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Physical education


2.Cardiorespitory endurance

3. Cardiorespiratory Endurance-is the ability of the circulatory and

respiratory systems to supply oxygen during sustained physical
activity(how long to I have to do a physical activity to work your heart) at
least 20 minutes you can do anything as long as you're physically moving

4.Flexability The ability to bend and move the joints through the full range
of motion.

5.How long do I need to stretch in order to stretch my muscle properly?

At least 30 seconds

6.Does stretching help minimize or prevent injuries? Yes

7.Does stretching help relax your body?yes

Ways to work your heart

1.You can do 20 push ups when you having nothing to do or when your just
watching tv you can just go on the ground and to some pushups that’s what
I do
2.You can go run a mile or run back and forth like the pacer that usually
gets your heart pumping and they also help you lose some weight

3.Using your jump rope for at least 20 or 30 minutes can also help you out
a lot. Boxers also use jump ropes to improve their agility because they
need to move a lot.

What is cardiovascular endurance?

Cardiovascular activity is how efficiently your heart pumps blood throughout your body
and the blood goes through the veins.And it also shows how effeinctly your blood and
lungs are working to supply oxygen and blood to working muscles during physical
activity.It shows how much you can handle because sometimes when your running
some people can handle more than others because they have more cardio endurance.

Getting in shape G.I.S

Getting in shape means different things to people for one person it might mean the ability to run
5 miles

Fitness components 1.cardiorespitory endurance 2.muscualr strength 3.muscular

endurance 4.flexibility 5.body composition\

Respiratory=being able to breathe

Endurance=being able to keep going even when it’s hard

Benefits of increasing metabolism and decreases body fat

Aero=air obic=life

The FITT Formula

F-Frequency is how often you will perform physical activities

I-Intensity is how hard you will perform that physical activity

T-Time is how long you will perform the physical activity

T-Type is the kind of physical activities you will perform to develop a fitness
component or obtain a specific benefit

15.Static stretching is held in a challenging position but comfortable

position for a period of time usually between 30 to 60 seconds.

16.Dynamic stretching is a stretch performed by moving through a

challenging but comfortable range of motion repeatedly usually 10 to 12

17.passive stretching means you’re using some sort of outside assistance

to help you achieve a stretch like a person,your body weight,strap leverage
or anything else

18.Active stretching means you’re stretching a muscle by actively

contracting the muscle in opposition to the one you’re stretching no
examples that I used for passive stretching.

19.Ligament:A short band of tough, flexible fibrous connective tissue which

connects two bones together or cartilages or holds a joint together
20.Tendon:a flexible connective tissue attaching a muscle to a bone
Muscle to bone

21.cartilage:cartilage is a flexible connective tissue that keeps joint motion

fluid by coating the surfaces of the bones in our joints and by cushioning
bones against impacts

Ligaments=bone to bone

tendons =muscle to bone

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