put only on the letter ‘e’; grave accent is put on ‘a’, ‘e’ and ‘u’.
Circumflex accent is used on all pure vowels.

Finally, you learned the punctuation marks used in French. They are the
same as in English, except for tiret, which indicates a change in speaker.


1. Write the French names of the following letters :

c, e, j, k, n, x, z
2. Name the three types of accents and give three examples of each.

3. Give five examples of the use apostrophe in French.

4. List the orthographic signs used in French.

4 Self-Instructional Material



In this unit, you will learn cardinal and ordinal numbers (from 1 to 100)
in French. You will also learn how to read and tell the date, time, days of the
week, months of the year and the seasons. You will also learn how to make
simple sentences and questions, which will help you to understand the usage
and train you to converse in French.


After going through this unit, you will be able to:

l Read and write the cardinal and ordinal numbers (zero to 100) in
l Expand your vocabulary by learning the names of days of the week,
months, seasons and also read the time

l Learn how to form simple sentences and questions using the topics
introduced to you in this lesson


2.2.1 Les Nombres Cardinaux (Cardinal Numbers)

Zéro 0
Un 1
Deux 2
Trois 3
Quatre 4
Cinq 5
Six 6
Sept 7
Huit 8
Self-Instructional Material 5

Notes Neuf 9
Dix 10
Onze 11
Douze 12
Treize 13
Quatorze 14
Quinze 15
Seize 16
Dix-sept 17
Dix-huit 18
Dix-neuf 19
Vingt 20
Vingt et un 21
Vingt-deux 22
Vingt-trois 23
Vingt-quatre 24
Vingt-cinq 25
Vingt-six 26
Vingt-sept 27
Vingt-huit 28
Vingt-neuf 29
Trente 30
Trente et un 31
Trente-deux 32
Trente-trois 33
Trente-quatre 34
Trente-cinq 35
Trente-six 36
Trente-sept 37
Trente-huit 38
Trente-neuf 39
Quarante 40
Quarante et un 41
Quarante-deux 42

6 Self-Instructional Material

Quarante-trois 43 Notes
Quarante-quatre 44
Quarante-cinq 45
Quarante-six 46
Quarante-sept 47
Quarante-huit 48
Quarante-neuf 49
Cinquante 50
Cinquante et un 51
Cinquante-deux 52
Cinquante-trois 53
Cinquante-quatre 54
Cinquante-cinq 55
Cinquante-six 56
Cinquante-sept 57
Cinquante-huit 58
Cinquante-neuf 59
Soixante 60
Soixante et un 61
Soixante-deux 62
Soixante-trois 63
Soixante-quatre 64
Soixante-cinq 65
Soixante-six 66
Soixante-sept 67
Soixante-huit 68
Soixante-neuf 69
Soixante-dix 70
Soixante et onze 71
Soixante-douze 72
Soixante-treize 73
Soixante-quatorze 74
Soixante-quinze 75
Soixante-seize 76

Self-Instructional Material 7

Notes Soixante-dix-sept 77
Soixante-dix-huit 78
Soixante-dix-neuf 79
Quatre-vingts 80
Quatre-vingt-un 81
Quatre-vingt-deux 82
Quatre-vingt-trois 83
Quatre-vingt-quatre 84
Quatre-vingt-cinq 85
Quatre-vingt-six 86
Quatre-vingt-sept 87
Quatre-vingt-huit 88
Quatre-vingt-neuf 89
Quatre-vingt-dix 90
Quatre-vingt-onze 91
Quatre-vingt-douze 92
Quatre-vingt-treize 93
Quatre-vingt-quatorze 94
Quatre-vingt-quinze 95
Quatre-vingt-seize 96
Quatre-vingt-dix-sept 97
Quatre-vingt-dix-huit 98
Quatre-vingt-dix-neuf 99
Cent 100


The ordinal form of the number ‘1’ has both forms – masculine and
feminine. All other numbers are either in the masculine or feminine form.

Premier/première first
Deuxième second
Troisième third
Quatrième fourth
Cinquième fifth
Sixième sixth
Septième seventh

8 Self-Instructional Material

Huitième eigth Notes

Neuvième ninth
Dixième tenth
Vingt et unième
Trente et unième
Quarante et unième

Self-Instructional Material 9

Notes Quarante-deuxième
Cinquante et unième
Soixante et unième
Soixante et onzième

10 Self-Instructional Material

Soixante-seizième Notes


2.3.1 La Date (The Date)

Quelle est la date? What is the date?

There are many ways you can answer this question:

l C’est le 16 février It is 16th February

l On est le 16 février It is 16th February

l Nous sommes le 16 février It is 16th February

Self-Instructional Material 11

Notes 2.3.2 L’heure (Time)

Comment dire l’heure
a. Il est une heure. It is 1 o’clock
b. Il est deux heures. It is 2 o’clock
c. Il est trios heures. It is 3 o’clock
d. Il est quatre heures. It is 4 o’clock
e. Il est cinq heures. It is 5 o’clock
f. Il est six heures. It is 6 o’clock
g. Il est sept heures. It is 7 o’clock
h. Il est hiut heures. It is 8 o’clock
i. Il est neuf heures. It is 9 o’clock
j. Il est dix heures. It is 10 o’clock
k. Il est onze heures. It is 11 o’clock
l. Il est douze heures. It is 12 o’clock
m. Il est midi. It is noon/mid-day
n. Il est minuit. It is midnight
o. Il est zéro heures. It is zero hour
p. Il est deux heures cinq It is 2.05
q. Il est deux heures quinze It is 2.15
r. Il est deux heures et quart It is quarter past two
s. Il est deux heures moins le quart It is quarter to two
t. Il est deux heures trente. It is 2.30
u. Il est deux heures et demie. It is half past two

2.3.3 Les Jours de la Semaine (Days of the Week)

a. Lundi Monday
b. Mardi Tuesday
c. Mercredi Wednesday
d. Jeudi Thursday
e. Vendredi Friday
f. Samedi Saturday
g. Dimanche Sunday

12 Self-Instructional Material

a. Aujourd’hui Today Notes

b. Hier Yesterday
c. Demain Tomorrow
Comment dire le jour
a. C’est quel jour, aujourd’hui? What day is it today?
b. C’est lundi. It is Monday.
c. C’était quel jour, hier? What day was it yesterday?
d. C’était dimanche. It was Sunday.
e. C’est quel jour demain? What day is it tomorrow?
f. C’est mardi,demain. Tomorrow is Sunday.

2.3.4 Les mois de l’année (Months of the Year)

a. Janvier January
b. Février Feburary

c. Mars March
d. Avril April
e. Mai May
f. Juin June

g. Juillet July
h. Août August
i. Septembre September
j. Octobre October

k. Novembre November
l. Décembre December

Comment dire le mois

a. Nous sommes au quel mois? What month is it?

b. Nous sommes au mois de février? It is February.

2.3.5 Les Saisons (Seasons)

Il y a quatre saisons dans une année There are four seasons in a year
a. L’été summer

b. L’hiver winter

c. Le printemps spring
Self-Instructional Material 13

Notes d. L’automne autumn

We will now make some simple sentences with names of the seasons :

a. En été, il fait chaud In summer, it is hot.

b. En hiver, il fait froid In winter, it is cold.

c. Au printemps,il fait beau In spring, the weather is fine.

d. En automne,il feuilles tombent In autumn, leaves fall.

Names of the days and months and reading the time, have been introduced
in this unit. You will now be able to construct simple sentences using these
words. Cardinal and ordinal numbers have been explained in this unit.


1. Write the following cardinal numbers in words:

11, 17, 20, 43, 57, 62, 79, 100
2. Write the following ordinal numbers in words:
22, 34, 48, 50, 88, 97
3. Answer the following questions:
(i) Quelle est la date?
(ii) Comment dire l’heure?
(iii) C’est quell jour demain?
(iv) Nous sommes au quell mois?
4. Translate the following into French:
(i) Today is Wednesday, 19 May.
(ii) It is May and it is very hot.
(iii) It is cold in winter.
(iv) Tomorrow is Thursday.
5. Translate into English:
(i) Nous sommes le 19 Mai.
(ii) Il est sept heures.
(iii) Il est deux heures moins le quart.
(iv) C’était quell jour, hier?

14 Self-Instructional Material



In this unit, you will be introduced to French grammar. You will start this
lesson with the articles. As in English, in French, too, there are two types of
articles – definite and indefinite. You will be introduced to definite and
indefinite articles and understand how these are used and what their functions
You will then learn about nouns (noms) followed by adjectives. There are
many forms of adjectives – feminine, positive, comparative and superlative.
All nouns have a gender – masculine or feminine. The article used with the
noun indicates the gender of the noun. The next rule of grammar you will
learn is the pronoun, which is a word that is used in place of a noun.

This unit introduces you to the verb (verbe) – or action word. In French,
as you will see, verbs have many form – masculine and feminine, singular
and plural, and first, second and third persons. Conjugation of verbs is a
very important part of French grammar.
The numerous examples in the lesson will help you to understand the
many rules of grammar without any difficulty,


After going through this unit, you will be able to :

l Learn the usage of definite and indefinite articles and understand

how they indicate the gender of nouns
l Explain the singular and plural forms of nouns

l Learn how to form simple sentences and questions using the nouns
introduced to you in this lesson
l Learn the importance and usage of pronouns

l Learn the usage of verbs

Self-Instructional Material 15

Notes Understand the use of past tense and future tense, adverbs,
prepositions, conjunctions and interjections

l Understand the use of adjectives and further qualifying them

comparatives and superlatives

l Learn the names of the different colours in French


3.2.1 Article Indéfini (Indefinite Article)

In French language, the indefinite article is very important because every
noun is followed by an article. There are three indefinite articles un, une and
des. Un is used for a masculine singular noun, une is used for a feminine
singular noun and des is used with a plural noun plural – both masculine
and feminine. Un and une have the same meaning as ‘a/an’ in English, and
des means ‘some’.

Un : A, an
Un garcon a boy
Un homme a man
UN livre a book
Un stylo a pen
Un cahier a notebook
Une : A, an
Une fille a girl
Une femme a woman
Une gomme an eraser
Une chaise a chair
Une école a school
Des : Some
Des garçons some boys
Des hommes some men
Des livres some books
Des stylos some pens
Des cahiers some note books
Des filles some girls
Des femmes some women
Des gommes some erasers
16 Self-Instructional Material
Categories of Grammar

Des chaises some chairs Notes

Des écoles some schools
In French, every noun is considered to be either manculine or feminine.

Qu’est ce que c’est? What is this/that?

This question is used for non-living nouns, birds and animals :

C’est un cahier this is a notebook
C’est un livre this is a book
C’est un stylo this is a pen
C’est un crayon this is a pencil
C’est une chaise this is a chair
C’est une table this is a table
C’est un chien this is a dog
C’est un oiseau this is a bird
C’est un corbeau this is a crow
C’est un chat this is a cat

Qu’est-ce que c’est also means ‘What are these/What are those?’ :

Ce sont des cahiers these are some notebooks

Ce sont des livres these are some books
Ce sont des stylos these are some pen
Ce sont des crayons these are some pencils
Ce sont des chaises these are some chairs
Ce sont des tables these are some tables
Ce sont des chiens these are some dogs
Ce sont des oiseaux these are some birds
Ce sont des corbeaux these are some crows
Ce sont des chats these are some cats
Qui est-ce? Who is this? Who is that?

This question is used for people :

C’est un garcon this is a boy
C’est une fille this is a girl
C’est un homme this is a man
C’est une femme this is a woman
Self-Instructional Material 17

Notes C’est un professeur this is a teacher

Qui-ce is also used in the plural sense :

Ce sont des garcons these are some boys

Ce sont des filles these are some girls
Ce sont des homems these are some men
Ce sont des femmes these are some women
Ce sont des professeurs these are some teachers


There are four definite articles in French : le, la, l’, les. Le is used for a
masculine noun, la is used for a feminine noun, l’ is used if the noun starts
with a vowel and les is used for plural nouns.
Le : The
Le garcon the boy
Le livre the book
Le cahier the note-book
Le stylo the pen
Le crayon the pencil
La : The
La fille the girl
La femme the woman
La chaise the chair
La table the table
La maison the house
L’ : The
L’homme the man
L’hôtel the hotel
L’hôpital the hospital
L’école the school
L’appartement the appartment
Les : The (plural)
Les garçons the boys
Les livres the books
Les cahiers the note-books

18 Self-Instructional Material
Categories of Grammar

Les stylos the pens Notes

Les crayons the pens
Les filles the girls
Les femmes the women
Les chaises the chairs
Les tables the tables
Les maisons the houses
Les hommes the men
Les hôtels the hotels
Les hôpitaux the hospitals
Les écoles the schools
Les appartements the apartments

3.3 NOM (NOUN)

Nouns are a very important part of any language. In French, every noun
is either masculine or feminine. The gender of the noun is indicated by the
definite or indefinite article used with it.

There are certain rules to find out if a noun is masculine or feminine. If a

noun ends with –e, most of the time it is considered to be feminine. However,
there are exceptions. Certain nouns ending with –e are masculine, such as
livre, thé and café, and there are some nouns which do not end with–e but
considered to be feminine, such as maison. And all the nouns are followed by
an article either masculine or feminine.

Un garcon
Une fille
Des garçons
Des filles
You have, by now, cleary understood nouns, indefinite and definite
articles. So here some groups of nouns associated with a topic.
La maison : The house (given below are the words/nouns you would associate
with a house)
L’entrée the gate
Le salon the living room
La chambre the bedroom
L’escalier the staircase

Self-Instructional Material 19

Notes La salle à manger the dining room

La salle de bains the bathroom
La cuisine the kitchen
Le balcon the balcony
Le garage the garage
Les toilettes the toilet
Le salon/la chamber : The living room/the bedroom (given below are the
words/nouns you would associate with this room in any house)

La télé the televison

La télécommande the remote control
Le canapé the sofa
La table the table
Le tapis the carpet
Le vontilateur the fan
Le climatiseur the air conditioner
Le divan the couch
Le lit the bed
La photo the photograph
La lampe the lamp
Le tétéphone the telephone
La classe/l’école : The classroom /the school (given below are the words/
nouns you would associate with a school/a classroom)

Le bâtiment de l’école the school building

Le professeur the teacher
La salle des professeurs the staff room
La salle de classe the classroom
Les étudiants the students
La cantine the canteen
Le terrain de sport the playground
La bibliothèque the library
Le tableau noir the blackboard
Le banc the bench
La chaise the chair
Le pupitre the desk

20 Self-Instructional Material
Categories of Grammar

Le cartable the school bag Notes

L’ordinateur the computer
Le marché : The market (given below are the words/nouns you would
associate with a market)

Le magasin the shop

Le supermarché the supermarket
Le magasin des vêtements the shop for clothes
Le magasin des lunettes the shop for spectacles (optician)
Le magasins des chaussures the shop for shoes
Le vendeur the shopkeeper (masculine)
La vendeuse the shopkeeper (feminine)
La boucherie the meat shop
La boulangerie the bakery
La pharmacie the chemist
La librairie the book shop
Le traffic : The traffic
La rue the street
Le chemin the road
L’autoroute the highway
Le vélo the cycle
La moto the bike
La voiture the car
Le bus the bus
Le camion the truck
Le feu-rouge the red light
Le bouchon the traffic jam
Le pont the flyover


Pronoms Sujects : Subject Pronouns

These pronoun subjects are used the same way as pronouns are used in
English. Tu means you, as mentioned above, but it is informal and used with
brothers, sisters, friends and parents. Vous is used for strangers and in formal
and official communication. Instead of tu, it is advisable to use the vous form
exclusively for ‘you’.

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Notes a. Je I
b. Tu You (informal)
c. Il he, it
d. Elle she, it
e. Nous we
f. Vous you (formal)
g. Ils they (masculine plural)
h. Ells they (feminine plural)


Conntries and their nationalities

In French language, countries are considered to be either masculine or
feminne. For masculine, the definite article le is used and for feminine
countries, the definite article la is used. If a country’s name starts with a
vowel, then l’ is used. There are some exceptions.

For countries which are considered to be plural, les is used.

Les paysNationalité masculinNationalité féminin

L’Inde Indien Indienne

La France Français Française
L’Angleterre Anglais Anglaise
L’Amérique Américian Américaine
Le Japon Japonais Japonaise
La Chine Chinois Chinoise
Le pakistan Pakistanais Pakistanasis
L’Allemagne Allemand Allemande
L’Italie Italien Italienne
La Russie Russe Russe
La Suisse Suisse Suisse
L’Espagne Espagnol Espagnole
Le Canada Canadien Canadiene
Le Mexique Mexicain Mexicaine


Verbs are action words. In the French language, the verb is very important.
In French, verbs are divided into groups. If a verb ends –er it is in the first

22 Self-Instructional Material
Categories of Grammar

group. If it ends with – ir it is in the second group. If it ends with –oir, -rire or Notes
–re, then it is considered to be in the third group. In the third group, all the
verbs are irregular.
Listed below are some verbs :

a. Chanter to sing
b. Commencer to begin
c. Lever to raise, lift
d. Expliquer to explain
e. Manger to eat
f. Voler to fly
3.6.1 Le verbe être : to be
a. Je suis I am
b. Tu es you are
c. Il est he is/it is
d. Elle est she is/it is
e. Nous sommes we are
f. Vous êtes you are
g. Ils sont they are
h. Elles sont they are
3.6.2 Le verbe avoir : to have

a. J’ai I have
b. Tu as you have
c. Il a he has/it has
d. Elle a she has/it has
e. Nous avons we have
f. Vous avez you have
g. Ils ont they have
h. Elles ont they have
3.6.3 Conjugation of Verbs
Verbs First group of verbs

You will now learn how to conjugate the first group of verbs.

Present de l’indicatif the present simple

a. Parler to speak

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Notes b. Je parle I speak

c. Tu parles you speak (informal)
d. Il parle he speaks
e. Elle parle she speaks
f. Nous parlons we speak
g. Vous parlez you speak (formal)
h. Ils parlent they speak (masculine plural)
i. Elles parlent they speak (feminine plural)
First, we remove –er from the infinitive and add –e with je, –es with tu, –
e with il and ell, –eons with nous, –ez with vous and –ent with ils and elles.

Here are some verbs of the first group conjugated in present simple.

Regarder : to watch
a. Je regarde I watch
b. Tu regardes you watch
c. Il regarde he watches
d. Elle regarde she wathes
e. Nous regardons we watch
f. Vous regardez you watch
g. Ils regardent they watch
h. Elles regardent they watch
Aimer : to like, to love
a. J’aime I like
b. Tu aimes you like
c. Il aime he likes
d. Elle aime she likes
e. Nous aimons we like
f. Vous aimez you like
g. Ils aiment they like
h. Elles aiment they like
Habiter : to live
a. J’habite I live
b. Tu habites you live
c. Il habite he lives
d. Elle habite she lives

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e. Nous habitons we live Notes

f. Vous habitez you live
g. Ils habitent they live
h. Elles habitent they live
If any verb starts with a vowel, we remove –e of je; also remember, h is a
vowel in French.

Jouer : to play
a. Je joue I play
b. Tu joues you play
c. Il joue he plays
d. Elle joue she plays
e. Nous jouons we play
f. Vous jouez you play
g. Ils jouent they paly
h. Elles jouent they play
Penser : to think
a. Je pense I think
b. Tu penses you think
c. Il pense he thinks
d. Elle pense she thinks
e. Nous pensons we think
f. Vous pensez you think
g. Ils pensent they think
h. Elles pensent they think
Appler : to call
a. J’appelle I call
b. Tu appelles you call
c. Il appelle he calls
d. Elle appelle she calls
e. Nous appelons we call
f. Vous appelez you call
g. Ils appellant they call
h. Elles appellant they call

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Notes Oublier : to forget

a. J’oublie I forget
b. Tu oublies you forget
c. Il oublie he forgets
d. Elle oublie she forgets
e. Nous oublions we forget
f. Vous oubliez you forget
g. Ils oublient they forget
h. Elles oublient they forget
Rappeler : to remind
a. Je rappelle I remind
b. Tu rappelles you remind
c. Il rappelle he reminds
d. Elle rappelle she reminds
e. Nous rappelons we remind
f. Vous rappelez you remind
g. Ils rappellent they remind
h. Elles rappellent they remind
Rencontrer : to meet
a. Je recontre I meet
b. Tu recontres you meet
c. Il recontre he meets
d. Elle recontre she meets
e. Nous recontrons we meet
f. Vous recontrons you meet
g. Ils recontrent they meet
h. Elles recontrent they meet
Adorer : to adore
a. J’adore I adore
b. Tu adores you adore
c. Il adore he adores
d. Elle adore she adores
e. Nous adorons we adore
f. Vous adorez you adore

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g. Ils adorent they adore Notes

h. Elles adorent they adore
Refuser : to refuse
a. Je refuse I refuse
b. Tu refuses you refuses
c. Il refuse he refuses
d. Elle refuse she refuses
e. Nous refusons we refuse
f. Vous refusez you refuse
g. Ils refusent they refuse
h. Elles refusent they refuse
Laisser : to leave, to let
a. Je laisse I leave
b. Tu laisses you leave
c. Il laisse he leaves
d. Elle laisse she leaves
e. Nous laissons we leave
f. Vous laissons you leave
g. Ils laissent they leave
h. Elles laissent they leave
Louer : to hire
a. Je loue I hire
b. Tu loues you hire
c. Il loue he hires
d. Elle loue she hires
e. Nous lounons we hire
f. Vous louez you hire
g. Ils louez they hire
h. Elles louent they hire
Marcher : to walk
a. Je marche I walk
b. Tu marches you walk
c. Il marche he walks
d. Elle marche she walks

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Notes e. Nous marchons we walk

f. Vous marchez you walk
g. Ils marchent they walk
h. Elles marchent they walk
Monter : to climb, to go up
a. Je monte I go up
b. Tu montes you go up
c. Il monte he goes up
d. Elle monte she goes up
e. Nous montons we go up
f. Vous montez you go up
g. Ils montent they go up
h. Elles montent they go up
Montrer : to show
a. Je montre I show
b. Tu montres you show
c. Il montre he shows
d. Elle montre she shows
e. Nous montrons we show
f. Vous montrez you show
g. Ils montrent they show
h. Elles montrent they show
Acheter : to buy
a. J’achète I buy
b. Tu achètes you buy
c. Il achète he buys
d. Elle achète she buys
e. Nous achetons we buy
f. Vous achetez you buy
g. Ils achètent they buy
h. Elles achètent they buy
Cacher : to hide
a. Je cache I hide
b. Tu caches you hide

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c. Il cache he hides Notes

d. Elle cache she hides
e. Nous cachons we hide
f. Vous cachez you hide
g. Ils cachent they hide
h. Elles cachent they hide
Demander : to ask
a. Je demande I ask
b. Tu demandes you ask
c. Il demande he asks
d. Elle demande she asks
e. Nous demandons we ask
f. Vous demandez you ask
g. Ils demandent they ask
h. Elles demandent they ask
Voler : to steal, to fly
a. Je vole I fly
b. Tu voles you fly
c. Il vole he flies
d. Elle vole she flies
e. Nous volons we fly
f. Vous volez you fly
g. Ils volent they fly
h. Elles volent they fly
Commencer : to start
a. Je commence I start
b. Tu commences you start
c. Il commence he starts
d. Elle commence she starts
e. Nous commençons we start
f. Vous commencez you start
g. Ils commencent they start
h. Elles commencent they start

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Notes Conseiller : to advise

a. Je conseille I advise
b. Tu conseilles you advise
c. Il conseille he advises
d. Elle conseille she advises
e. Nous conseillons we advise
f. Vous conseillez you advise
g. Ils conseillent they advise
h. Elles conseiller they advisent
Donner : to give
a. Je donne I give
b. Tu donnes you give
c. Il donne he gives
d. Elle donne she gives
e. Nous donnons wegive
f. Vous donnez you give
g. Ils donnent they give
h. Elles donnent they give
Pardonner : to forgive
a. Je pardonne I forgive
b. Tu pardonnes you forgive
c. Il pardonne he forgives
d. Elle pardonne she forgives
e. Nous pardonnons we forgive
f. Vous pardonnez you forgive
g. Ils pardonnent they forgive
h. Elles pardonnent they forgive
Proposer : to suggest
a. Je propose I suggest
b. Tu proposes you sugest
c. Il propose he suggests
d. Elle propose she suggests
e. Nous proposons we suggest
f. Vous proposez you suggest

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g. Ils proposent they suggest Notes

h. Elles proposent they suggest
Ramasser : to gather
a. Je ramasse I gather
b. Tu ramasses you gather
c. Il ramasse he gathers
d. Elle ramasse she gathers
e. Nous ramassons we gather
f. Vous ramassez you gather
g. Ils ramassent they gather
h. Elles ramassent they gather
Pleurer : to weep, mourn
a. Je pleure I cry
b. Tu pleures you cry
c. Il pleure he cries
d. Elle pleure she cries
e. Nous pleurons we cry
f. Vous pleurez you cry
g. Ils pleurent they cry
h. Elles pleurent they cry
Porter : to carry
a. Je porte I carry
b. Tu portes you carry
c. Il porte he carries
d. Elle porte she carries
e. Nous portons we carry
f. Vous portez you carry
g. Ils portent they carry
h. Elles portent they carry
Travailler : to work
a. Je travaille I work
b. Tu travailles you work
c. Il travaille he works
d. Elle travaille she works

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Notes e. Nous travaillons we work

f. Vous travaillez you work
g. Ils travaillent they work
h. Elles travaillent they work
Rester : to stay
a. Je reste I stay
b. Tu restes you stay
c. Il reste he stays
d. Elle reste she stays
e. Nous restons we stay
f. Vous restez you stay
g. Ils restent they stay
h. Elles restent they stay
Tir draw,, to pull
er : to draw
a. Je tire I pull
b. Tu tires you pull
c. Il tire he pulls
d. Elle tire she pulls
e. Nous tirons we pull
f. Vous tirez you pull
g. Ils tirent they pull
h. Elles tirent they pull
Pousser : to push
a. Je pousse I push
b. Tu pousses you push
c. Ils pousse he pushes
d. Elle pousse she pushes
e. Nous poussons we push
f. Vous poussez you push
g. Ils poussent they push
h. Elles poussent they push
Arriver : to arrive
a. J’arrive I arrive
b. Tu arrives you arrive

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c. Il arrive he arrives Notes

d. Elle arrive she arrives
e. Nous arrivons we arrive
f. Vous arrivez you arrive
g. Ils arrivent they arrive
h. Elles arrivent they arrive
Inviter : to invite
a. J’invite I invite
b. Tu invites you invite
c. Il invite he invites
d. Elle invite she invites
e. Nous invitons we invite
f. Vous invitez you invite
g. Ils invitent they invite
h. Elles invitent they invite
Gaspiller : to waste
a. Je gaspille I waste
b. Tu gaspilles you waste
c. Il gaspille he wastes
d. Elle gaspille she wastes
e. Nous gaspillons we waste
f. Vous gaspillez you waste
g. Ils gaspillent they waste
h. Elles gaspillent they waste
Imaginer : to imagine
a. J’imagine I imagine
b. Tu imagines you imagine
c. Il imagine he imagines
d. Elle imagine she imagines
e. Nous imaginons we imagine
f. Vous imaginez you imagine
g. Ils imaginent they imagine
h. Elles imaginent they imagine

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Notes Fermer : to close

a. Je ferme I close
b. Tu fermes you close
c. Il ferme he closes
d. Elle ferme she closes
e. Nous fermons we close
f. Vous fermez you close
g. Ils ferment they close
h. Elles ferment they close
Briser : to break
a. Je brise I break
b. Tu brises you break
c. Il brise he breaks
d. Elle brise she breaks
e. Nous brisons we break
f. Vous brisez you break
g. Ils brisent they break
h. Elles brisent they break
Chanter : to sing
a. Je chante I sing
b. Tu chantes you sing
c. Il chante he sings
d. Elle chante she sings
e. Nous chantons we sing
f. Vous chantez you sing
g. Ils chantent they sing
h. Elles chantent they sing
Danser : to dance
a. Je danse I dance
b. Tu danses you dance
c. Il danse he dances
d. Elle danse she dances
e. Nous dansons we dance
f. Vous dansez you dance

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g. Ils dansent they dance Notes

h. Elles dansent they dance Second group of verbs
Finir : to finish
a. Je finis I finish
b. Tu finis you finish
c. Il finit he finishes
d. Elle finit she finishes
e. Nous finissons we finish
f. Vous finissez you finish
g. Ils finissent they finish
h. Elles finissent they finish
For this group of verbs, we remove –r and put –is with je and tu, –it with
il and elle, – ssons with nous, –ssez with vous and –ssent with ils and elles.
Choisir : to choose
a. Je choisis I choose
b. Tu choisis you choose
c. Il choisit he chooses
d. Elle choisit she chooses
e. Nous choisissons we choose
f. Vous choisissez you choose
g. Ils choisissent they choose
h. Elles choisissent they choose
Grandir : to become tall, to grow
a. Je grandis I grow
b. Tu grandis you grow
c. Il grandit he grows
d. Elle grandit she grows
e. Nous grandissons we grows
f. Vous grandissez you grow
g. Ils grandissent they grow
h. Elles grandissent they grow
Rougir : to blush, to feel shy
a. Je rougis I feel shy

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Notes b. Tu rougis you feel shy

c. Il rougit he feels shy
d. Elle rougit shy feels shy
e. Nous rougissons we feel shy
f. Vous rougissez you feel shy
g. Ils rougissent they feel shy
h. Elles rougissent they feel shy
Réussir : to succeed
a. Je réussis I succeed
b. Tu réussis you succeed
c. Il réussit he succeeds
d. Elle réussit she succeed
e. Nous réussissons we succeed
f. Vous réussissez you succeed
g. Ils réussissent they succeed
h. Elles réussissent they succeed
Grossir : to put on weight
a. Je grossis I put on weight
b. Tu grossis you put on weight
c. Il grossit he puts on weights
d. Elle grossit she puts on weights
e. Nous grossissons we put on weight
f. Vous grossissez you put on weight
g. Ils grossissent they put on weight
h. Elles grossissent they put on weight
Dormir : to sleep
a. Je dormis I sleep
b. Tu dormis you sleep
c. Il dormit he sleeps
d. Elle dormit she sleeps
e. Nous dormons we sleep
f. Vous dormez you sleep
g. Ils dorment they sleep
h. Elles dormant they sleep

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Categories of Grammar

Sortir : to go out Notes

a. Je sors I go out
b. Tu sors you go out
c. Il sort he goes out
d. Elle sort she goes out
e. Nous sortons we go out
f. Vous sortez you go out
g. Ils sortent they go out
h. Elles sortent they go out
Partir : to leave, to move
a. Je pars I leave
b. Tu pars you leave
c. Il part he leaves
d. Elle part she leaves
e. Nous partons we leave
f. Vous partez you leave
g. Ils partent they leave
h. Elles partent they leave
Mentir : to tell a lie
a. Je ments I tell a lie
b. Tu ments you tell a lie
c. Il ment he tells a lie
d. Elle ment she tells a lie
e. Nous mentons we tell a lie
f. Vous mentez you tell a lie
g. Ils mentent they tell a lie
h. Elles mentent they tell a lie
Sentir : to smell
a. Je sens I smell
b. Tu sens you smell
c. Il sent he smells
d. Elle sent she smells
e. Nous sentons we smell
f. Vous sentez you smell

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Notes g. Ils sentent they smell

h. Elles sentent they smell
Venir : to come
a. Je viens I come
b. Tu viens you come
c. Il vient he comes
d. Elle vient she comes
e. Nous venons we come
f. Vous venez you come
g. Ils viennent they come
h. Elles vlennent they come
Tenir : to hold
a. Je tiens I hold
b. Tu tiens you hold
c. Il tiend he holds
d. Elle tiend she holds
e. Nous tenons we hold
f. Vous tenez you hold
g. Ils tiennent they hold
h. Elles tiennent they hold Third group of verbs
Prendre : to take
a. Je prends I take
b. Tu prends you take
c. Il prend he takes
d. Elle prend she takes
e. Nous prenons we take
f. Vous prenez you take
g. Ils prennez they take
h. Elles prennent they take
Apprendre : to learn
a. J’apprends I learn
b. Tu apprends you leran
c. Il apprend he learns

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d. Elle apprend she learns Notes

e. Nous apprenons we learn
f. Vous apprenez you learn
g. Ils apprennent they learn
h. Elles apprennent they learn
Comprendre : to understand
a. Je comprends I understand
b. Tu comprends you understand
c. Il comprend he understands
d. Elle comprend she understands
e. Nous comprenons we understand
f. Vous comprenez you understand
g. Ils comprennent they understand
h. Elles comprennent they understand
endree : to sell
a. Je vends I sell
b. Tu vends you sell
c. Il vend he sells
d. Elle vend she sells
e. Nous vendons we sell
f. Vous vendez you sell
g. Ils vendent they sell
h. Elles vendent they sell
Faire : to do, to make
a. Je fais I do
b. Tu fais you do
c. Il fait he does
d. Elle fait she does
e. Nous faisons we do
f. Vous faites you do
g. Ils font they do
h. Elles font they do
Dire : to tell, to say
a. Je dis I tell

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Notes b. Tu dis you tell

c. Il dit he tells
d. Elle dit she tells
e. Nous disons we tell
f. Vous dites you tell
g. Ils disent they tell
h. Elles disent they tell
Être : to be
a. Je suis I am
b. Tu es you are
c. Il est he is
d. Elle est she is
e. Nous sommes we are
f. Vous êtes you are
g. Ils sont they are
h. Elles sont they are
Avoir : to have
a. J’ai I have
b. Tu as you have
c. Il a he has
d. Elle a she has
e. Nous avons we have
f. Vous avez you have
g. Ils ont they have
h. Elles ont they have
Voir : to see
a. Je vois i see
b. Tu vois you see
c. Il voit he sees
d. Elle voit she sees
e. Nous voyons we see
f. Vous voyez you see
g. Ils voient they see
h. Elles voient they see

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Categories of Grammar

Mettre : to put Notes

a. Je mets I put
b. Tu mets you put
c. Il met he puts
d. Elle met she puts
e. Nous mettons we put
f. Vous mettez you put
g. Ils mettent they put
h. Elles mettent they put
Lire : to read
a. Je lis I read
b. Tu lis you read
c. Il lit he reads
d. Elle lit she reads
e. Nous lisons we read
f. Vous lisez you read
g. Ils lisent they read
h. Elles lisent they read
Écrire : to write
a. J’écris I write
b. Tu écris you write
c. Il écrit he writes
d. Elle écrit she writes
e. Nous écrivons we write
f. Vous écrivez you write
g. Ils écrivent they write
h. Elles écrivent they write
Vouloir : to want
a. Je veux I want
b. Tu veux you want
c. Il veut he wants
d. Elle veut she wants
e. Nous voulons we want
f. Vous voulez you want

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Notes g. Ils veulent they want

h. Elles veulent they want
Pouvoir : can, may
a. Je peux I can
b. Tu peux you can
c. Il peut he can
d. Elle peut she can
e. Nous pouvons we can
f. Vous pouvez you can
g. Ils peuvent they can
h. Elles peuvent they can
Devoir : has to, have to, should, to owe
a. Je dois I have to
b. Tu dois you have to
c. Il doit he has to
d. Elle doit she has to
e. Nous devons we have to
f. Vous devez you have to
g. Ils doivent they have to
h. Elles doivent they have to
Connaître : to know
a. Je connais I know
b. Tu connais you know
c. Il connaît he knows
d. Elle connaît she knows
e. Nous connaissons we know
f. Vous connaissez you know
g. Ils connaissent they know
h. Elles connaissent they know
Savoir : to know how to do something
a. Je sais I know
b. Tu sais you know
c. Il sait he knows
d. Elle sait she knows

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e. Nous savons we know Notes

f. Vous savez you know
g. Ils savent they know
h. Elles savent they know
Mourir : to die
a. Je meurs i die
b. Tu meurs you die
c. Il meurt he dies
d. Elle meurt she dies
e. Nous mourons we die
f. Vous mourez you die
g. Ils meurent they die
h. Elles meurent they die
Conduire : to drive
a. Je conduis i drive
b. Tu conduis you drive
c. Il conduit he drives
d. Elle conduit she drives
e. Nous conduisons we drive
f. Vous conduisez you drive
g. Ils conduisent they drive
h. Elles conduisent they drive
Recevoir : to receive
a. Je reçois i receive
b. Tu reçios you receive
c. Il reçoit he receives
d. Elle reçoit she receives
e. Nous recevons we receive
f. Vous recevez you receive
g. Ils reçoivent they receive
h. Elles reçoivent they receive
3.6.4 Reflexive Verbs
These verbs are conjugated in a different way. Let us see how it is done.

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Notes Se lever : to get up

a. Je me lève I get up
b. Tu te lèves you get up
c. Il se lève he gets up
d. Elle se lève she gets up
e. Nous nous levons we get up
f. Vous vous levez you get up
g. Ils se lèvent they get up
h. Elles se lèvent they get up

In pronominal verbs, we put me, te, se, nous and vous according to the
subject pronoun. And se always comes with infinitive verbs, such as se lever.

Se réveiller : to wake up
a. Je me réveille I wake up
b. Tu te reveilles you wake up
c. Il se réveille he wakes up
d. Elle se réveille she wakes up
e. Nous nous réveillons we wake up
f. Vous vous réveillez you wake up
g. Ils se réveillent they wake up
h. Elles se réveillent they wake up
S’habiller : to get dressed
a. Je m’habille i get dressed
b. Tu t’habilles you get dressed
c. Il s’habille he gets dressed
d. Elle s’habille she get dressed
e. Nous nous habillons we get dressed
f. Vous vous habillez you get dressed
g. Ils s’habillent they get dressed
h. Elles s’habillent they get dressed
S’appeler : to be called
a. Je m’appelle i am called
b. Tu t’appelles you are called
c. Il s’appelle he is called
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d. Elle s’appelle she is called Notes

e. Nous nous appelons we are called
f. Vous vous appelez you are called
g. Ils s’appellent they are called
h. Elles s’apellent they are called
To express a name in French, we use passive voice. But in English, it
means ‘someone’s name’. For example, je m’appelle means ‘my name is’.

Se laver : to wash oneself

a. Je me lave I wash myself
b. Tu te laves you wash yourself
c. Il se lave he washes himself
d. Elle se lave she washes herself
e. Nous nous lavons we wash ourselves
f. Vous vous lavez you wash yourself
g. Ils se lavent they wash their self
h. Elles se lavent they wash their self
Se baigner : to bathe
a. Je me baigne I bathe
b. Tu te baignes you bathe
c. Il se baigne he bathe
d. Elle se baigne she bathe
e. Nous nous baignons we bathe
f. Vous vous baignez you bathe
g. Ils baignent they bathe
h. Elles baignent they bathe
Se coucher : to go to bed
a. Je me couche I go to bed
b. Tu te couches you go to bed
c. Il se couche he goes to bed
d. Elle se couche she goes to bed
e. Nous nous couchons we go to bed
f. Vous vous couchez you go to bed
g. Ils se couchent they go to bed
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Notes h. Elles se couchent they go to bed

Se brosser : to brush
a. Je me brosse I brush
b. Tu te brosses you brush
c. Il se brosse he brushes
d. Elle se brosse she brushes
e. Nous nous brossons we brush
f. Vous vous brossez you brush
g. Ils se brossent they brush
h. Elles se brossent they brush

3.6.5 Simple and Perfect Past Tense (Le passé compose)
To make passé compose, the verb avoir is generally used as a helping

Parler : to speak, to talk

a. J’ai parlé I spoke
b. Tu as parlé you spoke
c. Il a parlé he spoke
d. Elle a parlé she spoke
e. Nous avons parlé we spoke
f. Vous avez parlé you spoke
g. Ils ont parlé they spoke

h. Elles ont parlé they spoke

In the example above, we conjugate avoir by removing–r of the first group

of verbs and put the accent aïgu on e (é).
Regarder : to watch
a. J’ai regardé I watched
b. Tu as regardé you watched
c. Il a regardé he watched
d. Elle a regardé she watched
e. Nous avons regardé we watched
f. Vous avez regardé you watched
g. Ils ont regardé they watched

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h. Elles ont regardé they watched Notes

Aimer : to like
a. J’ai aimé I liked
b. Tu as aimé you liked
c. Il a aimé he liked
d. Elle a aimé she liked
e. Nous avons aimé we liked
f. Vous avez aimé you liked
g. Ils ont aimé they liked
h. Elles ont aimé they liked
Habiter : to live
a. J’ai habité I lived
b. Tu as habité you lived
c. Il a habité he lived
d. Elle a habité she lived
e. Nous avons habité we lived
f. Vous avez habité you lived
g. Ils ont habité they lived
h. Elles ont habité they lived
Travailler : to work
a. J’ai travaillé I worked
b. Tu as travaillé you worked
c. Il a travaillé he worked
d. Elle a travaillé she worked
e. Nous avons travaillé we worked
f. Vous avez travaillé you worked
g. Ils ont travaillé they worked
h. Elles ont travaillé they worked
Tirer : to pull
a. J’ai tiré I pulled
b. Tu as tiré you pulled
c. Il a tiré he pulled
d. Elle a tiré she pulled
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Notes e. Nous avons tiré we pulled

f. Vous avez tiré you pulled
g. Ils ont tiré they pulled
h. Elles ont tiré they pulled
Pousser : to push
J’ai poussé I pushed
a. Tu as porssé you pushed
b. Il a poussé he pushed
c. Elle a poussé she pushed
d. Nous avons poussé we pushed
e. Vous avez poussé you pushed
f. Ils ont poussé they pushed
g. Elles ont poussé they pushed
Briser : to break
a. J’ai brisé I broke
b. Tu as brisé you broke
c. Il a brisé he broke
d. Elle a brisé she broke
e. Nous avons brisé we broke
f. Vous avez brisé you broke
g. Ils ont brisé they broke
h. Elles ont brisé they broke
Chanter : to sing
a. J’ai chanté I sang
b. Tu as chanté you sang
c. Il a chanté he sang
d. Elle a chanté she sang
e. Nous avons chanté we sang
f. Vous avez chanté you sang
g. Ils ont chanté they sang
h. Elles ont chanté they sang

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Danser : to danse Notes

a. J’ai dansé I danced
b. Tu as dansé you danced
c. Il a dansé he danced
d. Elle a dansé she danced
e. Nous avons dansé we danced
f. Vous avez dansé you danced
g. Ils ont dansé they danced
h. Elles ont dansé they danced
Marcher : to walk
a. J’ai marché I walked
b. Tu as marché you walked
c. Il a marché he walked
d. Elle a marché she walked
e. Nous avons marché we walked
f. Vous avez marché you walked
g. Ils ont marché they walked
h. Elles ont marché they walked

3.6.6 Negatif (Negative)

To make passé composé in the negative, we put avoir verb in negative

Penser : to think
a. Je n’ai pas pensé I didn’t think
b. Tu n’as pas pensé you didn’t think
c. Il n’a pas pensé he didn’t think
d. Elle n’a pas pensé she didn’t think
e. Nous n’avons pas pensé we didn’t think
f. Vous n’avez pas pensé you didn’t think
g. Ils n’ont pas pensé they didn’t think
h. Elles n’ont pas pensé they didn’t think
Jouer : to play
a. Je n’ai pas joué I didn’t play
b. Tu n’as pas joué you didn’t play
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Notes c. Il n’a pas joué he didn’t play

d. Elle n’a pas joué she didn’t play
e. Nous n’avons pas joué we didn’t play
f. Vous n’avez pas joué you didn’t play
g. Ils n’ont pas joué he didn’t play
h. Elles n’ont pas joué she didn’t play

Certain verbs in French take être as a helping verb to make passé compose.
Aller : to go
a. Je suis allé I went
b. Tu es allé you went
c. Il est allé he went
d. Elle est allée she went
e. Nous sommes allés we went
f. Vous êtes allé you went
g. Ils sont allés they went
h. Elles allées they went

Verbs which take être are conjugated according to the gender, that is, je
suis allé (masculine singular) and je suis allée (feminine singular)

eniree : to come
a. Je suis venu I came
b. Tu es venu you came
c. Il es venu he came
d. Elle est venue she came
e. Nous sommes venus we came
f. Vous êtes venu you came
g. Ils sont venus they came
h. Elles venues they came
Sortir : to go out
a. Je suis sorti I went out
b. Tu es sorti you went out
c. Il est sorti he went out
d. Elle est sortie she went out

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e. Nous sommes sortis we went out Notes

f. Vous êtes sorti you went out
g. Ils sont sortis they went out
h. Elles sont sorties they went out
Partir : to leave
a. Je suis parti I left
b. Tu es parti you left
c. Il est parti he left
d. Elle est partie she left
e. Nous sommes partis we left
f. Vous êtes parti you left
g. Ils sont partis they left
h. Elles sont parties they left
Monter : to go up
a. Je suis monté I went up
b. Tu es monté you went up
c. Il est monté he went up
d. Elle est montée she went up
e. Nous sommes montés we went up
f. Vous êtes monté you went up
g. Ils sont montés they went up
h. Elles sont montées they went up
Descendre : to go down, to come down
a. Je suis descendu I came down
b. Tu es descendu you came down
c. Il est descendu he came down
d. Elle est descendue she came down
e. Nous sommes descendus we came down
f. Vous êtes descendu you came down
g. Ils sont descendus they came down
h. Elles sont descendues they came down

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Notes Rester : to stay

a. Je suis resté I stayed
b. Tu es resté you stayed
c. Il est resté he stayed
d. Elle est restée she stayed
e. Nous sommes restés we stayed
f. Vous êtes resté you stayed
g. Ils sont restés they stayed
h. Elles restées they stayed
Tomber : to fall
a. Je ne suis pas tombé I didn’t fall
b. Tu n’es pas tombé you didn’t fall
c. Il n’est pas tombé he didn’t fall
d. Elle n’est pas tombée she didn’t fall
e. Nous ne sommes pas tombés we didn’t fall
f. Vous n’êtes pas tombé you didn’t fall
g. Ils ne sont pas tombés they didn’t fall
h. Elles ne sont pas tombées they didn’t fall
Entrer : to enter
a. Je ne suis pas entré I didn’t enter
b. Tu n’es pas entré you didn’t enter
c. Il n’est pas entré he didn’t enter
d. Elle n’est pas entrée she didn’t enter
e. Nous ne sommes pas entrés we didn’t enter
f. Vous n’êtes pas entré you didn’t enter
g. Ils ne sont pas entrés they didn’t enter
h. Elles ne sont pas entrées they did enter
Finir : to finish
a. J’ai fini I finished
b. Tu as fini you finished
c. Il a fini he finished
d. Elle a fini she finished
e. Nous avons fini we finished
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f. Vous avez fini you finished Notes

g. Ils ont fini they finished
h. Elles ont fini they finished

In the second group, we remove –r to make passé compose. There are

certain exceptions.

Choisir : to choose
a. J’ai choisi I chose
b. Tu as choisi you chose
c. Il a choisi he chose
d. Elle a choisi she chose
e. Nous avons choisi we chose
f. Vous avez choisi you chose
g. Ils ont choisi they chose
h. Elles ont choisi they chose
Prendre : to take
a. J’ai pris I took
b. Tu as pris you took
c. Il a pris he took
d. Elle a pris she took
e. Nous avons pris we took
f. Vous avez pris you took
g. Ils ont pris they took
h. Elles ont pris they took
Apprendre : to learn
a. J’ai appris I learnt
b. Tu as appris you learnt
c. Il a appris he learnt
d. Elle a appris she learnt
e. Nous avons appris we learnt
f. Vous avez appris you learnt
g. Ils ont appris they learnt
h. Elles ont appris they learnt

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Notes Comprendre : to understand

a. J’ai compris I understood
b. Tu as compris you understood
c. Il a compris he understood
d. Elle a compris she understood
e. Nous avons compris we understood
f. Vous avez compris you understood
g. ils ont compris they understood
h. Elles ont compris they understood
Etre : to be
a. J’ai été I was
b. Tu as été you were
c. Il a été he was
d. Elle a été she was
e. Nous avons été we were
f. Vous avez été you were
g. Ils ont été they were
h. Elles ont été they were
Avoir : to have
a. J’ai eu I had
b. Tu as eu you had
c. Il a eu he had
d. Elle a eu she had
e. Nous avons eu we had
f. Vous avez eu you had
g. Ils ont eu they had
h. Elles ont eu they had
Voir : to see
a. J’ai vu I saw
b. Tu as vu you saw
c. Il a vu he saw
d. Elle a vu she saw
e. Nous avons vu we saw
f. Vous avez vu you saw

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g. Ils ont vu they saw Notes

h. Elles ont vu they saw
Mettre : to put
a. J’ai mis I put
b. Tu as mis you put
c. Il a mis he out
d. Elle a mis she put
e. Nous avons mis we put
f. Vous avez mis you put
g. Ils ont mis they put
h. Elles ont mis they put
Lire : to read
a. J’ai lu I read
b. Tu as lu you read
c. Il a lu he read
d. Elle a lu she read
e. Nous avons lu we read
f. Vous avez lu you read
g. Ils ont luthey read they read
h. Elles ont lu they read
Vouloir : to want
a. J’ai voulu I wanted
b. Tu as voulu you wanted
c. Il a voulu he wanted
d. Elle a voulu she wanted
e. Nous avons voulu we wanted
f. Vous avez voulu you wanted
g. Ils ont voulu they wanted
h. Elles ont voulu they wanted
may,, can
Pouvoir : may
a. J’ai pu I could
b. Tu as pu you could
c. Il a pu he could
d. Elle a pu she could

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Notes e. Nous avons pu we could

f. Vous avez pu you could
g. Ils ont pu they could
h. Elles ont pu they could
Se laver : to wash oneself
a. Je me suis lave I washed myself
b. Tu t’es lave you washed yourself
c. Il s’est lave he washed himself
d. Elle s’est lavée she washed herself
e. Nous nous sommes lavés we washed ourselves
f. Vous vous êtes lavé you washed yourself
g. Ils se sont lavés they washed themselves
h. Elles se sont lavées they washed themselves

To make pronominal verbs in passé compose, we use être and the subject
agrees with the verb, such as je me suis lave (masculine) and je me suis lavée

S’habiller : to get dressed

a. Je me suis habillé I got dressed
b. Tu t’es habillé you got dressed

c. Il s’est habillé he got dressed

d. Elle s’est habillée she got dressed

e. Nous nous sommes habillés we got dressed

f. Vous vous êtes habillé you got dressed

g. Ils se sont habillés they got dressed

h. Elles se sont habillées they got dressed

3.6.7 L’impératif : The Imperative
Imperative is used for order or request. Here, tu, nous and vous subject
pronouns are used.

Parler : to talk
Parle! Talk! (Informal)
Parlons! Let’s talk!

Parlez! Talk! (Formal [singular/plural])

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Here the subjects are removed. We also remove–s while making the Notes
imperative of tu in the first group of verbs.

Regarder : to watch
Regarde! Watch!

Regardons! Let’s watch!

Regardez! Watch!

Penser : to think
Pense! Think!

Pensez! Let’s think!

Pensons! Think!

Jouer : to play
Joue! Play!
Jouons! Let’s play!

Jouez! Play!

Finir : to finish
Finis! Finis!

Finissons! Let’s finish!

Finissez! Finish!

Réussir : to succeed
Réussis! Let’s succeed!

Réussissons! Succeed!
Succeed! Réussissez!

Choisir : to choose
Choisis! Choose!
Choisissons! Let’s choose!

Choisissez! Choose!

Apprendre : to learn
Apprends! Learn!

Apprenons! Lets learn!

Apprenez! Learn!

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Notes 3.6.8 Le Futur Simple (Future Simple)

Parler : to talk
a. Je parlerai I will talk
b. Tu parleras you will talk

c. Il parlera he will talk

d. Elle parlera she will talk

e. Nous parlerons we will talk

f. Vous parlerez you will talk

g. Ils parleront they will talk

h. Elles parleront they will talk

To make future simple, we put infinitve of the verb and endings are
according to the subject pronoun. There are exceptions.

Regarder : to watch
a. Je regarderai I will watch

b. Tu regarderas you will watch

c. Il regardera he will watch

d. Elle regardera she will watch

e. Nous regarderons we will watch

f. Vous regarderez you will watch

g. Ils regarderont they will watch

h. Elles regarderont they will watch

Habiter : to live
a. J’habiterai I will live

b. Tu habiteras you will live

c. Il habitera he will live

d. Elle habitera she will live

e. Nous habiterons we will live

f. Vous habiterez you will live

g. Ils habiteront they will live

h. They habiteront they will live

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Travailler : to work Notes

Je travaillerai I will work

Tu travailleras you will work

Il travaillera he will work

Elle travaillera she will work

Nous travaillerons we will work

Vous travaillerez you will work

Ils travailleront they work

Elles travailleront they will work

Porter : to carry
Je porterai I will carry

Tu porteras you will carry

Il portera he will carry

Elle portera she will carry

Nous porterons we will carry

Vous porterez you will work

Ils porteront they will work

elles porteront they will work

Donner : to give
a. Je donnerai I will give

b. Tu donneras you will give

c. Il donnera he will give

d. Elle donnera she will give

e. Nous donnerons we will give

f. Vous donnerez you will give

g. Ils donneront they will give

h. Elles donneront they will give

Demander : to ask
a. Je demanderai I will ask

b. Tu demanderas you will ask

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Notes c. Il demandera he will ask

d. Elle demandera she will ask

e. Nous demanderons we will ask

f. Vous demanderez you will ask

g. Ils demanderont they will ask

h. Elles demanderont they will ask

Cacher : to hide
a. Je cacherai I will hide

b. Tu cacheras you will hide

c. Il cachera he will hide

d. Elle cachera she will hide

e. Nous cacherons we will hide

f. Vous cacherez you will hide

g. Ils cacheront they will hide

h. Elles cacheront they will hide

Montrer : to show
Je montrerai I will show

Tu montreras you will show

Il montrera he will show

Elle montera she will show

Nous montrerons we will show

Vous montrerez you will show

Ils montreront they will show

Elles montreront they will show

Laisser : to let
a. Je laisserai I will

b. Tu laisseras you will let

c. Il laissera he will let

d. Elle laissera she will let

e. Nous laisserons we will let

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f. Vous laisserez you will let Notes

g. Ils laisseront they will let

h. Elles laisseront they will let

Fermer : to close
a. Je fermerai I will close

b. Tu fermeras you will close

c. Il fermera he will close

d. Elle fermera she will close

e. Nous fermerons we will close

f. Vous fermerez you will close

g. Ils fermeront they will close

h. Elles fermeront they will close

Rester : to stay
a. Je resterai I will stay

b. Tu resteras you will stay

c. Il restera he will stay

d. Elle restera she will stay

e. Nous resterons we will stay

f. Vous resterez you will stay

g. Ils resteront they will stay

h. Elles resteront they will stay

Chanter : to sing
a. Je chanterai I will sing

b. Tu chanteras you will sing

c. Il chantera he will sing

d. Elle chantera she will sing

e. Nous chamterons we will sing

f. Vous chanterez you will sing

g. Ils chanteront they will sing

h. Elles chanteront they will sing

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Notes Danser : to dance

a. Je danserai I will dance

b. Tu danseras you will dance

c. Il dansera he will dance

d. Elle dansera she will dance

e. Nous danserons we will dance

f. Vous danserez you will dance

g. Ils danseront they will dance

h. Elles danseront they will dance

Aller : to go
a. J’irai I will go

b. Tu iras you will go

c. Il ira he will go

d. Elle ira she will go

e. Nous irons we will go

f. Vous irez you will go

g. Ils iront they will go

h. Elles iront they will go

(Note that the conjugation of aller is different.)
Finir : to finish
a. Je finirai I will finish
b. Tu finiras you will finish

c. Il finira he will finish

d. Elle finira she will finish

e. Nous finirons we will finish

f. Vous finirez you will finish

g. Ils finiront they will finish

h. Elles finiront they will finish

Choisir : to choose
a. Je choisirai I will choose
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b. Tu choisiras you will choose Notes

c. Il choisira he will choose
d. Elle choisira she will choose
e. Nous choisirons we will choose
f. Vous choisirez you will choose
g. Ils choisiront they will choose
h. Elles choisiront they will choose
Partir : to leave
a. Je partirai I will leave
b. Tu partiras you will leave
c. Il partira he will leave
d. Elle partira she will leave
e. Nous partirons we will leave
f. Vous partirez you will leave
g. Ils partiront they will leave
h. Elles partiront they will leave
Sortir : to go out
a. Je sortirai I will go out
b. Tu sortiras you will go out
c. Il sortira he will go out
d. Elle sortira she will go out
e. Nous sortirons we will go out
f. Vous sortirez you will go out
g. Ils sortiront they will go out
h. Elles sortiront they will go out
Mentirto : tell a lie
a. Je mentirai I will tell a lie
b. Tu mentiras you will tell a lie
c. Il mentira he will tell a lie
d. Elle mentira she will tell a lie
e. Nous mentirons we will tell a lie

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Notes f. Vous mentirez you will tell a lie

g. Ils mentiront they will tell a lie
h. Elles mentiront they will tell a lie
Venir : to come
a. Je viendrai I will come
b. Tu viendras you will come
c. Il viendra he will come
d. Elle viendra she will come
e. Nous viendrons we will come
f. Vous viendrez you will come
g. Ils viendront they will come
h. Elles viendront they will come
(Note that venir is an exception case.)
Prendre : to take
a. Je prendrai I will take
b. Tu prendras you will take
c. Il prendra he will take
d. Elle prendra she will take
e. Nous prendrons we will take
f. Vous prendrez you will take
g. Ils prendront they will take
h. Elles prendront they will take
If the verb ends with e, we remove –e and make the ending according to
the subject pronouns.
Comprendre : to understand
a. Je comprendrai I will understand
b. Tu comprendras you will understand
c. Il comprendra he will understand
d. Elle comprendra she will understand
e. Nous comprendrons we will understand
f. Vous comprenderez you will understand

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g. Ils comprendront they will understand Notes

h. Elles comprendront they will understand
endree : to sell
a. Je vendrai I will sell
b. Tu vendras you will sell
c. Il vendra he will sell
d. Elle vendra she will sell
e. Nous vendrons we will sell
f. Vous vendrez you will sell
g. Ils vendront they will sell
h. Elles vendront they will sell
Faire : to do
a. Je ferai I will do
b. Tu feras you will do
c. Il fera he will do
d. Elle fera she will do
e. Nous ferons we will do
f. Vous ferez you will do
g. Ils feront they will do
h. Elles feront they will do
Dire : to tell
a. je dirai I will tell
b. tu diras you will tell
c. il dira he will tell
d. elle dira she will tell
e. nous dirons we will tell
f. vous direz you will tell
g. ils diront they will tell
h. elles diront they will tell
Être : to be
a. Je serai I will be

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Notes b. Tu sreas you will be

c. Il sera he will be
d. Elle sera she will be
e. Nous serons we will be
f. Vous serez you will be
g. Ils seront they will be
h. Elles seront they will be
Avoir : to have
a. J’aurai I will have
b. Tu auras you will have
c. Il aura he will have
d. Elle aura she will have
e. Nous aurons we will have
f. Vous aurez you will have
g. Ils auront they will have
h. Elles auront they will have
Lire : to read
a. Je lirai I will read
b. Tu liras you will read
c. Il lira he will read
d. Elle lira she will read
e. Nous lirons we will read
f. Vous lirez you will read
g. Ils liront they will read
h. Elles liront they will read

3.6.9 L Tense
’imparfait : Imperfect Tense
a. Je parlais I was speaking
b. Tu parlais you were speaking
c. Il parlait he was speaking
d. Elle parlait she was speaking
e. Nous parlions we were speaking

66 Self-Instructional Material
Categories of Grammar

f. Vous parliez you were speaking Notes

g. Ils parlaient they were speaking
h. Elles parlaient they were speaking

To make imperfect tense, we take the conjugation of nous of present de

l’indicatif like nous parlons. Then–ons is removed and the endings are put
according to the subject pronouns. However, there are some exceptions.

Regarder : to watch
a. Je regardais I was watching
b. Tu regardais you were watching
c. Il regardait he was watching
d. Elle regardait she was watching
e. Nous regardions we were watching
f. Vous regardiez you were watching
g. Ils regardaient they were watching
h. Elles regardaient they were watching
Penser : to think
a. Je pensais I was thinking
b. Tu pensais you were thinking
c. Il pensait he was thinking
d. Elle pensait she was thinking
e. Nous pensions we were thinking
f. Vous pensiez you were thinking
g. Ils pensaient they were thinking
h. Elles pensaient they were thinking
Fumer : to smoke
a. Je fumais I was smoking
b. Tu fumais you were smoking
c. Il fumait he was smoking
d. Elle fumait she was smoking
e. Nous fumions we were smoking
f. Vous fumiez you were smoking

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Notes g. Ils fumaient they were smoking

h. Elles fumaient they were smoking
Jouer : to play
a. Je jouais I was playing
b. Tu jouais you were playing
c. Il jouait he was playing
d. Elle jouait she was playing
e. Nous jouions we were playing
f. Vous jouiez you were playing
g. Ils jouaient they were playing
h. Elles jouaient they were playing
Fermer : to close
a. Je fermais I was closing
b. Tu fermais you were closing
c. Il fermait he was closing
d. Elle fermait she was closing
e. Nous fermions we were closing
f. Vous fermiez you were closing
g. Ils fermaient they were closing
h. Elles fermaient they were closing
Chanter : to sing
a. Je chantais I was singing
b. Tu chantais you were singing
c. Il chantait he was singing
d. Elle chantait she was singing
e. Nous chantions we were singing
f. Vous chantiez you were singing
g. Ils chantaient they were singing
h. Elles chantaient they were singing
Danser : to dance
a. Je dansais I was dancing

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b. Tu dansias you were dancing Notes

c. Il dansait he was dancing
d. Elle dansiat she was dancing
e. Nous dansions we were dancing
f. Vous dansiez you were dancing
g. Ils dansaient they were dancing
h. Elles dansaient they were dancing
Inviter : to invite
a. J’invitais I was inviting
b. Tu invitais you were inviting
c. Il invitait he was inviting
d. Elle invitait she was inviting
e. Nous invitions we were inviting
f. Vous invitiez you were inviting
g. Ils invitaient they were inviting
h. Elles invitaient they were inviting
Couper : to cut
a. Je coupais I was cutting
b. Tu coupais you were cutting
c. Il coupait he was cutting
d. Elle coupait she was cutting
e. Nous coupions we were cutting
f. Vous coupiez you were cutting
g. Ils coupaient they were cutting
h. Elles coupaient they were cutting
Ramasser : to gather
a. Je ramassais I was gathering
b. Tu ramassais you were gathering
c. Il ramassait he was gathering
d. Elle ramassait she was gathering
e. Nous ramassions we were gathering

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Notes f. Vous ramassiez you were gathering

g. Ils ramassaient they were gathering
h. Elles ramassaient they were gathering
Pleurer : to weep
a. Je pleurais I was weeping
b. Tu pleurais you were weeping
c. Il pleurait he was weeping
d. Elle pleurait she was weeping
e. Nois pleurions we were weeping
f. Vous pleuriez you were weeping
g. Ils pleuraient they were weeping
h. Elles pleuraient they were weeping
Donner : to give
a. Je donnais I was giving
b. Tu donnais you were giving
c. Il donnait he was giving
d. Elle donnait she was giving
e. Nous donnions we were giving
f. Vous donniez you were giving
g. Ils donnaient they were giving
h. Elles donnaient they were giving
Voler : to fly
a. Je volais I was flying
b. Tu volais you were flying
c. Il volait he was flying
d. Elle volait she was flying
e. Nous volions we were flying
f. Vous voliez you were flying
g. Ils volaient they were flying
h. Elles volaient they were flying

70 Self-Instructional Material
Categories of Grammar

Demander : to ask Notes

a. Je demandais I was asking
b. Tu demandais you were asking
c. Il demandait he was asking
d. Elle demandait she was asking
e. Nous demandions we were asking
f. Vous demandiez you were asking
g. Ils demandaient they were asking
h. Elles demandaient they were asking
Cacher : to hide
a. Je cachais I was hiding
b. Tu cachais you were hiding
c. Il cachait he was hiding
d. Elle cachait she was hiding
e. Nous cachions we were hiding
f. Vous cachiez you were hiding
g. Ils cachaient they were hiding
h. Elles cachaient they were hiding
Rester : to stay
a. Je restais I was staying
b. Tu restais you were staying
c. Il restait he was staying
d. Elle restait she was staying
e. Nous restions we were staying
f. Vous restiez you were staying
g. Ils restaient they were staying
h. Elles restaient they were staying
Tirer : to pull
a. Je tirais I was pulling
b. Tu tirais you were pulling
c. Il tirait he was pulling

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Notes d. Elle tirait she was pulling

e. Nous tirions we were pulling
f. Vous tiriez you were pulling
g. Ils tiraient they were pulling
h. Elles tiraient they were pulling
Finir : to finish
a. Je finissais I was finishing
b. Tu finissais you were finishing
c. Il finissait he was finishing
d. Elle finissait she was finishing
e. Nous finissions we were finishing
f. Vous finissiez you were finishing
g. Ils finissaient they were finishing
h. Elles finissaient they were finishing
Choisir : to choose
a. Je choisissais I was choosing
b. Tu choisissais you were choosing
c. Il choisissait he was choosing
d. Elle choisisit she was choosing
e. Nous choisissions we were choosing
f. Vous choisissiez you were choosing
g. Ils choisissaient they were choosing
h. Elles choisissaient they were choosing
Venir : to come
a. Je venais I was coming
b. Tu venais you were coming
c. Il venait he was coming
d. Elle venait she was coming
e. Nous venions we were coming
f. Vous veniez you were coming
g. Ils venaient they were coming

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h. Elles venaient they were coming Notes

Tenir : to hold
a. Je tenais I was holding
b. Tu tenais you were holding
c. Il tenait he was holding
d. Elle tenait she was holding
e. Nous tenions we were holding
f. Vous teniez you were holding
g. Ils tenaient they were holding
h. Elles tenaient they were holding
Partir : to leave
a. Je partais I was leaving
b. Tu partais you were leaving
c. Il partait he was leaving
d. Elle partait she was leaving
e. Nous partions we were leaving
f. Vous partiez you were leaving
g. Ils partaient they were leaving
h. Elles partaient they were leaving
Sortir : to go out
a. Je sortais I was going out
b. Tu sortais you were going out
c. Il sortait he was going out
d. Elle sortait she was going out
e. Nous sortions we were going out
f. Vous sortiez you were going out
g. Ils sortaient they were going out
h. Elles sortaient they were going out
Prendre : to take
a. Je prenais I was taking
b. Tu prenais you were taking

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Notes c. Il prenait he was taking

d. Elle prenait she was taking
e. Nous prenions we were taking
f. Vous preniez you were taking
g. Ils prenaient they were taking
h. Elles prenaient they were taking
Lire : to read
a. Je lisais I was reading
b. Tu lisais you were reading
c. Il lisait he was reading
d. Ele lisait she was reading
e. Nous lisions we were reading
f. Vous lisiez you were reading
g. Ils lisaient they were reading
h. Elles lisaient they were reading
Écrire : to write
a. J’écrivais I was writing
b. Tu écrivais you were writing
c. Il écrivait he was writing
d. Elle écrivait she was writing
e. Nous écrivions we were writing
f. Vous écriviez you were writing
g. Ils écrivaient they were writing
h. Elles écrivaient they were writing

3.6.10 Le Negatif (Negation)

To make a sentence negative we use –ne before a verb and pas after the
verb. If vowels clash we remove–e of ‘ne’ and replace with apostrophe (’).
Parler : to speak, to talk
a. Je ne parle pas I don’t talk
b. Tu ne parles pas you don’t talk
c. Il ne parle pas he doesn’t talk

74 Self-Instructional Material
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d. Elle ne parle pas she doesn’t talk Notes

e. Nous ne parlons pas we don’t talk
f. Vous ne parlez pas you don’t talk
g. Ils ne parlent pas they don’t talk
h. Elles ne parlent pas they don’t talk
Regarder : to watch
a. Je ne regarde pas I don’t watch
b. Tu ne regardes pas you don’t watch
c. Il ne regarde pas he doesn’t watch
d. Elle ne regarde pas she doesn’t watch
e. Nous ne regardons pas we don’t watch
f. Vous ne regardez pas you don’t watch
g. Ils ne regardent pas they don’t watch
h. Elles ne regardent pas they don’t watch
Aimer : to like
a. Je n’aime pas I don’t like
b. Tu n’aimes pas you don’t like
c. Il n’aime pas he doesn’t like
d. Elle n’aime pas she doesn’t like
e. Nous n’aimons pas we don’t like
f. Vous n’aimez pas you don’t like
g. Ils n’aiment pas they dont like
h. Elles n’aiment pas they dont like
Habiter : to live
a. Je n’habite pas I don’t live
b. Tu n’habites pas you don’t live
c. Il n’habite pas he doesn’t live
d. Elle n’habite pas she doesn’t live
e. Nous n’habitons pas we doesn’t live
f. Vous n’habitez pas you don’t live
g. Ils n’habitent pas they don’t live

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Notes h. Elles n’habitent pas they don’t live

Jouer : to play
a. Je ne joue pas I dont play
b. Tu ne joues pas you dont play
c. Il ne joue pas he doesnt plays
d. Elle ne joue pas she doesnt plays
e. Nous ne jouons pas we dont plays
f. Vous ne jouez pas you dont play
g. Ils ne jouent pas they dont play
h. Elles ne jouent pas they dont play

3.6.11 erbs of Motion

Aller to go
Venir to come
Entrer to enter
Rentrer to get back
Arriver to arrive
Sortirto go out
Partir to leave
Tomber to fall
Tourner to turn
Retourner to return
Monter to go up, to climb up
Descendre to go down

3.6.12 Recipr ocal V

Reciprocal erbs

Se batter to fight
S’insulter to insult
Se regarder to look at
S’aimer to love
Se rencontrer to meet
S’écrire to write to

76 Self-Instructional Material
Categories of Grammar

3.6.13 L’adverbe (Adverb)

L’adverbe Notes
In French, adverbs are made by using adjectives. We take feminine form
of the adjective and add–ment. There are some exceptions also.
Rapidement rapidly
Lentement slowly
Heureusement happily
Il conduit rapidement he drives rapidly
Tu écris lentement you write slowly
Il habite heureusement he lives happily in this house
dans cette maison
Other adverbs
Beaucoup a lot
Ensemble together
Toujours always
Il mange beaucoup he eats a lot
Tu trvaille bien you work well
Ils vont ensemble they are going together
Il vient toujours à 9 heure he always comes at 9’o clock
Vous marchez très vite you walk very fast

3.6.14 Conjuction

Parce que because

Si if
Pourquoi why
1. Je vais acheter un cadeau parce que c’est l’anniversaire de Manuel.
I am going to buy a gift because it’s Manuel’s birthday.
2. Son frère a un stylo et sa sœur a un cahier.
His brother has a pen and his sister has a notebook.

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Notes 3. Je veux manger mais, je suis au régime.

I want to eat but i am on dieting.
4. Si tu viens j’irai au marriage de Sylvie.
If you come, I will go to Sylvie’s marriage.
5. Pourquoi tu vient ici tous les jours?
Why do you come here every day?

3.6.15 Interjection

Bravo! Bravo!
Tenez! Hold!
Vraiment! Really!
Quoi! What!
Eh bien! Well!
Hélas! Alas!
Ciel! Heavens!


In the French language, adjectives are also divided into two groups
according to the gender–masculine and feminine. To make the plural form of
an adjective, we add–s to the word. However, there are some exceptions.
a. Grand/grande tall, big
b. Petit/petite small
c. Gros/grosse fat
d. Bon/bonne good
e. Mauvais/mauvaise bad
f. Beau/belle handsome/beautiful
g. Laid/laide ugly
h. Intelligent/intelligente intelligent
i. Sympathique pleasant
j. Antipathique unpleasant
k. Souriant/souriante cheerful
l. Content/contente happy
m. Mécontent/mécontente unhappy
78 Self-Instructional Material
Categories of Grammar

n. Gentil/gentile gentle Notes

o. Méchant/méchante naughty
p. Chèr/chère dear/expensive
q. Gratuit/gratuite free (something)
r. Occupé/occupée busy
s. Libre free (someone)
t. Neurveux/neurveuse nervous
u. Long/longue long
v. Court/courte short
w. Large large
x. Ancient/ancienne ancient/old
y. Nouveau/nouvelle new
In French, the adjectives usually come after the noun. If an adjective ends
with –e in masculine form, it will remain the same in the feminine form.
Here are some adjectives that come before the nouns :
a. Petit/petite
b. Grand/grande
c. Jeune/jeune
d. Mauvais/mauvaise
e. Beau/belle
f. Bon/bonne
g. Nouveau/nouvelle
Here are some sentences of adjectives with être :
a. Je suis grand I am tall
b. Je suis grande I am tall
c. Tu es grand you are tall
d. Tu es grande you are tall
e. Il est grand he is tall
f. Elle est grande she is tall
g. Nous sommes grands we are tall
h. Nous sommes grandes we are tall

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Notes i. Vous êtes grand you are tall

j. Vous êtes grande you are tall
k. Vous êtes grands you are tall
l. Vous êtes grandes you are tall
m. Ils sont grands they are tall
n. Elles sont grandes they are tall

3.7.1 Comparatif et Superlatif : Comparitive and Superlative

Comparatif and superlatif are used with adjectives. Plus, le plus and la
plus are added before the adjective to qualify it. There are certain exceptions.
Masculine adjectif Comparatif Superlatif

Beau plus beau le plus beau

Handsome more handsome most handsome

Grand plus grand le plus grand

Tall, big taller, bigger tallest

Haut plus haut le plus haut

High higher highest

Bas plus bas le plus bas

Low lower lowest

Court plus court le plus court

Short shorter shortest

Célèbre plus célèbre le plus célèbre

Famous more famous most famous

Fort plus fort le plus fort

Strong stronger strongest

Clair plus clair le plus clair

Bright brighter brightest

Intelligent plus intelligent le plus intelligent

Intelligent more intelligent most intelligent

Bon meilleur le meilleur

Good better best

80 Self-Instructional Material
Categories of Grammar

Feminin adjectif Comparatif Superlatif Notes

Belle plus belle la plus belle
Beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
Grande plus grande la plus grande
Tall, big taller tallest
Haute plus haute la plus haute
High higher highest
Basse plus haute la plus haute
Low lower lowest
Courte plus courte la plus courte
Short shorter shortest
Célèbre plus célèbre la plus célèbre
Famous more famous most famous
Forte plus forte la plus forte
Strong stronger strongest
Claire plus claire la plus claire
Bright brighter brightest
Intelligente plus intelligente la plus intelligente
Intelligent more intelligent most intelligent
Bonne meilleur la meilleure
Good better best

3.8.2 Les coulours : Colours

Colours, as you know, are also adjectives so they come after the noun. If
the name of any colour ends with–e in the masculine form, it will be same in
feminine form. If any name ends with–s in the masculine singular form, it
will be the same in the plural form. Here are some examples of colour :
a. Blanc/blanche white
b. Noir/noire black
c. Brun/brune brown
d. Vert/verte green
e. Gris/grise grey

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Notes f. Jaune yellow

g. Rose pink
h. Rouge red
i. Orange orange
j. Marron marron

3.8.3 L’adjectif Demonstratif : Demonstrative Adjective


Demonstrative adjectives are ce, cet, cette and ces.

a. Ce garçon this boy, that boy
b. Cet hôtel this hotel, that hotel
c. Cette école this school, that school
d. Ces écoles these schools, those schools
Ce is used for a masculine singular noun, cet is used if a noun is masculine
and starts with a vowel, cette is used for a feminine singular noun and ces is
used for all plural nouns.
Here are some sentences using demonstrative adjectives with être :
a. Ce garçon est bon this/that boy is good
b. Cet hôtel est très cher this/that hotel is very expensive
c. Cette école est bonne this/that school is good
d. Ces garçons sont intelligents these/those boys are intelligent
e. Ce livre est dificile this book is difficult
f. Ce travail est facile this/that work is easy
g. Ces filles sont méchantes these/those girls are naughty
h. Cette maison est blanche this/that house is white
i. Ce stylo est noir this/that pen is black
j. Cette femme est très belle this/that girl is very beautiful

3.8.4 L’adjectif Possessif : Possessive Adjective


In English, possessive adjectives are ‘my’, ‘your’, ‘his’, ‘her’, ‘our’ and
‘their’, but in French they are decided by the form of the noun – masculine,
feminine or plural. Here are some examples :
Mon ma mes
Père mère parents

82 Self-Instructional Material
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Mon, ma and mes mean ‘my’. Mon is used for a masculine singular noun, Notes
ma is used for a feminine singular noun and mes is used for all plural nouns.
Ton ta tes
Père mère parents
Ton, ta and tes mean ‘your’ in the informal sense. Ton is used for a
masculine singular noun, ta is used for a femine singular noun and tes is
used for all plural nouns.
Son sa ses
Père mère parents
Son, sa and ses mean ‘his; as well ‘her’. Son is used for a masculine noun,
sa is used for a feminine noun and ses is used for all plural nouns.
Notre nos
Père, mère parents
Notre and nos mean ‘our’. Notre is used for both masculine and feminine
singular nouns and nos is used for all plural nouns.
Votre vos
Père, mère parents
Votre and vos mean ‘your’ in the formal sense. Votre is used for both
masculine and
feminine singular noun and vos is used for all plural nouns.
Leur leurs
Père, mère parents
Leur and leurs mean ‘their’. Leur is used for masculine and feminine
singular nouns and leurs is used for all plural nouns.


In this unit, you have been taught the basics of French grammar. You first
learned about articles. As in English, in French, too, there are two types of
articles – definite and indefinite.
You also learned naming words or nouns (noms) and adjectives (adjective).
The article used with the noun indicates the gender of the noun. You have
also learned about the singular and plural forms of nouns. The pronoun is a
word that is used in place of a noun. You have learned about pronouns in
this unit.

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Notes In this unit, you have been taught verbs (verbe). Verbs have many form –
masculine and feminine, singular and plural, and first, second and third
persons. Conjugation of verbs is a very important part of French grammar.
This has been explained in great detail and with numerous examples of the
three groups of verbs .
This unit also explains adjectives in detail. Also explaimed are comparative
and superlative, which are used to qualify adjectives.


1. Mettez l’article indéfinis :

a. ____sac

b. ____tableau

c. ____arbres

d. ____étudiant

e. ____étudiante

f. ____étudiants

g. ____ordinateur

h. ____étudiantes

i. ____profeeseur

j. ____classe

2. Mettez l’article définis :

a. ____médecin

b. ____agenda

c. ____chemises

d. ____enfant

e. ____thé

f. ____café

g. ____boulangers

h. ____robe

i. ____pantalon

j. ____radeaux

84 Self-Instructional Material
Categories of Grammar

3. Translate into French : Notes

a. It is 2.10.
b. It is 3.15.
c. It is 4.20.
d. It is 5.30.
e. It is 6.05.
f. It is 7.08.
g. It is 9.15.
h. It is 10.30.
i. I am small.
j. You are tall.
k. He is handsome.
l. She is beautiful.
m. We are young.
n. You are naughty.
o. They are free.
p. They are busy.
4. Mettez l’adjectif demonstrative :
a. _____fille est jolie.
b. ______livre est bon.
c. _____appartements sont grands.
d. ______ordinateur est très cher.
e. ______garçon est bon.
f. ______chemise est bleue.
g. ______chaussures sont noirs.
h. ______blouson est blanc.
i. ______cravate est blanche.
j. ______bague est jaune.
5. Mettez l’adjectif possessif :
a. _____frère est grand.
b. _____cousine est belle.

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Notes c. _____parents sont gentills.

d. _____Pays est très divers.
e. _____amie s’appelle Alka.
f. _____grand-père s’appelle Paul Lavigne.
g. ______nationalité est français.
h. ______beau-frère habite à Paris.
i. ______chemise est noire.
j. ______travial est facile.
6. Mettez les verbes :
a. Je____français. parler
b. Tu____anglais. parler
c. Je______la télé. regarder
d. Elle______ma mère. regarder
e. J’_____les oranges. aimer
f. Il_____le fromage. aimer
g. Tu_____à paris. habiter
h. Vous_____à mumbai. habiter
7. Mettez les verbes :
a. Je_____mon petit-déjeuner. finir
b. Nous_____ces chaussettes. choisir
c. Il_____un sac. tenir
d. Je_____un cartable. tenir
e. Je_____pour le bureau partir
f. Il_____avec Nicolas sortir
g. Nous______aves nos amis. Sortir
h. Mon enfant____avec moi dormir
8. Mettez les verbes :
a. J’_____le français. apprendre
b. Tu_____le bus. prendre
c. Je_____ta question. comprendre
d. Vous_____votre maison. vendre

86 Self-Instructional Material
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e. Je_____du thé. faire Notes

f. Nous_____bonsoir à notre professeur. dire
g. Tu____français. être
h. Nous_____des chaussures avoir
i. Je_____un oiseau. voir
j. Tu ____des livre dans le cartable mettre
k. Nous_____des livres. lire
l. Ils_____des phrases écrire
m. Nous_____la réponse. vouloir
n. Je_____aller. pouvoir
o. Ils_____venir. devoir
9. Mettez les verbes pronominaux :
a. Je______très vite. S’habiller
b. Tu_____tard. Se lever
c. Il_____à 5 h du matin. Se réveiller
d. Nous_____son sac. Se trouver
e. Vous______dans le miroir. Se regarder
f. Ils______dans la chambre. Se chausser
g. Elles_____très tôt. Se coucher.
10. Mettez à, à la, au, à l’ or aux :
a. Je vais______jardin.
b. Tu vas____école.
c. Il va_____parc.
d. Elle va_____piscine.
e. Nous allons______université.
f. Ils vont______collège
g. Elles vont______à paris.
11. Mettez de, du, de la, del’ or des :
a. Je viens_____pune.
b. Tu viens_____maison.
c. Il vient______cuisine.

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Notes d. Elle vient______bureau.

e. Nous venons_____plage.
f. Vous venez_____cinéma.
g. Ils viennent_____toilettes.
h. Elles viennent_____marché.
12. Mettez le verbe au passé composé :
a. J’______français. parler
b. Elle_____à ses examens penser
c. Vous_____la question oublier
d. J’_____la leçon finir
e. Tu____le français apprendre
f. Il____ma question comprendre
g. Elle____sa voiture vendre
h. J’____absent être
i. Elle______très vite. s’habiller
j. Il_____dans la salle de bains. se brosser
k. Elle_____très tard. se baigner
13. Utilisez l’impératif
a. Parler en français
b. Regarder la télé
c. Inviter les amis
d. Finir le devoir
e. Choisir une robe
f. Réussir à l’examen
g. Boire du thé
h. Voir l’oiseau
14. Mettez les verbes au future simple
a. je_____français parler
b. tu _____anglais parler
c. nous_____ce soir arriver
d. vous_____le tiroir tirer

88 Self-Instructional Material
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e. il____très vite grandir Notes

f. elle _____en vacances partir
g. nous_____avec eux sortir
h. je_____le taxi prendre
i. tu_____anglais apprendre
j. il____ce travail faire
k. elle____quelquechose dire
15. Mettez l’imparfait :
a. Je______avec mes amis parler.
b. Tu_____avec ton frère travailler
c. Nous_____les billets. Ramasser
d. Elles_____à sa fille. Conseiller
e. Je______la leçon. Commencer
f. Tu_____l’avion. Voler
g. Il______de l’argent. Demander
h. Nous_____la voiture. Tirer
i. Vous_____la porte. Pousser
j. Ils_____leurs amis. Inviter
k. Elles_____leur argent. Gaspiller
l. Tu _____avec tes amis. Sortir
m. Il_____chez moi. Venir.
n. Elle______un cartable. Tenir
o. Nous_____du café. Prendre
p. Vous_____le français. Apprendre
q. Ils_____sa maison. Vendredi
r. Elles_____des lettres. Lire
s. J’_____un poème. Ecrire

Self-Instructional Material 89




In this unit, you will learn how to converse in French. We will start with
some examples conversations that place in a classroom. You will then learn
some simple and general conversation, and also how to ask for information
in French. This lesson will enable you to carry on some basic and simple
conversation in the language.


After going through this unit, you will be able to:

l Get familiar with general classroom conversation
l Learn to carry on simple conversation in French
l Ask for information in French
l Know how to order meals


C’est la class de Paul. Il y a beaucoup d’étudiants. C’est le cours de français.

Le professeur écrit les phrases sur le tableau noir.
Le professeur: Ces phrases sont très importantes. Ecrivez les dans vos
Paul: Désolé monsieur. Je n’ai pas mon cahier de français. J’ai oublié à la
Le professeur: Sortez de la classe!
Paul: Désolé monsieur. Demain je ferai mon devoir.
Le professeur: D’accord. Mais ta dernière faute. Assieds-toi! Écrivez ces
phrases dans une autre cahier!
This is Paul’s class. There are many students. This is the French period.
The teacher is writing sentences on the blackboard.
90 Self-Instructional Material

The teacher: These sentences are very important. Write them in your Notes
Paul: Sorry sir. I don’t have my French notebook. I forgot it at home.

The teacher: Get out of the class!

Paul: Sorry. Tomorrow I will do my homework.

The teacher: Ok. But it’s your last mistake. Sit down! Write these sentences
in another notebook!


Mme Martin a une fille. Elle s’appelle Anne. Aujourd’hui, c’est

l’anniversaire d’Anne. Alors, Mme Martin va au marché pour acheter un
cadeau pour sa fille. Elle entre dans une boutique.

Le vendeur: Bonjour Madame, qu’est-ce que vous voulez?

Mme Martin: Je veux une robe pour ma petite fille.

Le vendeur: Quel âge a-t-elle?

Mme Martin: Elle a 4 ans.

Le vendeur: Voilâ de belles robes, madame.

Mme Martin: Je prend cette robe rouge. C’est très jolie. Ça fait combien ?

Le vendeur: $30

Mme Martin: D’accord, je paie.

Le vendeur: Merci madame, au revoir.

Mme Martin: Au revoir.

Mrs. Martin has a daughter. Her name is Anne. It’s Anne’s birthday today.
So, Mrs. Martin goes to the market to buy a gift for her daughter. She enters
a shop.

Salesman: Good morning Madam, what do you want?

Mrs. Martin: I want a dress for my little baby.

Salesman: How old is she?

Mrs. Martin: She is 4 years old.

Salesman: Here are some beautiful dresses, Madam.

Mrs. Martin: I will take that red dress. It’s very nice. How much does it

Self-Instructional Material 91

Notes Salesman: $30.

Mrs. Martin: Ok, I will take it.

Salesman: Thank you Madam. See you.

Mrs. Martin: See you.


La semaine drenière, Caroline a rencontré son copain Paul. Elle raconte à

son amie Sylvie ce qui s’est passé.

Caroline: La semaine dernière j’ai rencontré mon copain Paul.

Sylvie: Vous êtes allés au restaurant ou pas?

Caroline: Oui, d’abord. Nous sommes allés a cinéma pour voir un bon
Après nous sommes allés au restaurant pour manger.

Sylvie: Tu lui as parlé de mariage ?

Caroline: Oui, il est d’accord. Mais je dois discuter avec mes parents aussi.
Sylvie: Très bien! Maintenant je dois aller. Au revoir.

Caroline: Au revoir!

Last week, Caroline met her boyfriend Paul. She is telling her friend Sylvie
about what happened.

Caroline: Last week, I met my boyfriend Paul.

Sylvie: Did you go to the restaurant or not?

Caroline: Yes, first we went to the cinema to see a movie. After that we
went to the restaurant to eat.

Sylvie: Did you talk to him about marriage?

Caroline: Yes, we did. He agreed. But I have to discuss it with my parents

Sylvie: Very well! Now I have to go. See you.

Caroline: See you.


Ce sont les vacances d’été. M. Nicolas va à Paris chez son frère Pierre
avec sa famille. Son frère est sa famille est très contente quand ils arrivent.

Pierre: Bonjour mon frère! Je suis très content.

92 Self-Instructional Material

Nicolas: Moi aussi! Nous nous sommes rencontrés après deux années. Notes
Pierre: Tu es avec la famille! Très bien! D’abord reposez-vous! Après nous

Paul le fils de M. Nicolas demande: Je veux visiter Paris.

Pierre: Dans le soir nous allons visiter. Nous allons manger dans un bon
restaurant et nous allons nous amuser.

These are the summer vacations. M. Nicolas is going to Paris to Pierre’s

home. Pierre is his brother. His brother and his family are very happy to meet

Pierre: Hello my brother! I am very happy.

Nicolas: Me too. We are meeting after two years.

Pierre: You are with your family! Very good! First, take some rest!
Afterwards we will talk.

M. Nicolas’s son says: I want to visit Paris.

Pierre: We are going to visit in the evening. We are going to eat in a good
restaurant, and are going to have fun.


Catherine doit aller à la poste. Elle demande une personne.

Catherine: Coutez Monsieur! Il me faut aller à la poste. Est-ce que vous

pouvez m’aider!

La personne: Aller tout droit! Il ya une petite rue. Prenez cette rue! Après
tournez à gauche! Il y a un musée. Devant ce mussé. Il ya la poste.

Catherine: Merci beaucoup monsieur! Au revoir!

La personne: Au revoir madame!

Catherine has to go to the post office. She asks a person.

Catherine: Excuse me, sir! I have to go the post office. Can you help me?

The person: Go straight down! There is small street. Take that street. After
that, turn to the left, there is a museum. In front of the museum is the post

Catherine: Thank you very much, sir. See you.

The person: See you, madam.

Self-Instructional Material 93


Aujourd’hui, Nicolas est libre. Il veut aller au reataurant. Alors il téléphone
son ami, Paul. A 7h du soir, Paul vient chez lui et les deux vont au restaurant.
Le garçon: Qu’est-ce que vous aimez manger, monsieur?

Nicolas: Une omelette.

Le garçon: Et vous, monsieur ?

Paul: Une sandwich au fromage et un jus de fruit.

Le garçon: Attendez monsieur, s’il vous plaît.

Après quelques minutes.

Le garçon: Voilà monsieur.

Après 20 minutes, Nicolas appelle le garçon et il paie l’addition. Il donne

le pourboire au garçon. Et puis ils rentrent.
Nicolas is free today. He wants to go to the restaurant. So he calls his
friend Paul. At 7 in the evening, Paul comes to his house and both go to the
Waiter: What would you like to have, Sir?

Nicolas: An omelette.

Waiter: And you, Sir?

Paul: A cheese sandwich and fruit juice.

Waiter: Please wait, Sir.

After a few minutes

Waiter: Here it is, Sir.

After 20 minutes, Nicolas calls the waiter and pays the bill. He gives a tip
to the waiter. Then they come back.


C’est 7 h du matin. Madame Catherine sert le petit déjeuner.

Le mari: Je veux du café avec du pain pas de fromage.

Catherine: D’ les enfants vous prenez du lait avec du pain!

Le fils: Je veux du lait avec du pain.

La fille: Mais je veux du pain avec du fromage et du jus aussi .

Catherine: Je prends seulement du café. Je suis au régime.

94 Self-Instructional Material

It is 7 o’clock in the morning. Madam Catherine is serving the breakfast. Notes

Husband: I want coffee with bread.
Catherine: Ok. And children, you take milk with bread!

Son: I want milk with bread.

Daughter: But I want bread with cheese and fruit juice.

Catherine: I will take only coffee. I am on a diet.


In this unit, you have learned how to converse in French. You have learned
about conversing in the classroom, and also what to say if you want to buy
You have also learned how to ask for directions and order a meal in a


1. Write a small conversation between a teacher and a student in the


2. Catherine goes to a shop to buy a loaf of bread. How will she ask for it?

3. You are visiting Paris and you want to see a museum. You ask a person
on the road for directions. Write the conversation between you and that

Self-Instructional Material 95



Today, due to ease of travel due to modern and easily available facilities,
there are scores of tourists in practically every country of the world. You will
come across French-speaking tourists in India, or you may be travelling to
France or some other country where French is commonly spoken. So, it will
be necessary and helpful for you to be able to speak in French.


After going through this unit, you will be able to:
l Learn to the common phrases and questions associated with travelling

l Learn ask questions or respond to queries related to travelling


In this section, you will learn the terms you need to know, or the questions
you would generally ask – or be asked – in various situations; for example,
when you arrive at a certain place, or when you reach your hotel, or when
you are undertaking a journey by any particular mode of transport, or if you
are buying something, or if you want to order a meal.

5.2.1 On Arrival
Où est le taxi? Where is the taxi?
Je veux aller à l’aéroport. I want to go to the airport.
Où voulez-vous aller? Where do you want to go?
L’arrivée Arrival
L’aéroport the airport
La gare the railway station.
La gare routière the bus station
C’est mon passeport. This is my passport.

96 Self-Instructional Material
Guide for Travellers

Ce sont mes bagages. This is my baggage. Notes

Où est ton visa? Where is your visa?
Montrez votre passeport! Show your passport!
L’entrée the entry
La partie the exit
Décoller to take off
Atterir to land
Prenez le taxi! Take a taxi!
Prenez le bus! Take a bus!
Il y a des magasins sur le quai There are some shops on the
J’ai deux valises. I have two suitcases.

5.2.2 Air Travel

Je vais voyager I am going to travel.
Le voyage en avion the travel by air.
Est-ce que je peux voir ton passeport? Can i see your passport?
Est-ce que tu as le visa ou pas? Do you have your visa?
Ils sont assis dans la salle d’attente. They are sitting in the waiting
L’avion va atterir. The plane is going to land.
Le vol. the flight
Je veux un billet pour Paris. I want a ticket for Paris.
Vous voulez un billet? Do you want one ticket ?
Où sont vos valises? Where are your suitcases?
C’est la salle d’attente. This is the waiting lounge.
L’avion va décoller. The plane is going to take off.
5.2.3 Steamship Travel
Le voyage par bateau est très bon. The travel by ship is very good.
Quel est le prix? What is the price ?
C’est un peu cher. This is a little bit expensive.
Je veux nager. I want to swim.
Où est la pisine? Where is the swimming pool?
L’océan the ocean
La mer the sea
Regardez l’eau! See the water!
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Notes Est-ce qu’il y a un bar? Is there a bar?

5.2.4 Rail Travel

Où se trouve la gare? Where is the railway station?
La gare est très loin. The railway station is very far away.
Il y a beaucoup de taxis. There are plenty of taxis.
Prenez la taxi pour aller à la gare! Take taxi to go to the railway station!
Je veux un billet pour Lyon. I want a ticket for Lyon.
Quel est le prix du billet ? What’s the price of the ticket?
Je dois faire réserver deux billets? I have to reserve two tickets.
La réservation n’est pas possible. The reservation is not possible.
Le train va arriver. The train is about to reach.
Les passagers attendent. The passengers are waiting.
5.2.5 Bus Travel
La gare routière. the bus station
J’ai besoin de deux billets. I need two tickets.
Je veux aller à la gare routière. I want to go to the bus station.
Vous voulez un billet pour Jaipur? Do you want a ticket for Jaipur?
A quelle heure le bus arrive-t-il? At what time does the bus reach?
Il n’y a pas de porteur. There is no porter.
5.2.6 At the Hotel
L’hôtel The hotel
Je veux faire retenir une chambre. I want to book a room.
Où est le maître de l’hôtel ? Where is the superviser?
Débarrassez la table! Clean the table !
Donnez le pourboire! Give the tip!
Manger To eat
Qu’est-ce que vous désirez à manger ? What do you want to eat?
Ils mangent ensemble. They are eating together.
Le garçon porte le plateau. The waiter is carrying the tray.
Le chef ne travaille pas bien. The chef is not working.
Les repas sont très bons. The meals are very good.
Est-ce qu’il n’y a pas de bar? Is there no bar?

98 Self-Instructional Material
Guide for Travellers

Où est le sommelier? Where is the wine waiter? Notes

Commandez le repas! Order the meal!
Attendez, s’il vous plaît! Please wait!
L’addition, s’il vous plaît! Please get the bill!
5.2.7 How to Go to …
Je veux aller à Nice. I want to go to Nice.
Quel bus je dois prendre? Which bus should I take?
Quel est le tarif? What is the fare?
Allez tout droit! Go straight down!
Tournez à gauche! Turn to the left!
Tournez à droite! Turn to the right!
Prenez cette rue! Take that street!
Le receveur vient vers nous. The conductor is coming
towards us.
Où sont vos billets? Where are your tickets?
Il nous faut descendre. We have to get down.
5.2.8 At the Shop Counter
Ou’est-ce vous avez acheté madame ? What have you bought madam?
Une robe et deux cravates. A dress and two ties.
Comment je dois payer? How should I pay?
Payez par chèque! Pay by cheque!
Montrez les bagages! Show the packets!
Je n’ai pas de monnaie. I don’t have change.
5.2.9 Breakfast
Que mangez-vous au petit-déjeuner ? What do you eat for breakfast?
Seulement du lait avec du pain. Only milk and bread.
Je déteste le fromage. I hate cheese.
J’adore le beurre. I love butter.
Qu’est-ce tu préfère à manger ? What do you prefer to eat?
Ils boivent du jus de fruit. They drink fruit juice.
Elle mange du sandwich. She eats a sandwich.
Nous aimons l’omelette. We like omelette.
Je vais prendre mon petit-déjeuner. I am going to eat my breakfast.
Self-Instructional Material 99

Notes Il prend du café noir. He drinks black coffee.

Je n’aime le thé. I don’t like tea.
5.2.10 Lunch in a Restaurant
Bonjour monsieur/madame Good morning, Sir/Madam.
Qu’est-ce que vous voulez à manger? What would you like to eat?
Quel est votre plat favori? What is your favourite dish?
Les repas sont très délicieux. The meals are very delicious.
Elle mange de la salade verte. She is eating green salad.
je voudrais du poulet. I would like chicken.
Elle déteste le canard. She hates duck.
J’aimerais bien boire du potage. I would like to drink soup.
Le garçon sert les repas. The waiter is serving the meals.
Ils déjeunent souvent au restaurant. They often have lunch in a restaurant.

5.2.11 Dinner
La famille mange le dîner à la maison. The family eats dinner at home.
Je mange du porc. I am eating pork.
J’adore le vin rouge. I like red wine.
Elle boit de la soupe. She drinks soup.
Le dîner est prêt. The dinner is ready.
Les enfants mangent des légumes. The children are eating vegetables.
Tu n’aimes pas le mouton? Don’t you like mutton ?
Je voudrais du riz. I would like rice.
Elle sert le dîner. She is serving dinner.
Le bol est plein de légumes. The bowl is full of vegetables.
Je mange le déssert. I am eating dessert.
Elle aime la glace. She likes ice-cream.
Je ne prendrai pas de glaces. I will not take ice-cream.

5.2.12 At the Café

C’est le meilleur café de ce quartier. This is the best café of this area.
C’est plus cher. This is more expensive.
Vous aimez boire quelquechose? Would you like to drink something?
Je veux un café noir. I want black coffee.

100 Self-Instructional Material

Guide for Travellers

Nous voulons deux limonades. We want two lemonades. Notes

Le garçon apporte l’addition. The waiter is getting the bill.
Le sandwich de ce café est célèbre. The sandwich of this café is famous.
Je déteste donner le pouboire. I don’t like giving a tip.

5.2.13 Let’s Go Sightseeing …

Ce soir nous allons visiter la tour Eiffel. This evening we are going to see
the Eiffel tower.
C’est très loin. Its very far.
On a besoin d’un guide. We need a guide.
C’est très cher. It’s very expensive.
L’entrée est fermée. Entry is closed.
On dois prendre le taxi. We have to take taxi.
Il y a beaucoup de mounuments There are many monuments to see.
pour voir.
Ce monument est très célèbre. This monument is very famous.

5.2.14 Travel by Rented Car

Je veux louer une voiture pour 5 heures? I want to hire a care for 5 hours
Est-ce vous voulez un chauffeur? Do you want a driver?
Je sais conduire. I know driving.
J’ai le permis de conduire. I have the driving license.
Cette rue est très étroite. This street is very narrow.
C’est proche. It’s nearby
Le musée est très loin. The museum is very far away.
La location the location

5.2.15 At the Service Station

La car est tombée en panne. The car is broken down.
Elle ne marche pas bien. It is not running well.
Est-ce qu’il y a un garage ici ? Is there any garage here?
Il n’y a pas d’essence dans la voiture. There is no petrol in the car.
Il faut réparer la voiture. You should repair the car.
Où est le mécanicien? Where is the mechanic?
Où est la pompe à l’essence. Where is the petrol pump?
Je veux faire remplir le réservoir. I want to get the tank filled.
Self-Instructional Material 101

Notes 5.3 SUMMARY

In this unit, you have learned how to carry on simple functional

conversations in French. You may be travelling or shopping in France, or
meeting tourists who can only speak French; so you must be able to converse
in French in such situations. If you learn the lesson carefully, you will not
face any difficulty in these situations.


1. Write five questions/sentences for each of the following:

i) Travelling by air
ii) Arrival at a hotel
iii) Ordering a meal
iv) Buying a dress in a shop
v) Travelling by ship
2. Translate into French:
i) Where do you want to go?
ii) Show your passport.
iii) I am going to travel by air.
iv) Where are your suitcases?
v) Do you have a ticket?
vi) The travel by ship is very good.
vii) Where is the swimming pool?
viii) Where is the railway station?
ix) I want a ticket for Paris.
x) The train is about to reach.
xi) There is no porter.
xii) The waiter is carrying the tray.
xiii) The meals are very good!
xiv) I want to go to Agra.
xv) What is the fare?
xvi) What have you bought, sir?
xvii) I will pay by cheque.
xviii) What do you eat for breakfast?
xix) I drink black coffee.
102 Self-Instructional Material
Guide for Travellers

xx) The meals are delicious! Notes

xxi) The waiter is serving the meals.
xxii) Dinner is ready.
xxiii) The bowl is full of vegetables.
xxiv) I like ice-cream.
xxv) The waiter is getting the bill.
xxvi) I want to hire a car for eight hours.
xxvii) This street is very narrow.
xxviii) The car has broken down.
xxix) There is no petrol in the car.
xxx) Where is the mechanic?
3. Translate into English:
i) Je veux aller à l’aéroport.
ii) La gare routière.
iii) Ce sont mes bagages.
iv) Prenez le bus!
v) J’ai deux valises.
vi) Est-ce que tu as le visa ou pas?
vii) L’avion va atterir.
viii) Le voyage par bateau est très bon.
ix) C’est un peu cher.
x) Je veux nager.
xi) Je veux aller à Nice.
xii) Quel bus je dois prendre?
xiii) Tournez à droite!
xiv) Il nous faut descendre.
xv) Qu’est-ce que vous voulez à manger?
xvi) je voudrais du poulet.
xvi) Ils déjeunent souvent au restaurant.
xviii) La famille mange le dîner à la maison.
xix) J’adore le vin rouge.
xx) Tu n’aimes pas le mouton?
xxi) Je voudrais du riz.
Self-Instructional Material 103

Notes xxii) Vous aimez boire quelquechose?

xxiii) Nous voulons deux limonades.
xxiv) Ce soir nous allons visiter la tour Eiffel.
xxv) On a besoin d’un guide.
xxvi) L’entrée est fermée.
xxvii) Il y a beaucoup de mounuments pour voir.
xxviii) Est-ce vous voulez un chauffeur?
xxix) J’ai le permis de conduire.
xxx) Il faut réparer la voiture.

104 Self-Instructional Material




This unit will help you to improve your vocabulary of French words and
expressions. It cannot be said that this is a complete list; the list has been
drawn up keeping in mind your requirements as students of Hotel and Travel


After going through this unit, you will be able to:

l Get familiar with commonly used French words and terms
l Learn French words, terms and terms specific to the needs of the hotel,
travel and tourism industries

À bientôt see you soon
Aimer to like
Adorer to adore
Absent/e absent
Accepter to accept
L’accident accident
L’addition bill
L’adjectif adjective
Adopter to adopt
L’adverbe adverb
L’âge age
Ajouter to add
Allô hello
Self-Instructional Material 105

Notes L’amende fine

Annuler to cancel
Après after
L’arbre tree
Attendre to wait for
La bagage baggage
Se baigner to bathe
La bananae banana
Le bateau boat, ship
La beauté beauty
Les beaux-arts the fine arts
Le berceau cradle
Bien sûr of course
Le billet ticket, note
Bon/bonne good
La brosse brush
Cacher to hide

Le cadavre dead body

Le cadre frame

Le café cafe

La caisse counter

Calculer to calculate

Calme calm

Le canapé sofa

Capturer to capture

La carte card, map

La ceinture belt

La chambre bedroom

Le champ field

106 Self-Instructional Material


Le champagne champagne Notes

Chasser to chase
Chaud/e hot
Chercher to look for
D’abord first of all
Danser to dance
La danse dance
Devant in front of
Derière behind
Le débat debate
Décider to decide
Discuter to discuss
Déchirer to tear
Demain tomorrow
Dehors outside
Décrire to describe
Descendre to get down
Différent/e different
Dimanche Sunday
Disponible available
Douchement softly
Drôle funny
L’eau water
L’école school
L’élève pupil
Écouter to listen
Ecrire to write
L’écrivain writer
L’électricité electricity

Self-Instructional Material 107


Notes Embarrasser to embarrass

Emprunter to borrow
Encore more
Enseigner to teach
Envoyer to send
Etudier to study
L’étudiant/e student
Se fâcher to get angry
Le facteur postman
Faire to do, to make
La famille family
Fatigué tired
Se fatiguer to get tired
Fermer to close
La faute mistake
La femme woman
Finir to finish
Le fleur flower
Fondre to melt
Fort/e strong, loud
Froid cold
Fumer to smoke
Gagner to earn
Le garçon boy, waiter
Garder to keep
La glace ice, ice-cream, mirror
Goûter to taste
Le goût the taste

Grand/e big

Griller to grill
108 Self-Instructional Material

H Notes
Habiter to live

L’habitude habit, custom

Les haricots beans

Haut high, high class, upper reaches

La hauteur height

L’herbe grass

Hésiter to hesitate

L’heure hour

Le hibou owl

L’horloge clock

Horrible horrible

L’hôtel hotel

L’hôpital hospital

L’idée idea
Identifier to identify
Lidentité identity
Ignorer to ignore
Illustrer to illustrate
L’image image, picture
L’imagination imagination
Importer to import
Impossible impossible
L’introduction introduction
Jamais never
La jambe leg
Le jardin garden
Jeter to throw
Le jeu game

Self-Instructional Material 109


Notes Jouer to play

Jeune young
Le jus juice
Le journal newspaper
Le/la journaliste journalist
Le kilo kilogram
Kidnapper to kidnap
Le kilometer kilometer
La laboratoire laboratory
Le lac lake
Laisser to leave
Le lait milk
La lampe lamp
La langue language
Le lapin rabbit
Large large
Les larmes tears
Le lavabo washbasin
Se laver to wash oneself
Laver to wash
La leçon lesson
Lire to laugh
Les légumes vegetables
La lettre letter
Se lever to get up
Libre free
La main hand
Madame madam

110 Self-Instructional Material

Maintenant Notes
Mais but

La maison house

Malade ill

La maladie illness

Manger to eat

Le manteau coat

Marcher to walk

Mélanger to mix

Le mémoire memory

Merci thank you

Montrer to show

La montagne mountain

Nager to swim

La naissance birth

La nation nation

La nature nature

Négliger to neglect

Neiger to snow

Le nez nose

Le nid nest

Le nom noun, name

Normalement normally

Le nuage cloud

Le nombre number

Obéir to obey
L’objet object
Observer to observe
L’observation observation

Self-Instructional Material 111


Notes Occupé/e busy

L’océan ocean
L’œuf egg
Offrir to offer
L’oiseau bird
Opposer to oppose
L’opposition opposition
L’orange orange
Les oreilles ears
L’organisation organization
Organiser to organize
Ouvrir to open
La page page
Payer to pay
Le pain bread
La paix peace
Le panier basket
Le paon peacock
Le papier paper
Le paquet packet
Le parapluie umbrella
La pluie rain
Le parc park
Parce que because
Pardonner to forgive
Les parents parents
Parler to speak, to talk
Prendre to take
Partir to leave
Le pays country

112 Self-Instructional Material


La porte door Notes

Le professeur teacher
Le quai platform
Quand when
La quantité quantity
Le quartier area
Quelquefois sometimes
Quelqu’un somebody
Quelque chose something
La question question
Quitter to quit
La radio radio
Les raisins grapes
La raison reason
Ramasser to gather
Rapidement rapidly
Le rasoir razor
La réaction reaction
Réagir to react
Recevoir to receive
La recette recipe
Réduire to reduce
Réfléchir to think
Reformer to reform
Refuser to refuse
Regarder to watch
La règle scale
La réligion religion

Self-Instructional Material 113


Notes S
Le sac bag
Sacré/e sacred
Sacrifier to sacrifice
La salade salad
Le salon living room
Le sandwich sandwich
Sans without
Satisfaire to satisfy
Sauver to save
Savoir to know
Secouer to shake
La sécurité security
Sentir to smell, to feel
Le serpent snake
Le service service
Siffler to whistle
Sonner to ring
Sortir to go out
Souffrir to suffer
Sourd/e deaf
Sous under
Sympathique friendly
La table table

Le tableau painting

La tante aunt

La technologie technology

Le téléphone telephone

La télévision television

Le témoin witness

114 Self-Instructional Material


Tenir to hold Notes

La terre earth

La tête head

Le timbre stamp

Tirer to pull

Le titre title

Tomber to fall

Tourner to turn

Traduire to translate

Tranquille quiet

Le travail work

Travailler to work

Tricher to cheat

Triste sad

La université university

Urgent/e urgent

Le usage usage, custom, practice

Utile useful

Utiliser to use

La vache cow
La valeur value
Vendre to sell
Venir to come
Le vent wind
Le verbe verb
Le verre glass
Verser to pour
La vie life
Le visa visa

Self-Instructional Material 115


Notes Vivre to live

Voir to see
Vouloir to want
Le wagon carriage
le zèbre zebra
zéro zero
le zeste outer peel (of orange, lemon)


Able capable

Abnormal anormal/e

Absence l’absence

Access l’accès

Accompany accompagner

Accumulate accumuler

Ache la douleur

Address l’adresse

Admire admirer

Advocate avocat/e

Advise conseiller

Affection l’affection

After après

Aim le but

Alive vivant/e

Allow permettre

Attach attacher

Authority l’autorité

116 Self-Instructional Material


B Notes
Bachelor célibataire

Bad mauvais/e

Bag le sac

Balance l’équilibre
Bald chauve

Ban l’interdiction
Bank la banque

Basement le sous-sol

Bathroom la salle de bains

Beach la plage

Beat battre
Bed le lit

Beg mendier

Behind derrière

Believe croire

Between entre
Big grand/e

Biography la biographie
Birth la naissance

Bless bénir

Book le livre
Bother inquiéter

Boy le garçon
Buy acheter

Cage la cage

Cake le gâteau
Call appeler
Calm calme
Camera appareil-photo
Cancel annuler
Self-Instructional Material 117

Notes Candle la bougie

Captivate captiver
Capture capturer
Carpet le tapis
Carry porter
Catch attraper
Celebrate célébrer
Chair la chaise
Challenge le défi
Change changer
Child l’enfant
Choose choisir
Church l’église
Cinema le cinéma
Class la classe
Close fermer
Cock le coq
Cold froid/e
Come venir
Computer l’ordinateur
Continue continuer
Count compter
Cut couper
Dance danser
Date la date
Dead mort/e
Deaf sourd/e
Death la mort
Debate le débat
Decent décent/e

118 Self-Instructional Material


Decide décider Notes

Deep profond/e
Delight enchanté/e
Democracy la démocratie
Demonstration la démonstration
Depress déprimer
Descend descendre
Desire le désir
Die mourir
Different différent/e
Discuss discuter
Dismiss congédier
Disturb déranger
Dog le chien
Ear l’oreille
Earth la terre
Easy facile
Education l’éducation
Educated cultivé/e
Effort l’effort
Elect élire
Electricity l’électricité
Elegant élégant/e
Embarrass embarrasser
Empty vide
Employ employer
Employee l’employé/e
End la fin
Energy l’énergie
Enter entrer

Self-Instructional Material 119


Notes Every chaque

Exercise l’exercice
Face le visage

Factory la usine

Fall tomber

Family la famille

Fashion la mode

Feed nourrir

Field le champ

Fight la baggare

File le dossier

Fire le feu

Flag le drapeau

Flight le vol

Fold plier

Frame le cadre

Full plein/e

Game le jeu
Gas le gaz
Gather ramasser
Generation la génération
Gift le cadeau
Give donner
Glass le verre
Go aller
Gold l’or
Government le gouvernement
Greet saluer
Group le groupe

120 Self-Instructional Material


Guest l’invité/e Notes

Gun le fusil
le jeu
Habit l’habitude
Half demi/e
Hand la main
Hard dur/e
Hatred la haine
Have avoir
Head la tête
Health la santé
Heart le cœur
Heavy lourd/e
Height la hauteur
Help aider
Hide cacher
Hold tenir
Home la maison
Horse le cheval
Hot chaud/e
Hurt blesser
Ice-cream la glace
Ill malade
Illegal illégal/e
Image l’image
Immigrant l’immigré/e
Implore implorer
Important important/e
Income le revenu

Self-Instructional Material 121


Notes Industry l’industrie

Inform informer
Ink l’encre
Intelligent intelligent/e
Intention l’intention
Invite inviter
Jacket la veste
Jail la prison
Jealousy la jalousie
Job l’emploi
Judge juger
Juice le jus
Jump sauter
Jungle la jungle
Justice la justice
Justify justifier
Kangaroo le kangourou
Keen enthousiaste
Keep garder
Keyboard le clavier
Kill tuer
King le roi
Kiss le baiser
Kitchen la cuisine
Knife le couteau
Know savoir
Laboratory le laboratoire
Lady la dame

122 Self-Instructional Material


Land la terre Notes

Language la langue
Laugh rire
Law la loi
Lead mener
Learn apprendre
Leave laisser
Leg la jambe
Letter la lettre
Life la vie
Live habiter
Look regarder
Lose perdre
Love l’amour
Magazine la revue
Maintain maintenir
Make faire
Man l’homme
Market le marché
Marriage le mariage
Match le match
Meet rencontrer
Milk le lait
Miss manquer
Mix mélanger
Moment le moment
Money l’argent
Mouth la bouche
Must devoir

Self-Instructional Material 123


Notes N
Name le nom
National national/e
Near proche
Need le besoin
Never jamais
Next prochain/e
Night la nuit
Normal normal/e
Nose le nez
Now maintenant
Object l’objet
Observe observer
Ocean l’océan
Offer offrir
Oil l’huile
Only seulement
Open ouvrir
Orange l’orange
Ordinary ordinaire
Packet le paquet
Pain la douleur
Paint peindre
Paper le papier
Parking le stationnement
Pass passer
Path le chemin
Pay payer
Period la période

124 Self-Instructional Material


Pick choisir Notes

Place l’endroit
Play jouer
Power le pouvoir
Prefer préférer
Pull tirer
Push pousser
Put mettre
Qualification la qualification
Quality la qualité
Queen la reine
Question la question
Quiet tranquille
Radio la radio
Reach arriver
Receive recevoir
Reduce réduire
Reject rejecter
Remove enlever
Restaurant le restaurant
Road la route
Round rond/e
Run courir
Safety la sécurité
Sand le sable
Satisfaction la satisfaction
Save sauver
Say dire

Self-Instructional Material 125


Notes School
Screen l’écran
Sea la mer
See voir
Send envoyer
Serve servir
Sheep le mouton
Shop le magasin
Show montrer
Silly bête
Sit s’asseoir
Sleep dormir
Smoke fumer
Speak parler

Take prendre
Talk parler
Tax l’impôt
Tear déchirer
Telegram le télégram
Tell dire
Tense tendu/e
Think penser
Throw jeter
Tolerate supporter
Tongue la langue
Topic le sujet
Tourism le tourisme
Towel la serviette
Traffic la circulation
Travel voyager
Try essayer

126 Self-Instructional Material


U Notes
Ugly laid/e
Umbrella Le parapluie
Unavailable indisponible
Uncle l’oncle
Under sous
Understand comprendre
Unhappy triste
Use utiliser
Vacuum cleaner l’aspirateur
Value la valeur
Velvet le velours
Verb le verbe
Voice la voix
Wait attendre

Wall le mur

War la guerre

Water l’eau

Weather le temps

Wood le bois

X-ray la radiographie

year l’année
young jeune
Zebra le zebra
Zoo le zoo

Self-Instructional Material 127


Notes 6.4 SUMMARY

This unit has helped you to expand your vocabulary of French words
and terms. This list is not a complete one, so you should consult a French
dictionary to learn more.


1. Write the French words for the following:

a. Father
b. Brother
c. Tourism
d. Weather
e. Hospital
f. Tax
g. Invitation
h. Gather
i. Job
j. Glass
k. Bedroom
l. Kitchen
m. Market
n. Happy
o. Kangaroo
p. Zoo
q. Yoghurt
r. Water
s. Ship
t. Aeroplane
u. Keyboard
v. Nine
w. Classroom
x. Studient
y. Man
z. Hen

128 Self-Instructional Material


2. Write the English words for the following : Notes

a. Cahier
b. Year
c. Acheter
d. Appetit
e. Banque
f. Boire
g. Bibliotheque
h. Café
i. Chaise
j. Danser
k. Derrier
l. Dire
m. Étudiant
n. Faire
o. Femme
p. Gâteau
q. Janvier
r. Jus
s. Mauvais
t. Mois
u. Neuf
v. Fleur
w. Payer
x. Poser
y. Rue
z. Sans

Self-Instructional Material 129

For better performance, students are advised to note following before attempting any particular

1. Any answer should be corresponding to the mark allotted i.e. excessive elaboration is not

2. Pointwise explanation and that too in own words/style is more appreciated.

3. Avoid bookish jargon/style.

4. For more effective performance, contents of answer should be supported by suitable


5. As far as possible follow the pattern of “Introduction”, “Text” and “Conclusion” in respect of
all answers.

Self-Instructional Material 131

Self-Instructional Material 133

134 Self-Instructional Material
Punjab Technical University

(To be attached with each Assignment)

Full Name of Student : ___________________________________________________________________________________

(First Name) (Last Name)
Registration Number :

Course :_____________ Sem.:_____________ Subject of Assignment:____________________________________

Date of Submission of Assignment :

(Question Response Record - To be completed by student)

S. No. Question Number On Page Number of Marks
Responded Assignment

Total Marks :________/25

Remarks by Evaluator: _____________________________________________________________________________________


Note: Please ensure that your Correct Registration Number is mentioned on the Assignment Sheet.

Signature of the Evaluator

Signature of the Student Name of the Evaluator

Date: __________________ Date : __________________

Self-Instructional Material 135


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