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Activity 2. Comprehension Check-up

1. What is your definition of art? Art appreciation?

 Art is the window of our emotions, it is a way to express our feelings. It’s a combination
of our imagination and creativity. It help us develop our skills. Art also help us relive
stress and relax.

2. How can an art be an aid to better citizenship? Give examples to illustrate this.
 By clearly displaying patriotism and nationalism, art can be a greater help to citizenship.
They convey their feelings through painting, much as what we did with our dearest
painters in our land, and they became well-known as they contributed to the field of art
with their patriotic and nationalistic character.

3.  In what ways does art contribute to the physical, social, and spiritual well- being of
 For the growth of a man, art is a very strong medium of leisure and learning experience.
Art helps us to develop ourselves holistically, as it influences different facets of our lives.

 Physical-Art is not only a matter of your ingenuity and vital imagination, but art is more
than that. It may also make a contribution to our physical well-being. For eg, jujitsu-is a
type of martial arts that is not only made for self-defense, but also an art form that is
expressive. It is the balance of the movement of your hand and the coordination with the
rest of the body that makes it a pleasant form of art and physical exercise.

 Social-Art is an expression, a contact medium. Socially, art allows one to communicate

with all groups of individuals and helps guarantee that art can be another source of this,
while we cannot communicate with them by language. Like they say, art is a language.

 Spiritual-Most of all, it makes us dedicate our values and religion spiritually. We may
express the opinions of various people spiritually within us by projecting art.



4. Choose 1 from the assumptions of art. Share your experiences to prove if there is
truth or contrary to it.
 Art is universal. Why? Because In creating  art, consciously or not, artists are attempting
to communicate at a powerful emotional level to those within their own culture. ... The
best work transcends its cultural matrix and speaks directly to our common humanity.

5. Explain your stand about this proposition: "Art is good because it is popular". 
 It's a curious issue. Is art a good thing? This is a topic that has been going on for
decades. It was a great deal during the Greek and Roman periods, although there was
some controversy about the importance of the Plato’s intent. As the Christian age came
along with painting, it was accepted under the rigid laws of decoration for the next 1400
years before the Renaissance started a humanistic approach to art and artists. Giving
homage to the creator god through their art. Then we see the martin Luther erecting the
reformation that brought about the Calvinist iconoclasm of 1566, which destroyed
church art and washed the interior clean. The counter-reformation has reacted after
several years, and the controversy and wars have raged for years in Europe. In the end,
bring about the great artists of the Baroque era. Art has always had highs and lows in
history, and no one ever thought it was successful, particularly in the modern age. Even
in the 1980s, there was an iconoclasm of the American Government Against Provocative

Activity 3. Reflection Paper

Watch this video How to Steal like an Artist TED Talk then write a reflection paper

(One paragraph only)

 The video is all about having your own idea of art or creating your own art by
collecting thoughts and ideas from people around you to make it your own. This
is often mistaken as plagiarism, copying or even stealing. Collecting ideas from
others is not bad at all. This is one of the wrong thinking of human beings.
Because getting ideas from someone else is considered like “inspirations”.


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