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Project Log

Anna Ridenour
Total Hours: 23.75

November 30th, 2020

60 Minutes
I set up a meeting with Mr. Lutterman, Mr. Van Beek, and Ms. Morem to discuss classroom opportunities.

December 21st, 2020

110 Minutes
I connected with two elementary science teachers to determine possible availability. After our discussion,
I put together an organized list of lesson ideas, both for in-person and virtual circumstances. I also asked
community members about suggestions for possible interviewees.

January 16th, 2021

165 Minutes
I established an Instagram account called MN AgVocate, where I could highlight some of my own
agricultural practices. I also repost information about the agriculture industry and blogs from other

January 17th, 2021

55 Minutes
I met with my local 4-H coordinators to see what opportunities we could create for youth within the
county. We had several different ideas, and I planned on bringing them up at the next Dodge County 4-H
Ambassador meeting.

January 20th, 2021

25 Minutes
I created a post based on how young people can get involved in government. It discussed how
organizations, like FFA and 4-H, can help provide opportunities for people to speak for agriculture and
other topics that they are passionate about.

January 23rd, 2021

30 Minutes
I created a post based on newborn care. Not only did I cover the birthing process, but how I monitor
babies and what types of preventative measures I take.
January 25th, 2021
55 Minutes
I attended the Dodge County 4-H Ambassador Training, where I shared my ideas, began the planning
process, and determined upcoming dates and activities. We began to prepare for the County Project Day.

January 29th, 2021

10 Minutes
I created a post based on the activities of some baby goats. It’s a great opportunity to see how babies
interact with their mothers in a natural environment.

February 1st, 2021

25 Minutes
I created a post based on how niche and conventional markets work together. I was inspired by an
extemporaneous speech I made earlier in the week, and was able to provide personal and industry

February 5th, 2021

30 Minutes
I created a post based on my family’s automatic milk machine. I described its purpose, how it works, and
a video of what it looks like.

March 3rd, 2021

45 Minutes
A friend invited me to share my agricultural background and my Supervised Agricultural Experience on
her podcast called I Believe. I was able to shed light on some of my experiences with advocating for
agriculture and how I have been involved. I advertised it on my social media page.

March 8th, 2021

30 Minutes
I shared my agriculture story with two local newspapers, and discussed my Supervised Agricultural
Experience, FFA involvement, and my senior project. This was a great way to share my experiences to
my community who may not understand the agriculture that is found here in Dodge County.

March 18th, 2021

60 Minutes
Through FFA, I contacted a podcast called Off Farm Income for the opportunity to discuss my role in
agriculture. I was able to discuss my farm operation, my senior project, and the importance of agricultural
literacy. I advertised it on my social media page, and Triton also featured it on Facebook.
April 13th, 2021
30 Minutes
After some time away from social media, I posted to my account again, highlighting some different ideas
that I will pursue in the upcoming months.

April 20th, 2021

45 Minutes
I fine-tuned some of the features on my website. After some consideration, I decided to add a blog page to
reflect agriculture for an older audience. I began writing two separate posts.

April 24th, 2021

75 Minutes
I created a project log and posted to my social media account. In the upcoming weeks, I plan on creating
and publishing two Youtube videos, so I started a script and outline for each. I also continued to work on
the two blog posts to put on my website.

April 26th, 2021

45 Minutes
I created a post based on how showmen brace livestock, explaining the teamwork and training that goes
into the process. I also planned what I would use as videography for my Youtube videos. I also attended a
Dodge County 4-H Ambassador meeting to help plan an upcoming activity.

April 29th, 2021

30 Minutes
After some thorough research, I ordered the perfect tripod for my phone so that I could begin taking
videos for Youtube. I chose one that was tall enough and sturdy enough to be used in the barn, but also
wanted to keep the price lower.

May 2nd, 2021

50 Minutes
I completed one of my blogs, called Speaking Out & Addressing the Haters. I wrote about some of my
own experiences with people who fight the agriculture industry, and how I was able to speak out despite
their efforts. I was able to publish it to my website and advertise it on social media.
May 7th, 2021
375 Minutes
In one sitting, I was able to complete my food science video. First, I prepped my kitchen for filming, and
bought my ingredients. Then I wrote my script based on two food experiments I had actually performed
for 4-H before. I decided that voiceover would be better than filming my voice while conducting the
experiments, so I just took a video of my performing the experiment. I added in two clips of me, one
introducing food science and the other one of me tasting ice cream. Then I uploaded the videos to iMovie,
where I was able to arrange them and cut them to size. I edited out the parts that took too long or were
unnecessary, and added transitions between clips. The audio took the longest between recording the
voiceover, finding background music, and changing the volume of each clip. Finally, I saved the video
and uploaded it to Youtube.

May 10th, 2021

75 Minutes
I began filming different clips around my farm during chores, which consisted of animal, environmental,
and supply clips. I then strung all the clips in iMovie, where I could rearrange the clips to fit the script. I
could also put in transitions between clips, and I had to determine what transition fit best with the flow of
the video. Afterwards, I muted the audio on each clip so that I could do a voiceoever.

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