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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Roșculeț Saida

Grade: 5th D
Date: 23rd of December
Subject: English language
Unit: II
Type of the lesson: Across Cultures
Topic of the lesson: Speaking about a Role model

Purpose: to raise awareness among the students about the importance of a role model.

1.1. Desprinderea sensului global al unui mesaj articulat clar, emis cu o viteză normală
1.2. Identificarea unor informaţii specific dintr-un scurt mesaj audiat, articulat clar şi rar.
2.1. Descrierea persoanelor și a unor evenimente.
2.3. Comunicarea interactivă într-un schimb simplu de informații.

O1. To learn new vocabulary on the subject and secure it through the active participation
of students in different types of activities.
O2. To improve students speech.
O3. To develop students skill of active listening.

Strategies/techniques: Discussion, Game, Conversation, Pair work, Presentation.

The stages Time Objec The activity of the The activity of the Strategies/
of the lesson -tives teacher student techniques
Warm- The teacher greets the The Students greet Discussion
up/Review 3 min. students. The Teacher back. The Students are
makes informal receptive and answer
conversation. the Teacher’s
questions and

10 O1 Teacher plays a video Students listen and Game

min. O3 about who can a role watch the video
model be - played and guess the lesson’s topic.
Next, the students will
have to try and guess what

today’s lesson is about.
Introduction 10 O1 The teacher announces The students receive Worksheets
to a new min. O2 that they are going to the worksheet and Pair Work
lesson O3 speak on the topic “Role read the information. Conversation
model”, and she Then they will pair up,
announces the objectives two by two, and try to
of the lesson. sum up what being a
The teacher will hand out role model is within a
each student a worksheet simple sentence.
in which it is described
the key attributes of a
Role model. The students
have to read it. Next, they
have to pair up and find
one simple sentence to
describe being a role
model based on the
worksheet. They have a
time limit of 5 minutes.
At the end of the 5
minutes the teacher will
ask some students to tell
the whole class their
Practice 20 O1 The teacher asks the Some of the students Presentation
min. O2 students to come to the will come to the front Discussion
front of the class and of the class and speak Conversation
speak about their role of their role model.
The teacher will ask
different questions to the
student speaking about
his/ her role model,
depending on the chosen
role model and it’s

The Teacher writes on the The students put down
Evaluation 2 min. blackboard the their homework in
Homework. The students their notebook.
will have to each make a
poster about their role
model as part of their

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