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Melike Çalışan

1) According to presentation, many Hispanic students living in USA starting school

without social and economic resources like their peers adopt. We can say

disadvantages generally caused by their parents’ social economic status, lack of

knowledge about education system in U.S, and migrancy. Lack of communication

with teacher, knowing system limitedly effects students’ academic achievement. In

our country, we used to talk on “Kurdish students’ needs more opportunity equality in

education” due to geopolitical location that the area Kurdish citizens generally live in,

or some governmental disregard toward students live in eastern and rural area of

Turkey. Also newly we can talk about Syrian immigrant child’s suffering to adapt

Turkish education system and language as well. That might decrease their academical

achievement, and correlatedly their self-esteem too.

2) Actually, Although the starting point is logical, it has become a dumb project that does

exactly the opposite of what it wants to accomplish. It determines how much schools

receive for good teachers by tests generally carried out in the country: if the test results

are good, the government pays the school, otherwise it does not. If the rationale behind

this is an incentive system, teachers educate children well to get money, children do

well in tests, and children must want to get a good education, but it is obvious that this

is not the case. Like the Hispanics and the slants who often live in poor

neighborhoods, a question that those kids don’t speak English properly, and no matter

how much the teacher work on students, he can't get a good education unless the

school is given enough money, and half of the teachers don't bother because they're

not paid for either. In this case, children do not achieve good results in tests, the

amount of money received by the school decreases even more, children cannot really

get a good education this time, it goes in such a vicious circle.

Melike Çalışan

3) 1 international reputation, cultural diversity, excellent support facilities that U.S.

universities offer, a flexible academic environment. In Turkey we are being educated

like racing horse, every education level like another barrier students’ needs to

overcome. But USA environment is not giving students pressure, so by dıing this

students creativity and positive mind set supported.

4) This increased expectations from students, and adopted higher standards they have

moved to new assessment it achieved the level that kids have to achieve in order to be

judged proficient because they believed in new World they are not competing with

other kids from Delaware they are competing with the best of the around the World, so

students achievements skyrocketed dramatically, we can apply this system to Turkey

but this program needs qualified teachers and educators as well. So, considering

educational sciences are not that much qualified in Turkey’s universities, turkey

should change it from root. Otherwise, it cannot be that much successful like it has

done in U.S.

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