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Name :M.

Azmi Pratama
Class : XI MIA 2

C. Let’s Practice
A. Read the following sentences. Decide if the words in bold are the cause
or the effect. Write cause or effect on the line. Then, underline the
"signal" word or phrase.

1). Early man used weapons because they needed to find food.
Answer : Cause : Early man needed to find food
Effect : The used weapons
Signal : Because

2). The glaciers began to melt,therefore, the and bridge between Asia
north America became floded
Answer : Cause : The glaciers began to melt
Effect : The land bridge between asia and north American
Became floded
Signal : Therefore

3). Because they wanted to learn about different cavitizations that

existed, archaeologist studied ortitaces
Answer : Cause : Archaeologists wanted to learn about different
civilizations that existed.

Effect : They Studied artists.

Signal : Because

4). Early man slowly started to grow food, and as a result, their lives
become easier.
Answer : Cause : Any man slowly started to grow food
Effect : Their Stated fives became much cahier
Signal : As a result

5). My sister was very tired because she stayed up past midnight.
Answer : Cause : my sister stayed up past midnight
Effect : she was very tired.
Signal : Because

B. Read the cause, write the effect, then write the complete sentence
using signal words. The first one has been done for you.

1) Cause: It was very windy.

Effect: All the flights were cancelled.
Sentence: It was very windy; therefore, all the flights were

2) Cause : She ate too much

effect : she threw up
Sentence : She threw up because she ate too much

3) cause : I ran out of money

effect : I can't buy some food.
sentence : I ran out of money, therefore can't buy Some Food

4) cause : He Is afraid to fly

effect : He never goes anywhere far
sentence : He is afraid to fly; therefore, he never goes anywhere

5) cause : After the car accident

effect : She Stayed in the hospital for a week
sentence : Because of the car accident, she stayed in the hospital
for a week.

C. Read the sentences and find the cause and effect. The first one has
been done for you.
1) The milk spilled al over the Floor so jane get a mop and cleaner it
cause milk spilled
Effect : jane mopped

2) siti has planned a trip to her unde's house because She loves her
cause : Siti loves her cousins.
Effect : Siti has planned a trıp to her uncle's house

3) The greenhouse gases trap the heat in the air, so the earth
becomes warmer.
cause : The greenhouse gases trap the heat in the air
effect : The earth becomes warmer

4) Because the sumatran tigers were aimost extinct, the indenesicn

governmint declared them as endangered species.
cause : The Sumatran tigers were aimost extinet
effect : The indonesianis government deciared them as
enclangered specres

5) Animals are becoming extinct because humans are moving into

their habitats
cause : Humans are moving into animals habitats.
Effect : Animals are becoming extinct.
D. Complete the cause and effect transactional conversation given below.
Use signal words like because, due to, so, therefore, the reason for,
then, etc.

A. This conversation between two friends is about the effects of

exercise on your body.
A : Hey! Why are you wearing your sports wear?

B : I am going for exercise.

A : Why? I have never seen you exercising before

B : we, of Course I'm doing exercise as I want to bet hearthy.

A : on, come one really ? I know there's something eise. so ?

B : Ehmm, ...uh fine, it's due to carol's hobby. she's So into

deing excrcise at the gym With attarctive outfit. Ifeel that

i need to accompany her so that none would tense her

A : who ? That tall carol, with her glowing body ?

B : Hmm, no Wonder.

B. Write a cause and effect conversation on forest fires in Sumatra.

A : Hey, Bito, did you see the news about the forest fire ?

B : No, not really what about It ?

A : what about it? Gee, It's In southern sumatra dude isn't your

brother working there ?

B : Yeah, he used to but he ain't there any longer because of his wife

's Inconvenience living there.

A : oh, i didn't know that.

B : well it's ok,By the way, talking about what you were asking in that area I guess,
the forest fire is inevitabIe as there have been many housing estcte cleveroper trying
to cut down trees and transforming it into a housing estate aren or tourist

A : I see , no Wonder that the reason of that fire was because of the intentional
burning who was done by one the neighbours. I saw It from the news.

B : Ah ya, that habit and routine.

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