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Bryan Aji Pangestu 205110500111056

Intensive Listening B

BRYAN :“ Hello my name is Bryan Aji Pangestu, and right now I am going to do an
interview, the topic is online education programs and graduate schools. So, can you please
introduce your name first?”


you can call me Putri”

BRYAN :” Okay Putri,then lets gets started with the first question...So What do you think about
online education programs ?pls,give me your opinion about this program.

PUTRI ;” In my opinion, the online programs will give the student colleges more productive in
this pandemic but the other side some student colleges get some trouble from
internet signal and limited quota so that the students cant reach the programs”

BRYAN :” So it will give the student more productive in this pandemic but on the other, hand
some of them got some technical issue about it. Okay, I got it. The second question is how
effective is the online education program for yourself? And give me the reasons.

PUTRI :” Until now, the programs still effective for me and the program makes me feel

BRYAN :” Okay,so until now it’s still effective...right? Move on to the next question; What are
the advantages and disadvantages of this online education in your opinion?”

PUTRI :”The advantages is you can improve the soft skill and hard skill, meet some kind of
people, increase knowledge, and get some certificates for the cv and then the
disadvatages : can decrease your quality time, maybe increase your stressful,
decrease your health espescially the heart and the brain”

BRYAN :”Let’s just move to the next questions. How do you maintain your health when you
have to sit down in front of the computer/laptop for a long time for online learning

PUTRI :” I am doing some exercise and drink the water.”

BRYAN :” Ahh ,I see.You’re doing exercises and drink water so you don’t get dehydrated”

PUTRI :” Yesss”
BRYAN :” Next question, do you think the large number of assignments that are given to the
students during this online program is relevant and effective?

PURI :” I think isn't effective bcs every student have different situation like bad signal or
student in another classwhich has the same deadline as the other courses”

BRYAN :” Then the next topic we’re gonna talk about is the graduate schools,what do you know
about graduate schools?”

PUTRI :”Graduate school is place that you want to more looking for knowledge, explore the
ideas and you must do the final task with the thesis I think...I think something like

BRYAN :” you said that graduate schools is a place that you want to more looking for
knowledge,then Do you want to continue your education to graduate school? give
reasons why you want / don't want to.”

PUTRI :” Yes because i wanna to explore my knowledge”

BRYAN :” Ok,thats a very clear answer,so you want to continue to graduate schools because
you want explore more about knowledge. I think that’s enough for today’s
interview.Thank you Putri for willing your time to do an interview with me.”

PUTRI :” You’re welcome.See you next time.”

BRYAN :” Bye-Bye.”

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