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Action Plan

17TH January - Start working on the Action plan in which i will write down my plan of
collecting and puting the information together, and making a documentary on LGBTQ+
as well as planning a protest and writing a 200 word reflection on the whole of this
summative. I will also do extensive research on the impact of LGBTQ protests on
different countries and their communities and societies. This will enable me to be on
track and be able to finish my research and start my video as soon as possible.

18TH January - I will finalise the action plan; which will be the walkthrough of how i
will complete and what I will do during this summative. I will start the extensive research
on LGTBQ+ such as: how did it begin?, Where did it originate?, why is this important?,
and etc… I will also look for stock media video clips of LGTBQ+ struggles, protests,
etc… for the video. I will also start working on the script of the documentar. I will also
research the protest from the beginning and till today and its progress, and who were
involved during the protest and what were the consequences and results.This will help me
keep my information intact and in order and give me what I really need making the
creation and editing of the documentary easier.

19TH January - I will submit the action plan, and also work on planning the protest which
will include information on where it will happen, when it will happen, and who will be a
part of it and what will be our main objective. I will also start working on the LGBTQ+
Documentary video. I will also keep making the information and script for the video
better. This will enable me to make a better documentary and better plan for the whole of
the summative. Submitting the action plan and working on the protest and video will help
me do everything on a balanced track and also have a good fast trajectory of finishing my
work on time.

20TH January - Keep working on the documentary on LGTBQ+ which explains the
social issue and impact on the USA, which and how it affects a society or multiple
societies, etc… I will find more information and video clips for the documentary as well
as editing the movie. I will also finish planning my protest. As the workload will decrease
as I will have already submitted the action plan, and finished planning the protest it will
give me more time to work on the video and to make the documentary much better.
21ST January - I will keep editing the documentary, and record all the clips and bits that
need to be acted out by me such as interviews with the USA government, and eye
witness, other countries comments, and etc… I will also start working on the 200 word
reflection that has to include how I collected and used my data and information. Once I
record my clips and edit them and finish the work on the 200 word reflection my
trajectory is to finish all the work by the due date possible and also enable me to add
more details to the protest, reflection and the video.

22ND January - I will keep making the script better, as well as the video and also add more
clips and keep working on both the documentary and the 200 word reflection. As the
workload decreases I will be able to focus more on the editing of the documentary hence
giving me greater time to also add more details and finish my work on time.

23RD January - I will finish the 200 word reflection and keep editing and recording clips
for the video. Finishing the reflection will only leave me with working on the video and
checking the protest. I will be able to divert my time and resources solely to the video,
enabling me to submit on time.

24TH January - I will be finishing the editing of the documentary and submitting both the
planning of the protest and the 200 word reflection. The video will also be mainly done
and only minor changes and editing will be left and my trajectory and action plan will be
proven successful and helpful as it helped to submit all my tasks on time as well as
having plenty of time working on it.

25TH January - I will add the finishing touches to my documentary and then submit it. As
the whole summative will come to an end it will show that I was able to plan the whole
summative and give myself enough time to create a protest, action plan, a whole
documentary and reflection as well as making all of these tasks my 100% best.

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