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English speaking project notes

Which topic should I choose: sports studying and calendar holidays

About 3min
Kalbėjimas pagal nurodytą planą, kitu atveju, vertinimas nebus aukštas.
Vertinama bus
turinys (ar viskas atsakyta pagal klausimus),
žodynas (kuo įvairesni žodžiai, sinonimai, sudėtingesni žodžiai)
rišlumas (naudojimas žodžių : Firstly, secondly, besides, however ir tt)
Savo kalbėjimus turite būti paruošę Worde, kad kilus neaiškumui, interneto
trikdžiams ar klaidų aptarimui, daug paprasčiau, kai yra rašytinis variantas. Ir be to,
nesitikėkite, kad ekspromtu pavyks pakalbėti aukštam įvertinimui.  Labai retas,
kas geba be pasiruošimo kalbėti.
Pradėdami kalbėti pritatote temą
Today, I am going to talk about ... (bilieto pavadinimas)
1. Apibūdinate paveikslėlį –
In the first picture I can see/ there is (are) (2-3 sakiniais aiškiai konkrečiai
apibūdinate kas paveikslėlyje)
In the second picture.......(taip kaip ir su pirmu paveiklėliu pakalbat)
2. Apibūdinat jausmus
Judging by (sprendžiant pagal .. ir nurodot ką- veidą, juoką, reakciją)........, he/ they
look...... (excited/ nervous ...)
3. Išreiškiat savo nuomonę:
Iškart atsakot į klausimą, ką jūs manote ir KODĖL (aiškūs argumentai)
PVZ. I like the cinema because I enjoy watching films on a big screen and sound
Blogas atsakymas –I like the cinema because it is interesting.
4. Paskutiniame klausime vėl išreiškiate nuomonę su argumentais.
5. Trumpos išvados apie temą, kurią kalbėjote
In a nutshell, (visumoje) .....
pvz. Tema yra books. In a nutshell, people must read books as they expand our
knowledge and helps us relax.

~300 words
Today I’m going to talk about calendar Holidays. In the first picture, I see two aged
ladies, celebrating Christmas, wearing Christmas apparel, and about to open some
presents. In the second picture, I see two boys painting easter eggs wearing some
ordinary clothes. I think those ladies are really excited and happy because they are
smiling from ear to ear and hugging. The boys are focused on painting this egg
judging by the expressions on their faces. I appreciate a lot of calendar holidays like
Christmas easter and the impendence day because of the traditions like getting
presents, not going to school and being with your family. But with every positive,
there has to be a negative. Like a couple of traditions and holidays, that i hate are
when I get a present for Christmas I have to sing a song, recite a poem or dance.
Like, come on I have been good all year is that not enough. I like Easter because I‘m
not required to go to school but I don‘t think that easter is a good holiday because
you just celebrate eggs and after that holiday you just feel sick. When I celebrate
holidays usually me and my family go some where were we haven’t been before like
Countries, Parks and cities. So in summary I love celebrating holidays, but I think
some traditionsare nesesary.

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