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Lack of Awareness of The Indonesian People in Traffic

Majoring In Chemistry, FMIPA, Makassar State University

By :

Mufliha Elma Saembona/200106502004


This article is based on traffic violations that still occur frequently in

Indonesia. So that the author has a sense of curiosity about what factors are behind it
so that there are still too many people who still violate traffic rules.

            This article aims to determine (1) the form of traffic violation factors, (2)
which causes the public to not comply with traffic regulations. This study uses a
qualitative method. This research is classified as descriptive. The study population is
an active mover. A total of 33 samples collected using interview sampling technique
and filling out questionnaires via google form

            The results showed that (1) from the data obtained it can be seen that there
are more violations than obeying traffic rules (2) traffic violations that often occur
are not obeying traffic signs, not wearing a helmet, and not having a SIM ( Driving
License) (3) breach caused by a variety of factors whether intentional or
unintentional (4) of the efforts made to provide an understanding to the community
will be the importance of obeying traffic rules  

Keywords: traffic violations


in this study focus on form traffic violations and the factors that cause traffic
violations. Indonesia is a rule of law in which there are various kinds of regulations
and has strict sanctions if they are violated. One of the problems that are still often
faced in Indonesia is traffic violations, where some people still like to commit traffic
violations, whether intentional or unintentional. Traffic violations cause
inconvenience for road users. The reason is, one of them is road users who are less
disciplined in obeying traffic signs. Most of the younger drivers broke the law more
frequently than the older drivers (Yagil. 1998). One type of traffic violation is a
vehicle crossing a road that should stop when the red light is on. This violation is
very dangerous to him and other road users.


A total of 33 of my colleagues participated in this study who are still students.

The method of collecting data from this research is to use a questionnaire through
Google Form which contains various types of questions, namely what types of
violations were committed and what was the cause of committing these violations.

Data analysis is an activity carried out to convert data from research results
into information that can later be used in drawing conclusions. Data analysis in this
study used qualitative data. The steps that must be taken are data collection, data
reduction and categorization, data display, and conclusion drawing.

According to Martono (2010) qualitative methods are more based on the

nature that prioritizes appreciation. Qualitative methods seek to understand and
interpret the meaning of an event of human behavior interaction in a particular
situation according to the researcher's own perspective. Research that uses qualitative
research aims to understand the object under study in depth.

         From the results of the research that has been done, it is obtained data that
from 33 samples only 21.2% of respondents admitted to never violating traffic and as
many as 78.8% who committed traffic violations. From the data obtained, it can be
seen that there are more who commit violations than obey the traffic rules.


         The most common forms of violations were not obeying traffic signs, not
wearing a helmet, and not having a SIM. These violations did not only happen once
or twice but were repeated several times. This happens due to various factors, both
intentional and unintentional. Like wearing a helmet, sometimes someone
deliberately doesn't want to wear a helmet and feels that the distance to be covered is
very close. In addition, running a red light due to pressure and lack of patience by the
driver. If this problem is always underestimated, it can endanger motorists and other
road users and cause the number of accidents to continue to increase.

         Traffic violations occur in almost all roads. This is because there are still
many people who are not aware of the importance of obeying traffic rules and this
must be considered by the parties concerned and the government. Order in traffic is
one of the manifestations of national discipline which is a reflection of the nation's
culture, therefore everyone is obliged to participate in making it happen. As the
younger generation, it is only natural for us to be an example in carrying out
government regulations to comply with existing laws. To avoid traffic violations, the
public is expected to know and implement and comply with the prevailing laws and


Yagil, D. (1998). Gender and age-related differences in attitudes toward traffic laws
and traffic violations. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and
Behavior, 1(2), 123–135.

Martono, N. (2010). Quantitative research methods: Content Analysis and Secondary

Data Analysis (free sample page).

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