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Revit Structure 2021

Some Modifying commands

Exercise 2-2
1. Start Revit 2021

2. Open the file Exercise 2-2.rvt

3. Zoom to the lower left corner of the building

4. Select the short vertical wall. Start Move command, select any point, and go
500mm to the right

5. Select the wide flange column, and rotate it 90o

6. Copy the wide flange column to the four sides of the room

7. Select the two short walls with the four columns, and mirror them using the
middle point of the long horizontal wall

8. Zoom out, until you can see the circular column. Select it

9. Start Array command, and pick Linear. Make sure that Group and Associate is
off, set the number to 5. Select Move To: 2nd. Pick the center of the column and
go to the right by 2500

10. Select the five columns from the previous step

11. Start Array command, set the number to 3, and Move To: Last, pick the center
of one of the columns, and go down by 4500

12. Zoom to the top of the building, where you can see footing at the end of the arc

13. Select the rectangle footing

14. Start Array command, but this time pick Radial. Using Options bar, locate
Center of rotation, and click Place button. Specify the center of the arc to be
the Center of rotation

15. Set the number to be 8, and Move To: Last

16. For Angle, don’t type any think, pick a point at the center of the existing footing,
and go all the way to right to end the 180o

Chapter 2: How to Draw and Modify in Revit

17. You should have the following picture

18. Save and close the file


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